// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "extvalue.h" #include #include "sstringutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef NO_BARRIER #include #include #endif #ifdef MULTITHREADED #include //this lock only protects against ref.counter corruption caused by concurrent reads. //read/write conficts and nonatomicity are handled by BarrierObject (at least in theory ;-)) static pthread_mutex_t extobject_ref_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #define REF_LOCK pthread_mutex_lock(&extobject_ref_lock) #define REF_UNLOCK pthread_mutex_unlock(&extobject_ref_lock) #else #define REF_LOCK #define REF_UNLOCK #endif void ExtObject::incref() const { if (subtype & 1) { REF_LOCK; dbobject->refcount++; REF_UNLOCK; } } void ExtObject::decref() const { if (subtype & 1) { REF_LOCK; bool destroy = !--dbobject->refcount; REF_UNLOCK; //another thread can now access the object while we are deleting it //but this is not a bug since we only guarantee read/read safety if (destroy) delete dbobject; } } bool ExtObject::operator==(const ExtObject& src) const { if (object != src.object) return false; const char* n1 = interfaceName(); const char* n2 = src.interfaceName(); return (n1 == n2) || (strcmp(n1, n2) == 0); } bool ExtObject::makeUnique() { if (!(subtype & 1)) return false; if (dbobject->refcount == 1) return false; VectorObject* v = VectorObject::fromObject(*this, false); if (v) { VectorObject* n = new VectorObject; n->data.setSize(n->data.size()); for (int i = 0; i < v->data.size(); i++) { ExtValue *x = (ExtValue*)v->data(i); n->data.set(i, x ? new ExtValue(*x) : NULL); } operator=(n->makeObject()); return true; } return false; } void* ExtObject::getTarget(const char* classname, bool through_barrier, bool warn) const { if (!strcmp(interfaceName(), classname)) return getTarget(); #ifndef NO_BARRIER if (through_barrier) { BarrierObject *bo = BarrierObject::fromObject(*this); if (bo) return bo->getSourceObject().getTarget(classname, true, warn); } #endif if (warn) { logPrintf("ExtValue", "getObjectTarget", LOG_WARN, "%s object expected, %s found", classname, interfaceName()); } return NULL; } SString ExtObject::toString() const { if (isEmpty()) return SString("null"); Param tmp_param; ParamInterface *p = getParamInterface(tmp_param); int tostr = p->findId("toString"); if (tostr >= 0) { return SString(p->getString(tostr)); } else { SString tmp("<"); tmp += p->getName(); tmp += SString::sprintf(" object at %p>", object ? object : paraminterface); return tmp; } } THREAD_LOCAL_DEF(ExtObject::Serialization, ExtObject_serialization); void ExtObject::Serialization::begin() { if (level == 0) refs.clear(); level++; } int ExtObject::Serialization::add(const ExtObject &o) { if (o.isEmpty()) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < (int)refs.size(); i++) { ExtObject& r = refs[i]; if (r == o) return i; } refs.push_back(o); return -1; } void ExtObject::Serialization::replace(const ExtObject& o, const ExtObject& other) { if (o.isEmpty()) return; for (int i = 0; i < (int)refs.size(); i++) { ExtObject& r = refs[i]; if (r == o) { r = other; return; } } } void ExtObject::Serialization::remove(const ExtObject& o) { if (o.isEmpty()) return; for (int i = 0; i < (int)refs.size(); i++) { ExtObject& r = refs[i]; if (o == r) refs.erase(refs.begin() + i); } } const ExtObject* ExtObject::Serialization::get(int ref) { if (ref < 0) return NULL; if (ref >= (int)refs.size()) return NULL; return &refs[ref]; } void ExtObject::Serialization::end() { level--; if (level == 0) refs.clear(); } SString ExtObject::serialize_inner(SerializationFormat format) const { int ref = tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).add(*this); SString ret; if (ref >= 0) { switch(format) { case NativeSerialization: return SString::sprintf("^%d", ref); case JSONSerialization: return SString("null"); } } if (isEmpty()) return SString("null"); { VectorObject *vec = VectorObject::fromObject(*this, false); if (vec) { ret=vec->serialize(format); goto finally; } } { DictionaryObject *dic = DictionaryObject::fromObject(*this, false); if (dic) { ret=dic->serialize(format); goto finally; } } { Param tmp_param; ParamInterface *p = getParamInterface(tmp_param); int m = p->findId("toVector"); if (m < 0) m = p->findId("toDictionary"); if (m >= 0) { ExtObject o(p->getObject(m)); switch(format) { case NativeSerialization: ret=SString(interfaceName())+o.serialize(format); break; case JSONSerialization: ret=SString::sprintf("{\"class\":\"%s\",\"data\":%s}",interfaceName(),o.serialize(format).c_str()); break; } goto finally; } m = p->findId("toString"); if (m >= 0) { SString str = p->getString(m); sstringQuote(str); switch(format) { case NativeSerialization: ret=SString(interfaceName())+"\"" +str+"\""; break; case JSONSerialization: ret=SString::sprintf("{\"class\":\"%s\",\"data\":\"%s\"}",interfaceName(),str.c_str()); break; } goto finally; } } tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).remove(*this);//undo nonserializable reference switch(format) { case NativeSerialization: return SString(interfaceName())+SString::sprintf("<%p>",object ? object : paraminterface); break; case JSONSerialization: return SString::sprintf("{\"class\":\"%s\"}",interfaceName()); break; } finally: // not 100% "finally", the case of nonserializable reference (directly above) returns directly without going through finally switch(format) { case JSONSerialization: tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).remove(*this);//JSON only tracks recursion, does not track reuse break; } return ret; } SString ExtObject::serialize(SerializationFormat format) const { tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).begin(); SString ret = serialize_inner(format); tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).end(); return ret; } /////////////////////////////////////// SString ExtValue::typeDescription() const { switch (type) { case TInt: return SString("int"); case TDouble: return SString("float"); case TString: return SString("string"); case TUnknown: return SString("null"); case TInvalid: return SString("invalid"); case TObj: return getObject().isEmpty() ? SString("null") : SString(getObject().interfaceName()); } return SString::empty(); } SString ExtValue::typeAndValue() const { SString msg = typeDescription(); switch (type) { case TInt: case TDouble: case TString: case TObj: msg += " '"; msg += getString(); msg += "'"; default:; } return msg; } void *ExtValue::getObjectTarget(const char* classname, bool warn) const { if (type != TObj) { if (warn) { SString tmp = getString(); if (tmp.len() > 30) tmp = tmp.substr(0, 30) + "..."; if (type == TString) tmp = SString("\"") + tmp + SString("\""); logPrintf("ExtValue", "getObjectTarget", LOG_WARN, "%s object expected, %s found", classname, tmp.c_str()); } return NULL; } return getObject().getTarget(classname, true, warn); } void ExtValue::set(const ExtValue& src) { switch (src.type) { case TString: sets(src.sdata()); break; case TInt: seti(src.idata()); break; case TDouble: setd(src.ddata()); break; case TObj: seto(src.odata()); break; default:type = src.type; break; } } void ExtValue::setEmpty() { switch (type) { #ifdef EXTVALUEUNION case TString: sdata().~SString(); break; case TObj: odata().~ExtObject(); break; #else case TString: delete s; break; case TObj: delete o; break; #endif default:; } type = TUnknown; } static ExtValue::CompareResult longsign(paInt x) { if (x < 0) return ExtValue::ResultLower; if (x > 0) return ExtValue::ResultHigher; return ExtValue::ResultEqual; } static ExtValue::CompareResult compareNull(const ExtValue& v) { if (v.isNull()) return ExtValue::ResultEqualUnordered; if ((v.getType() == TInt) && (v.getInt() == 0)) return ExtValue::ResultUnequal_RelaxedEqual; return ExtValue::ResultUnequal_RelaxedUnequal; //comparing anything else with null is valid but null is neither higher nor lower than numbers or strings } static ExtValue::CompareResult compareFloat(double a, double b) { double t = a - b; if (t < 0) return ExtValue::ResultLower; else if (t > 0) return ExtValue::ResultHigher; return ExtValue::ResultEqual; } static ExtValue::CompareResult compareString(const SString &a, const SString &b) { const char* s1 = a.c_str(); const char* s2 = b.c_str(); return longsign(strcmp(s1, s2)); } ExtValue::CompareResult ExtValue::compare(const ExtValue& src) const { if (isNull()) return compareNull(src); else if (src.isNull()) return compareNull(*this); switch (type) { case TInt: if (src.getType() == TInt) { paInt t = src.getInt(); if (idata() > 0) { if (t > 0) return longsign(idata() - t); else return ResultHigher; } else { if (t <= 0) return longsign(idata() - t); else return ResultLower; } } else if (src.getType() == TDouble) return compareFloat((double)idata(), src.getDouble()); else return ResultMismatch;//comparing numbers with other things is invalid break; case TDouble: if ((src.getType() == TDouble) || (src.getType() == TInt)) return compareFloat(getDouble(), src.getDouble()); else return ResultMismatch; break; case TString: if (src.getType() == TString) return compareString(sdata(), src.getString()); else return ResultMismatch; break; case TObj: { if (src.type == TObj) return odata() == src.odata() ? ResultEqualUnordered : ResultUnequal_RelaxedUnequal; if ((src.type == TInt) && (src.getInt() == 0)) return ResultMismatch_RelaxedUnequal; return ResultMismatch; } default:; } return ResultMismatch; } const char* ExtValue::cmp_op_names[] = { "==", "!=", ">=", "<=", ">", "<", "~=", "!~", NULL }; int ExtValue::interpretCompare(CmpOperator op, CompareResult result, CmpContext *context) { CompareResult error_threshold = ResultUnequal_RelaxedEqual;//error when ResultUnequal_RelaxedEqual or higher (not comparable) int ret = 0; switch (op) { case CmpEQ: ret = (result == ResultEqual) || (result == ResultEqualUnordered); error_threshold = ResultMismatch_RelaxedUnequal; break; case CmpNE: ret = !((result == ResultEqual) || (result == ResultEqualUnordered)); error_threshold = ResultMismatch_RelaxedUnequal; break; case CmpGT: ret = (result == ResultHigher); error_threshold = ResultEqualUnordered; break; case CmpGE: ret = (result == ResultEqual) || (result == ResultHigher); error_threshold = ResultEqualUnordered; break; case CmpLT: ret = (result == ResultLower); error_threshold = ResultEqualUnordered; break; case CmpLE: ret = (result == ResultEqual) || (result == ResultLower); error_threshold = ResultEqualUnordered; break; case CmpREQ: ret = (result == ResultEqual) || (result == ResultEqualUnordered) || (result == ResultUnequal_RelaxedEqual); error_threshold = ResultMismatch; break; case CmpRNE: ret = !((result == ResultEqual) || (result == ResultEqualUnordered) || (result == ResultUnequal_RelaxedEqual)); error_threshold = ResultMismatch; break; default:; } if (result >= error_threshold) { SString msg = "Type mismatch while comparing"; if (context) { if (context->v1 && context->v2) msg += SString::sprintf(": %s %s %s", context->v1->typeAndValue().c_str(), cmp_op_names[op - CmpFIRST], context->v2->typeAndValue().c_str()); } logPrintf("ExtValue", "interpretCompare", LOG_ERROR, "%s", msg.c_str()); ret = -1; } return ret; } int ExtValue::operator==(const ExtValue& src) const { if (type != src.type) return 0; switch (type) { case TInt: return idata() == src.idata(); case TDouble: return ddata() == src.ddata(); case TString: return sdata() == src.sdata(); case TObj: return odata() == src.odata(); default:; } return 1; } void ExtValue::operator+=(const ExtValue& src) { // return = ok, break = fail switch (type) { case TInt: switch (src.getType()) { case TDouble: setDouble(double(getInt()) + src.getDouble()); return; case TString: break; default: idata() += src.getInt(); return; } break; case TDouble: switch (src.getType()) { case TString: break; default: ddata() += src.getDouble(); return; } break; case TString: sdata() += src.getString(); return; case TObj: { VectorObject *vec = VectorObject::fromObject(getObject(), false); VectorObject *vec2 = VectorObject::fromObject(src.getObject(), false); if (vec && vec2) { for (int i = 0; i < vec2->data.size(); i++) { ExtValue *s = (ExtValue*)vec2->data(i); ExtValue *d = s ? new ExtValue(*s) : NULL; vec->data += d; } return; } } //NO break; default:; } logPrintf("ExtValue", "add", LOG_ERROR, "Can't add %s to %s", src.typeAndValue().c_str(), typeAndValue().c_str()); } void ExtValue::operator-=(const ExtValue& src) { // return = ok, break = fail switch (type) { case TInt: switch (src.getType()) { case TInt: idata() -= src.getInt(); return; case TDouble: setDouble(double(getInt()) - src.getDouble()); return; default:; } break; case TDouble: switch (src.getType()) { case TDouble: case TInt: ddata() -= src.getDouble(); return; default:; } break; default:; } logPrintf("ExtValue", "subtract", LOG_ERROR, "Can't subtract %s from %s", src.typeAndValue().c_str(), typeAndValue().c_str()); } void ExtValue::operator*=(const ExtValue& src) { // return = ok, break = fail switch (type) { case TInt: switch (src.getType()) { case TInt: idata() *= src.getInt(); return; case TDouble: setDouble(double(getInt())*src.getDouble()); return; default:; } break; case TDouble: switch (src.getType()) { case TInt: case TDouble: ddata() *= src.getDouble(); return; default:; } break; case TString: switch (src.getType()) { case TInt: case TDouble: { SString t; for (int n = src.getInt(); n > 0; n--) t += getString(); setString(t); return; } default:; } break; case TObj: { VectorObject *vec = VectorObject::fromObject(getObject(), false); if (vec) { int n = src.getInt(); int orig_size = vec->data.size(); if (n <= 0) { vec->clear(); return; } for (; n > 1; n--) { for (int i = 0; i < orig_size; i++) { ExtValue *s = (ExtValue*)vec->data(i); ExtValue *d = s ? new ExtValue(*s) : NULL; vec->data += d; } } return; } } //NO break; default:; } logPrintf("ExtValue", "multiply", LOG_WARN, "Can't multiply %s by %s", typeAndValue().c_str(), src.typeAndValue().c_str()); } /*#include "fpu_control.h" #include static int fpuexception; void mathhandler(int sig) { printf("fpu exception!\n"); fpuexception=1; signal(SIGFPE,SIG_IGN); } */ void ExtValue::divInt(paInt a) { if (a) idata() /= a; else { logPrintf("ExtValue", "divide", LOG_CRITICAL, "Division by zero: %d/0", idata()); setInvalid(); } } void ExtValue::divDouble(double a) { if (a == 0.0) { logPrintf("ExtValue", "divide", LOG_CRITICAL, "Division by zero: %s/0.0", getString().c_str()); setInvalid(); } else { fpExceptDisable(); double tmp = getDouble() / a; if (!finite(tmp)) { logPrintf("ExtValue", "divide", LOG_CRITICAL, "Overflow %s/%g", getString().c_str(), a); setInvalid(); } else setDouble(tmp); // niby dobrze ale lepiej byloby to robic bardziej systematycznie a nie tylko w dzieleniu? //if (isnan(ddata())) //http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/c++/Traping_divide_by_zero_5728.html // { logPrintf("ExtValue","divide",LOG_ERROR,"not-a-number",(const char*)getString()); setInvalid(); } fpExceptEnable(); } } void ExtValue::operator/=(const ExtValue& src) { switch (type) { case TInt: switch (src.getType()) { case TInt: divInt(src.idata()); return; case TDouble: divDouble(src.ddata()); return; default:; } break; case TDouble: switch (src.getType()) { case TInt: divDouble(src.getDouble()); return; case TDouble: divDouble(src.ddata()); return; default:; } break; default:; } logPrintf("ExtValue", "divide", LOG_ERROR, "Can't divide %s by %s", typeAndValue().c_str(), src.typeAndValue().c_str()); } SString ExtValue::format(SString& fmt, const ExtValue **values, int count) { SString ret; // "..........%.........%..........%........" // ^_cur ^_next // ^^^^^^^^^^___sub // // "..........%.........%..........%........" // ^-cur ^-next // ^^^^^^^^^^___sub const char* begin = fmt.c_str(), *end = begin + fmt.len(), *curr = begin; int type = 0; class Args { const ExtValue **values; int count; int arg; public: Args(const ExtValue **v, int c) :values(v), count(c), arg(0) {} bool finished() { return arg >= count; } const ExtValue *getNext() { const ExtValue *ret = NULL; if ((arg < count) && values[arg]) ret = values[arg]; arg++; return ret; } }; Args args(values, count); while (curr < end) { const char* next = strchr(curr, '%'); if (!next) next = end; else if ((next == curr) && (curr > begin)) { next = strchr(next + 1, '%'); if (!next) next = end; } type = 0; if (curr > begin) { type = 0; for (const char* t = curr; t < next; t++) switch (*t) { case 'd': case 'x': case 'X': case 'u': case 'p': case 'c': type = 'd'; t = next; break; case 'f': case 'g': case 'e': type = 'f'; t = next; break; case 's': type = 's'; t = next; break; case 't': case 'T': type = *t; t = next; break; case '%': if (t > begin) { type = *t; t = next; } break; } } if (curr > begin) curr--; const ExtValue *a; if (args.finished() && (type != 0) && (type != '%')) { ret += fmt.substr((int)(curr - begin)); break; } SString sub = fmt.substr((int)(curr - begin), (int)(next - curr)); switch (type) { case 'd': a = args.getNext(); ret += SString::sprintf(sub.c_str(), a ? a->getInt() : 0); break; case 'f': a = args.getNext(); ret += SString::sprintf(sub.c_str(), a ? a->getDouble() : 0); break; case 's': {a = args.getNext(); SString tmp; if (a) tmp = a->getString(); ret += SString::sprintf(sub.c_str(), tmp.c_str()); } break; case 't': case 'T': { a = args.getNext(); time_t ti = a ? a->getInt() : 0; struct tm tm = Convert::localtime(ti); SString timtxt; if (type == 'T') timtxt = SString::sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", 1900 + tm.tm_year, 1 + tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec); else timtxt = Convert::asctime(tm).c_str(); ret += timtxt; ret += sub.substr(2); } break; case '%': ret += '%'; ret += sub.substr(2); break; case 0: ret += sub; break; } curr = next + 1; } return ret; } void ExtValue::operator%=(const ExtValue& src) { switch (type) { case TInt: idata() = idata() % src.getInt(); break; case TDouble: ddata() = fmod(ddata(), src.getDouble()); break; case TString: { VectorObject *vec = VectorObject::fromObject(src.getObject(), false); if (vec) sdata() = format(sdata(), (const ExtValue**)&vec->data.getref(0), vec->data.size()); else { const ExtValue *ptr = &src; sdata() = ExtValue::format(sdata(), &ptr, 1); } } break; case TObj: case TUnknown: case TInvalid: logPrintf("ExtValue", "modulo", LOG_WARN, "Can't apply modulo to %s", typeDescription().c_str()); default:; } } bool ExtValue::parseInt(const char* s, paInt &result, bool strict, bool error) { ExtValue tmp; const char* after = tmp.parseNumber(s, strict ? TInt : TUnknown); if ((after == NULL) || (after[0] != 0)) { if (error) logPrintf("ExtValue", "parseInt", LOG_ERROR, "Could not parse '%s'%s", s, strict ? " (strict)" : ""); return false; } result = tmp.getInt(); return true; } bool ExtValue::parseDouble(const char* s, double &result, bool error) { ExtValue tmp; const char* after = tmp.parseNumber(s, TDouble); if ((after == NULL) || (after[0] != 0)) { if (error) logPrintf("ExtValue", "parseDouble", LOG_ERROR, "Could not parse '%s'", s); return false; } result = tmp.getDouble(); return true; } paInt ExtValue::getInt(const char* s, bool strict) { paInt result; if (parseInt(s, result, strict, true)) return result; return 0; } double ExtValue::getDouble(const char* s) { double result; if (parseDouble(s, result, true)) return result; return 0; } paInt ExtValue::getInt() const { switch (type) { case TInt: return idata(); case TDouble: return (int)ddata(); case TString: return getInt(sdata().c_str()); case TObj: logPrintf("ExtValue", "getInt", LOG_WARN, "Getting integer value from object reference (%s)", getString().c_str()); return (paInt)(intptr_t)odata().param; default:; } return 0; } double ExtValue::getDouble() const { switch (type) { case TDouble: return ddata(); case TInt: return (double)idata(); case TString: return getDouble(sdata().c_str()); case TObj: logPrintf("ExtValue", "getDouble", LOG_WARN, "Getting floating point value from object reference (%s)", getString().c_str()); return (double)(intptr_t)odata().param; default:; } return 0.0; } SString ExtValue::getString() const { switch (type) { case TString: return sdata(); case TInt: return SString::valueOf(idata()); case TDouble: return SString::valueOf(ddata()); case TObj: return odata().toString(); case TInvalid: return SString("invalid"); default: return SString("null"); } } const SString* ExtValue::getStringPtr() const { if (type == TString) return &sdata(); return NULL; } SString ExtValue::serialize(SerializationFormat format) const { switch (type) { case TString: { SString q = sdata(); sstringQuote(q); return SString("\"") + q + SString("\""); } case TInt: return SString::valueOf(idata()); case TDouble: return SString::valueOf(ddata()); case TObj: return odata().serialize(format); case TInvalid: if (format==NativeSerialization) return SString("invalid"); // else null --v default: return SString("null"); } } /// returns the first character after the parsed number, or NULL if not a number /// @param strict_type = restrict the allowed return value (TUnknown = unrestricted) const char* ExtValue::parseNumber(const char* in, ExtPType strict_type) { char* after; if (in == NULL) return NULL; if (in[0] == 0) return NULL; while (isspace(*in)) in++; bool minus = (in[0] == '-'); bool plus = (in[0] == '+'); if (((in[0] == '0') && ((in[1] == 'x') || (in[1] == 'X'))) || (((minus || plus) && (in[1] == '0') && ((in[2] == 'x') || (in[2] == 'X'))))) { in += (minus || plus) ? 3 : 2; if (isspace(*in)) return NULL; errno = 0; unsigned long intvalue = strtoul(in, &after, 16); if ((after > in) && (errno == 0) && (intvalue <= 0xffffffff)) { if (strict_type == TDouble) setDouble(minus ? -(double)intvalue : (double)intvalue); else setInt(minus ? -intvalue : intvalue); return after; } else return NULL; } errno = 0; double fpvalue = strtod(in, &after); if ((after > in) && (errno == 0)) { if (strict_type != TDouble) { if ((memchr(in, '.', after - in) == NULL) && (memchr(in, 'e', after - in) == NULL) && (memchr(in, 'E', after - in) == NULL) // no "special" characters && (fpvalue == floor(fpvalue)) // value is integer && (fpvalue >= INT_MIN) && (fpvalue <= INT_MAX)) // within limits { setInt(fpvalue); return after; } else if (strict_type == TInt) return NULL; } setDouble(fpvalue); return after; } return NULL; } PtrListTempl &ExtValue::getDeserializableClasses() { static PtrListTempl classes; return classes; } ParamInterface *ExtValue::findDeserializableClass(const char* name) { FOREACH(ParamInterface*, cls, getDeserializableClasses()) if (!strcmp(cls->getName(), name)) return cls; return NULL; } static const char* skipWord(const char* in) { while (isalpha(*in) || (*in == '_')) in++; return in; } //returns the first character after the parsed portion or NULL if invalid format const char* ExtValue::deserialize_inner(const char* in) { const char* ret = parseNumber(in); if (ret) return ret; else if (*in == '\"') { ret = skipQuoteString(in + 1, NULL); SString s(in + 1, (int)(ret - (in + 1))); sstringUnquote(s); setString(s); if (*ret == '\"') return ret + 1; else { logPrintf("ExtValue", "deserialize", LOG_ERROR, "Missing '\"' in string: '%s'", ret); return NULL; } } else if (*in == '[') { VectorObject *vec = new VectorObject; ExtObject o(&VectorObject::par, vec); tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).add(o); const char* p = in + 1; ExtValue tmp; while (*p) { if (*p == ']') { p++; break; } ret = tmp.deserialize(p); if (ret) { vec->data += new ExtValue(tmp); p = ret; if (*p == ',') p++; else if (*p != ']') { logPrintf("ExtValue", "deserialize", LOG_ERROR, "Missing ',' in Vector: '%s'", p); return NULL; } } else { p = NULL; break; } } setObject(o); return p; } else if (*in == '{') { DictionaryObject *dic = new DictionaryObject; ExtObject o(&DictionaryObject::par, dic); tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).add(o); const char* p = in + 1; ExtValue args[2]/*={value,key}*/, dummy_ret; while (*p) { if (*p == '}') { p++; break; } ret = args[1].deserialize(p); if ((!ret) || (args[1].getType() != TString)) { p = NULL; break; } p = ret; if (*p != ':') { logPrintf("ExtValue", "deserialize", LOG_ERROR, "Missing ':' in Dictionary: '%s'", p); p = NULL; break; } p++; ret = args[0].deserialize(p); if (!ret) { p = NULL; break; } p = ret; dic->p_set(args, &dummy_ret); if (*p == ',') p++; else if (*p != '}') { logPrintf("ExtValue", "deserialize", LOG_ERROR, "Missing ',' in Dictionary: '%s'", p); return NULL; } } setObject(o); return p; } else if (!strncmp(in, "null", 4)) { setEmpty(); return in + 4; } else if (!strncmp(in, "invalid", 9)) { setInvalid(); return in + 9; } else if (*in == '<') { //unserializable object setInvalid(); while (*in) if (*in == '>') return in + 1; else in++; return in; } else if (*in == '^') { in++; ExtValue ref; ret = ref.parseNumber(in, TInt); if (ret && (ref.getType() == TInt)) { const ExtObject* o = tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).get(ref.getInt()); if (o) { setObject(*o); return ret; } } logPrintf("ExtValue", "deserialize", LOG_ERROR, "Invalid reference: '%s'", in - 1); return NULL; } else if ((ret = skipWord(in)) && (ret != in)) { SString clsname(in, (int)(ret - in)); ExtValue tmp; ret = tmp.deserialize(ret); ParamInterface *cls = findDeserializableClass(clsname.c_str()); if (cls && (tmp.getType() != TUnknown) && (tmp.getType() != TInvalid)) { VectorObject *vec = VectorObject::fromObject(tmp.getObject(), false); if (vec) { int m = cls->findId("newFromVector"); if (m >= 0) { cls->call(m, &tmp, this); tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).replace(tmp.getObject(), getObject()); return ret; } } DictionaryObject *dic = DictionaryObject::fromObject(tmp.getObject(), false); if (dic) { int m = cls->findId("newFromDictionary"); if (m >= 0) { cls->call(m, &tmp, this); tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).replace(tmp.getObject(), getObject()); return ret; } } if (tmp.getType() == TString) { int m = cls->findId("newFromString"); if (m >= 0) { cls->call(m, &tmp, this); tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).replace(tmp.getObject(), getObject()); return ret; } } tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).remove(tmp.getObject()); setEmpty(); } setEmpty(); logPrintf("ExtValue", "deserialize", LOG_WARN, "object of class \"%s\" could not be deserialized", clsname.c_str()); return ret; } logPrintf("ExtValue", "deserialize", LOG_ERROR, "Bad syntax: '%s'", in); setEmpty(); return NULL; } const char* ExtValue::deserialize(const char* in) { tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).begin(); const char* ret = deserialize_inner(in); tlsGetRef(ExtObject_serialization).end(); return ret; } ExtObject ExtValue::getObject() const { if (type == TObj) return odata(); return ExtObject(); } ExtValue ExtValue::getExtType() { static const char* typenames[] = { "null", "int", "float", "string", "", "invalid" }; if (getType() != TObj) return ExtValue(typenames[(int)getType()]); ExtObject& o = odata(); return ExtValue(SString(o.isEmpty() ? "" : o.interfaceName())); } SString SString::valueOf(const ExtValue& v) { return v.getString(); } SString SString::valueOf(const ExtObject& v) { return v.toString(); }