// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #ifndef _MUTABLEPARAM_H_ #define _MUTABLEPARAM_H_ #include "mutparamiface.h" #include #include "param.h" #include class VMachine; class VMCode; class MutableParam : public SimpleAbstractParam, public MutableParamInterface { static const int staticprops; static ParamEntry pe_tab[]; /** group #0 cannot be removed by scripting */ int persistgroup0; SString grprefix; SList entries; SList groups; int changed; ParamEntry *entry(int i) { return (i < staticprops) ? pe_tab + i : ((ParamEntry*)entries(i - staticprops)); } void *getTarget(int i) { return (i < staticprops) ? SimpleAbstractParam::getTarget(i) : (void*)entry(i)->offset; } void call(int i, ExtValue* args, ExtValue *ret); public: void clear(int everything = 0); int firstMutableIndex() { return staticprops; } SString& groupname(int g) { return *((SString*)groups(g)); } MutableParam(const char*n = 0, const char*g = 0, int gr0 = 1); void setGroupName(const SString &n, int g = 0) { groupname(g) = n; } ~MutableParam() { clear(1); } int getGroupCount() { return groups.size(); } int getPropCount() { return entries.size() + staticprops; } const char *grname(int i) { return (i >= groups.size()) ? 0 : groupname(i).c_str(); } int grmember(int g, int a); int addGroup(const SString& gname, int noprefix = 0); void removeGroup(int pos); int findGroup(const SString name, int ignoreprefix = 0); /** @param data pointer to the variable. 0 will allocate new variable @param position -1 = after the last one */ int addProperty(void* data, const char* id, const char* type, const char* name, const char* help = 0, int flags = 0, int group = 0, int position = -1); int addProperty(ParamEntry *pe, int position = -1); ParamEntry * removeProperty(ParamEntry *pe); ParamEntry * removeProperty(int i); bool changeProperty(int i, const char* id, const char* type, const char* name, const char* help, int flags, int group); void notify(int id); int setInt(int, paInt); int setDouble(int, double); int setString(int, const SString &); int setObject(int, const ExtObject &); int setExtValue(int, const ExtValue &); #define STATRICKCLASS MutableParam PARAMPROCDEF(p_clear); PARAMPROCDEF(p_addprop); PARAMPROCDEF(p_remprop); PARAMPROCDEF(p_changeprop); PARAMPROCDEF(p_addgroup); PARAMPROCDEF(p_remgroup); PARAMGETDEF(changedname) { arg1->setString(id(changed)); } #undef STATRICKCLASS }; class ParamSaver { SList store; public: virtual bool shouldLoad(ParamInterface &pi, int i) { return true; } ParamSaver() {} ParamSaver(ParamInterface &pi) { loadFrom(pi); } virtual ~ParamSaver() { clear(); } void loadFrom(ParamInterface& p); void saveTo(MutableParam& p); void clear(); }; #endif