// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "mutableparam.h" #include #define PROPERTY_WARNING "Using most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use \"property:\" or \"state:\" definitions in your script files to change object properties." #define FIELDSTRUCT MutableParam ParamEntry MutableParam::pe_tab[] = { { "_propertyClear", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Remove all properties", "p()", PROCEDURE(p_clear), PROPERTY_WARNING }, { "_propertyAdd", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Add property (id,type,name,help)", "p(s id,s type description,s name,d flags,s help text)", PROCEDURE(p_addprop), PROPERTY_WARNING }, { "_propertyRemove", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Remove property", "p(d index)", PROCEDURE(p_remprop), PROPERTY_WARNING }, { "_propertyChange", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Change property", "p(s id,s type description,s name,d flags,s help text)", PROCEDURE(p_changeprop), PROPERTY_WARNING }, { "_propertyAddGroup", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Add property group", "p(s name)", PROCEDURE(p_addgroup), PROPERTY_WARNING }, { "_propertyRemoveGroup", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Remove property group", "p(d index)", PROCEDURE(p_remgroup), PROPERTY_WARNING }, { "_propertyExists", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Check for property existence", "p d(s name)", PROCEDURE(p_exists) }, { "_property_changed_index", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN | PARAM_READONLY, "Last changed property index", "d", FIELD(changed), }, { "_property_changed_id", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN | PARAM_READONLY, "Last changed property id", "s", GETONLY(changedname), }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT const int MutableParam::staticprops = (int)std::size(pe_tab); MutableParam::MutableParam(const char*n, const char*g, int gr0) :SimpleAbstractParam(this, n), persistgroup0(gr0), grprefix(g) { if (persistgroup0) addGroup(grprefix, 1); } int MutableParam::findGroup(const SString name, int ignoreprefix) { int skipprefix = grprefix.length() ? grprefix.length() + 2 : 0; for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { if (ignoreprefix) { const char *noprefix = groupname(i).c_str(); if ((int)strlen(noprefix) < skipprefix) continue; noprefix += skipprefix; if (!strcmp(noprefix, name.c_str())) return i; } else if (groupname(i) == name) return i; } return -1; } int MutableParam::addGroup(const SString& gname, int noprefix) { SString tmp; if (noprefix) tmp = gname; else { tmp = grprefix; if (tmp.length()) tmp += ": "; tmp += gname; } groups += new SString(tmp); int position = groups.size() - 1; ongroupadd.action(position); return position; } void MutableParam::removeGroup(int g) { if ((g < 0) || (g >= MutableParam::getGroupCount())) return; ParamEntry *e; for (int i = MutableParam::getPropCount() - 1; i >= staticprops; i--) { e = entry(i); if (g == e->group) removeProperty(i); } SString *s = (SString *)groups(g); if (s) delete s; groups -= g; ongroupdelete.action(g); } int MutableParam::grmember(int g, int a) { if (g == 0) { if (getGroupCount() < 2) return (a < getPropCount()) ? a : -9999; if (a < staticprops) return a; a -= staticprops; } ParamEntry *e; for (int i = staticprops; e = entry(i); i++) if (g == e->group) if (!a--) return i; return -9999; } int MutableParam::addProperty(ParamEntry *pe, int position) { DB(printf("MutableParam::add(%s)\n", pe->id)); if (position < 0) position = entries.size() + staticprops; entries.insert(position - staticprops, pe); if (pe->offset) pe->flags &= ~MUTPARAM_ALLOCDATA; else { pe->flags |= MUTPARAM_ALLOCDATA; void *d = 0; switch (pe->type[0]) { case 'd': d = new paInt(); *((paInt*)d) = 0; break; case 'f': d = new double(); *((double*)d) = 0; break; case 's': d = new SString(); break; case 'x': d = new ExtValue(); break; case 'o': d = new ExtObject(); break; } pe->offset = (intptr_t)d; } onadd.action(position); return position; } ParamEntry * MutableParam::removeProperty(ParamEntry *pe) { int index = entries.find(pe); if (index >= 0) return removeProperty(index); else return pe; } ParamEntry * MutableParam::removeProperty(int i) { ParamEntry *pe = (ParamEntry *)entries(i - staticprops); DB(printf("MutableParam::remove(%d)\n", i)); void *d = (void*)pe->offset; if (d && (pe->flags & MUTPARAM_ALLOCDATA)) switch (pe->type[0]) { case 'd': delete (paInt*)d; break; case 'f': delete (double*)d; break; case 's': delete (SString*)d; break; case 'x': delete (ExtValue*)d; break; case 'o': delete (ExtObject*)d; break; } entries -= i - staticprops; if (pe->flags & MUTPARAM_ALLOCENTRY) { if (pe->name) free((void*)pe->name); if (pe->id) free((void*)pe->id); if (pe->help) free((void*)pe->help); if (pe->type) free((void*)pe->type); delete pe; } ondelete.action(i); return pe; } void MutableParam::clear(int everything) { DB(printf("MutableParam::clear\n")); for (int i = entries.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) removeProperty(i + staticprops); int lastgroup = (everything || (persistgroup0 == 0)) ? 0 : 1; for (int i = groups.size() - 1; i >= lastgroup; i--) removeGroup(i); } void MutableParam::p_clear(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { clear(); } int MutableParam::addProperty(void* data, const char* id, const char* type, const char* name, const char* help, int flags, int group, int position) { if ((!id) && (!type)) return -1; if (!isValidTypeDescription(type)) return -1; ParamEntry *pe = new ParamEntry(); pe->fun1 = 0; pe->fun2 = 0; pe->group = (paInt)group; pe->flags = (paInt)(flags | MUTPARAM_ALLOCENTRY); pe->offset = (intptr_t)data; pe->id = strdup(id); pe->type = strdup(type); pe->name = name ? strdup(name) : 0; pe->help = help ? strdup(help) : 0; return addProperty(pe, position); } static void changeString(const char* (&s), const char* newstr) { if ((newstr != NULL) && (newstr[0] == 0)) newstr = NULL; if ((s == NULL) && (newstr == NULL)) return; if ((s != NULL) && (newstr != NULL) && (strcmp(s, newstr) == 0)) return; if (s != NULL) { free((void*)s); s = NULL; } if (newstr != NULL) s = strdup(newstr); } bool MutableParam::changeProperty(int i, const char* id, const char* type, const char* name, const char* help, int flags, int group) { ParamEntry *pe = entry(i); if ((!id) && (!type)) return false; if (!isValidTypeDescription(type)) return false; pe->group = (paInt)group; pe->flags = (pe->flags & (MUTPARAM_ALLOCENTRY | MUTPARAM_ALLOCDATA)) | (flags & ~(MUTPARAM_ALLOCENTRY | MUTPARAM_ALLOCDATA)); changeString(pe->id, id); changeString(pe->name, name); changeString(pe->type, type); changeString(pe->help, help); onchange.action(i); return true; } void MutableParam::p_addprop(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { int i = addProperty(0, args[4].getString().c_str(), args[3].getString().c_str(), args[2].getString().c_str(), args[0].getString().c_str(), args[1].getInt()); ret->setInt(i); } void MutableParam::p_changeprop(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { int i = findId(args[4].getString().c_str()); if (i >= staticprops) { changeProperty(i, args[4].getString().c_str(), args[3].getString().c_str(), args[2].getString().c_str(), args[0].getString().c_str(), args[1].getInt(), entry(i)->group); ret->setInt(i); } else ret->setEmpty(); } void MutableParam::p_remprop(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { removeProperty(args[0].getInt()); } void MutableParam::p_addgroup(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { int i = addGroup(args[0].getString()); ret->setInt(i); } void MutableParam::p_remgroup(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { removeGroup(args[0].getInt()); } void MutableParam::p_exists(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { ret->setInt(findId(args->getString().c_str()) >= 0); } void MutableParam::notify(int id) { changed = id; onactivate.action(id); } int MutableParam::setInt(int i, paInt v) { int ret = SimpleAbstractParam::setInt(i, v); if (ret & PSET_CHANGED) notify(i); return ret; } int MutableParam::setDouble(int i, double v) { int ret = SimpleAbstractParam::setDouble(i, v); if (ret & PSET_CHANGED) notify(i); return ret; } int MutableParam::setString(int i, const SString &v) { int ret = SimpleAbstractParam::setString(i, v); if (ret & PSET_CHANGED) notify(i); return ret; } int MutableParam::setObject(int i, const ExtObject &v) { int ret = SimpleAbstractParam::setObject(i, v); if (ret & PSET_CHANGED) notify(i); return ret; } int MutableParam::setExtValue(int i, const ExtValue &v) { int ret = SimpleAbstractParam::setExtValue(i, v); if (ret & PSET_CHANGED) notify(i); return ret; } void MutableParam::call(int i, ExtValue* args, ExtValue *ret) { if (i < staticprops) return SimpleAbstractParam::call(i, args, ret); notify(i); } /////////////////// void ParamSaver::clear() { for (int i = 0; i < store.size(); i += 2) { SString *n = (SString*)store(i); ExtValue *v = (ExtValue*)store(i + 1); delete n; delete v; } store.clear(); } void ParamSaver::loadFrom(ParamInterface& p) { int N = p.getPropCount(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (shouldLoad(p, i)) { ExtValue v; p.get(i, v); store += new SString(p.id(i)); store += new ExtValue(v); } } } void ParamSaver::saveTo(MutableParam& p) { for (int i = 0; i < store.size(); i += 2) { SString *n = (SString*)store(i); int prop = p.findId(n->c_str()); if (prop < 0) prop = p.addProperty(0, n->c_str(), "x", 0, 0, 0, 0, -1); p.setExtValue(prop, *(ExtValue*)store(i + 1)); } }