// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // do not edit - generated automatically from "f0.def" // (to be included in "neurofactory.cpp") #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_StdNeuron ParamEntry NI_StdNeuron_tab []={ {"Neuron",1, 4 ,"N",}, {"in",1,0,"Inertia","f 0.0 1.0 0.8",FIELD(inertia),}, {"fo",1,0,"Force","f 0.0 999.0 0.04",FIELD(force),}, {"si",1,0,"Sigmoid","f -99999.0 99999.0 2.0",FIELD(sigmo),}, {"s",2,0,"State","f -1.0 1.0 0.0",FIELD(newstate),}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_StdUNeuron ParamEntry NI_StdUNeuron_tab []={ {"Unipolar neuron [EXPERIMENTAL!]",1, 4 ,"Nu",}, {"in",1,0,"Inertia","f 0.0 1.0 0.8",FIELD(inertia),}, {"fo",1,0,"Force","f 0.0 999.0 0.04",FIELD(force),}, {"si",1,0,"Sigmoid","f -99999.0 99999.0 2.0",FIELD(sigmo),}, {"s",2,0,"State","f -1.0 1.0 0.0",FIELD(newstate),}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_Gyro ParamEntry NI_Gyro_tab []={ {"Gyroscope",1, 0 ,"G",}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_Touch ParamEntry NI_Touch_tab []={ {"Touch",1, 1 ,"T",}, {"r",1,0,"Range","f 0.0 1.0 1.0",FIELD(range),}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_Smell ParamEntry NI_Smell_tab []={ {"Smell",1, 0 ,"S",}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_Const ParamEntry NI_Const_tab []={ {"Constant",1, 0 ,"*",}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_BendMuscle ParamEntry NI_BendMuscle_tab []={ {"Bend muscle",1, 2 ,"|",}, {"p",0,0,"power","f 0.01 1.0 0.25",FIELD(power),}, {"r",0,0,"bending range","f 0.0 1.0 1.0",FIELD(bendrange),}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_RotMuscle ParamEntry NI_RotMuscle_tab []={ {"Rotation muscle",1, 1 ,"@",}, {"p",0,0,"power","f 0.01 1.0 1.0",FIELD(power),}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_SolidMuscle ParamEntry NI_SolidMuscle_tab []={ {"Muscle for solids",1, 2 ,"M",}, {"p",0,0,"power","f 0.01 1.0 1.0",FIELD(power),}, {"a",0,0,"axis","d 0 1 0",FIELD(axis),}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_Diff ParamEntry NI_Diff_tab []={ {"Differentiate",1, 0 ,"D",}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_FuzzyNeuro ParamEntry NI_FuzzyNeuro_tab []={ {"Fuzzy system [EXPERIMENTAL!]",1, 4 ,"Fuzzy",}, {"ns",0,0,"number of fuzzy sets","d 1 ",FIELD(fuzzySetsNr),}, {"nr",0,0,"number of rules","d 1 ",FIELD(rulesNr),}, {"fs",0,0,"fuzzy sets","s 0 -1 ",FIELD(fuzzySetString),}, {"fr",0,0,"fuzzy rules","s 0 -1 ",FIELD(fuzzyRulesString),}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_Sticky ParamEntry NI_Sticky_tab []={ {"Sticky [EXPERIMENTAL!]",1, 0 ,"Sti",}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_LinearMuscle ParamEntry NI_LinearMuscle_tab []={ {"Linear muscle [EXPERIMENTAL!]",1, 1 ,"LMu",}, {"p",0,0,"power","f 0.01 1.0 1.0",FIELD(power),}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_WaterDetect ParamEntry NI_WaterDetect_tab []={ {"Water detector",1, 0 ,"Water",}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_Energy ParamEntry NI_Energy_tab []={ {"Energy level",1, 0 ,"Energy",}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_Channelize ParamEntry NI_Channelize_tab []={ {"Channelize",1, 0 ,"Ch",}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_ChMux ParamEntry NI_ChMux_tab []={ {"Channel multiplexer",1, 0 ,"ChMux",}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_ChSel ParamEntry NI_ChSel_tab []={ {"Channel selector",1, 1 ,"ChSel",}, {"ch",0,0,"channel","d ",FIELD(ch),}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_Random ParamEntry NI_Random_tab []={ {"Random noise",1, 0 ,"Rnd",}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NI_Sinus ParamEntry NI_Sinus_tab []={ {"Sinus generator",1, 2 ,"Sin",}, {"f0",0,0,"base frequency","f -1.0 1.0 0.06283185307",FIELD(f0),}, {"t",0,0,"time","f 0 6.283185307 0",FIELD(t),}, {0,0,0,},}; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define SETIMPLEMENTATION \ setImplementation("N",new NI_StdNeuron); \ setImplementation("Nu",new NI_StdUNeuron); \ setImplementation("G",new NI_Gyro); \ setImplementation("T",new NI_Touch); \ setImplementation("S",new NI_Smell); \ setImplementation("*",new NI_Const); \ setImplementation("|",new NI_BendMuscle); \ setImplementation("@",new NI_RotMuscle); \ setImplementation("M",new NI_SolidMuscle); \ setImplementation("D",new NI_Diff); \ setImplementation("Fuzzy",new NI_FuzzyNeuro); \ setImplementation("Sti",new NI_Sticky); \ setImplementation("LMu",new NI_LinearMuscle); \ setImplementation("Water",new NI_WaterDetect); \ setImplementation("Energy",new NI_Energy); \ setImplementation("Ch",new NI_Channelize); \ setImplementation("ChMux",new NI_ChMux); \ setImplementation("ChSel",new NI_ChSel); \ setImplementation("Rnd",new NI_Random); \ setImplementation("Sin",new NI_Sinus); \