// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2017 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////// MODELPARTS.CPP /////////////// #include "modelparts.h" #include "model.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include F0_DEFASSIGN_FILE #ifndef SDK_WITHOUT_FRAMS #include #endif template<> char ModelUserTags::reg[5] = { 0 }; ///////////////////////// PartBase::~PartBase() { if (mapped) delete mapped; } void PartBase::notifyMappingChange() { if (owner) owner->partmappingchanged = 1; } void PartBase::setMapping(const IRange &r) { if (mapped) (*mapped) = r; else mapped = new MultiRange(r); notifyMappingChange(); } void PartBase::clearMapping() { if (mapped) { delete mapped; mapped = 0; } } void PartBase::addMapping(const IRange &r) { if (mapped) mapped->add(r); else mapped = new MultiRange(r); notifyMappingChange(); } void PartBase::setMapping(const MultiRange &mr) { if (mapped) (*mapped) = mr; else mapped = new MultiRange(mr); notifyMappingChange(); } void PartBase::addMapping(const MultiRange &mr) { if (mapped) mapped->add(mr); else mapped = new MultiRange(mr); notifyMappingChange(); } void PartBase::setInfo(const SString& name, const SString& value) { strSetField(info, name, value); } void PartBase::setInfo(const SString& name, int value) { setInfo(name, SString::valueOf(value)); } void PartBase::setInfo(const SString& name, double value) { setInfo(name, SString::valueOf(value)); } SString PartBase::getInfo(const SString& name) { return strGetField(info, name); } ///////////////////////// NeuroClass::NeuroClass(ParamEntry *_props, SString _description, int _prefinputs, int _prefoutput, int _preflocation, int *_vectordata, bool own_vd, int vhints) :ownedvectordata(own_vd), name(_props->name), longname(_props->id), description(_description), props(_props), ownedprops(false), prefinputs(_prefinputs), prefoutput(_prefoutput), preflocation(_preflocation), vectordata(_vectordata), visualhints(vhints), impl_count(0),/*impl(0),*/active(1), genactive(0) {} NeuroClass::~NeuroClass() { setSymbolGlyph(0, 0); if (props && ownedprops) ParamObject::freeParamTab(props); } NeuroClass::NeuroClass() :ownedvectordata(0), name("Invalid"), props(empty_paramtab), ownedprops(false), prefinputs(0), prefoutput(0), preflocation(0), vectordata(0), visualhints(0), impl_count(0), /*impl(0),*/ active(1), genactive(0) {} void NeuroClass::resetActive() { for (int i = 0; i < Neuro::getClassCount(); i++) { Neuro::getClass(i)->genactive = 0; Neuro::getClass(i)->active = 1; } } void NeuroClass::setGenActive(const char* genactive_classes[]) { for (const char** n = genactive_classes; *n; n++) { NeuroClass* cls = Neuro::getClass(*n); if (cls) cls->genactive = 1; } } SString NeuroClass::getSummary() { SString t; t = getDescription(); if (t.len()) t += "\n\n"; t += "Characteristics:\n"; if (getPreferredInputs()) { if (getPreferredInputs() < 0) t += " supports any number of inputs\n"; else if (getPreferredInputs() == 1) t += " uses single input\n"; else t += SString::sprintf(" uses %d inputs\n", getPreferredInputs()); } else t += " does not use inputs\n"; if (getPreferredOutput()) t += " provides output value\n"; else t += " does not provide output value\n"; switch (getPreferredLocation()) { case 0: t += " does not require location in body\n"; break; case 1: t += " should be located on a Part\n"; break; case 2: t += " should be located on a Joint\n"; break; } Param p = getProperties(); if (p.getPropCount()) { if (t.len()) t += "\n\n"; t += "Properties:\n"; const char *h; int i; for (i = 0; i < p.getPropCount(); i++) { if (i) t += "\n"; t += " "; t += p.name(i); t += " ("; t += p.id(i); t += ") "; t += p.describeType(i); if (h = p.help(i)) if (*h) { t += " - "; t += h; } } } return t; } ///////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// Neuro::Neuro(double _state, double _inertia, double _force, double _sigmo) :PartBase(getDefaultStyle()), state(_state) #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE ,inertia(_inertia),force(_force),sigmo(_sigmo) #endif { #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE olditems=0; #endif flags = 0; myclass = 0; knownclass = 1; part_refno = -1; joint_refno = -1; } Neuro::Neuro(void) :PartBase(getDefaultStyle()) { defassign(); state = 0.0; myclass = NULL; myclassname = "N";//default d="N" but f0.def is unable to set this (d is GETSET, not a regular FIELD) knownclass = 0; refno = 0; pos = Pt3D_0; rot = Pt3D_0; parent = 0; part = 0; joint = 0; parentcount = 0; #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE olditems=0; #endif flags = 0; part_refno = -1; joint_refno = -1; } Neuro::~Neuro() { #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE if (olditems) delete olditems; #endif int i; for (i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) { NInput &ni = inputs(i); if (ni.info) delete ni.info; } } SString** Neuro::inputInfo(int i) { if (i >= getInputCount()) return 0; return &inputs(i).info; } void Neuro::setInputInfo(int i, const SString& name, const SString &value) { SString **s = inputInfo(i); if (!s) return; if (!*s) *s = new SString(); strSetField(**s, name, value); } void Neuro::setInputInfo(int i, const SString& name, int value) { setInputInfo(i, name, SString::valueOf(value)); } void Neuro::setInputInfo(int i, const SString& name, double value) { setInputInfo(i, name, SString::valueOf(value)); } SString Neuro::getInputInfo(int i) { SString **s = inputInfo(i); if (!s) return SString(); if (!*s) return SString(); return **s; } SString Neuro::getInputInfo(int i, const SString& name) { SString **s = inputInfo(i); if (!s) return SString(); if (!*s) return SString(); return strGetField(**s, name); } void Neuro::operator=(const Neuro& src) { refno = src.refno; #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE neuro_refno=-1; conn_refno=-1; force=src.force; sigmo=src.sigmo; inertia=src.inertia; weight=src.weight; olditems=0; #endif state = src.state; part_refno = -1; joint_refno = -1; pos = src.pos; rot = src.rot; parent = 0; part = 0; joint = 0; parentcount = 0; flags = 0; myclass = src.myclass; knownclass = src.knownclass; myclassname = src.myclassname; myclassparams = src.myclassparams; } void Neuro::attachToPart(int i) { attachToPart((i >= 0) ? owner->getPart(i) : 0); } void Neuro::attachToJoint(int i) { attachToJoint((i >= 0) ? owner->getJoint(i) : 0); } int Neuro::getClassCount() { return NeuroLibrary::staticlibrary.getClassCount(); } NeuroClass* Neuro::getClass(int classindex) { return NeuroLibrary::staticlibrary.getClass(classindex); } NeuroClass* Neuro::getClass(const SString& classname) { return NeuroLibrary::staticlibrary.findClass(classname); } int Neuro::getClassIndex(const NeuroClass*nc) { return NeuroLibrary::staticlibrary.classes.find((void*)nc); } NeuroClass* Neuro::getClass() { checkClass(); return myclass; } void Neuro::setClass(NeuroClass* cl) { myclass = cl; myclassname = cl->getName(); knownclass = 1; } SString Neuro::getClassName(int classindex) { NeuroClass *cl = NeuroLibrary::staticlibrary.getClass(classindex); return cl ? cl->getName() : SString(); } void Neuro::setDetails(const SString& details) { int colon = details.indexOf(':'); if (colon >= 0) { myclassname = details.substr(0, colon); myclassparams = details.substr(colon + 1); } else { myclassname = details; myclassparams = 0; } knownclass = 0; } SString Neuro::getDetails() { SString ret = getClassName(); if (myclassparams.len()) { if (!ret.len()) ret = "N"; ret += ":"; ret += myclassparams; } return ret; } void Neuro::checkClass() { if (knownclass) return; myclass = getClass(myclassname); knownclass = 1; } SyntParam Neuro::classProperties(bool handle_defaults_when_saving) { NeuroClass *cl = getClass(); ParamEntry *pe = cl ? cl->getParamTab() : emptyParamTab; return SyntParam(pe, &myclassparams, handle_defaults_when_saving); } SString Neuro::getClassName() { return myclassname; } void Neuro::setClassName(const SString& clazz) { myclassname = clazz; knownclass = 0; } int Neuro::addInput(Neuro* child, double weight, const SString *info) { inputs += NInput(child, weight, (info && (info->len())) ? new SString(*info) : 0); child->parentcount++; if (child->parentcount == 1) { child->parent = this; } return inputs.size() - 1; } int Neuro::findInput(Neuro* child) const { for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) if (inputs(i).n == child) return i; return -1; } Neuro* Neuro::getInput(int i, double &weight) const { if (i >= getInputCount()) return 0; NInput &inp = inputs(i); weight = inp.weight; return inp.n; } double Neuro::getInputWeight(int i) const { return inputs(i).weight; } void Neuro::setInputWeight(int i, double w) { inputs(i).weight = w; } void Neuro::setInput(int i, Neuro* n) { NInput &inp = inputs(i); inp.n = n; } void Neuro::setInput(int i, Neuro* n, double w) { NInput &inp = inputs(i); inp.n = n; inp.weight = w; } void Neuro::removeInput(int refno) { Neuro *child = getInput(refno); child->parentcount--; if (child->parent == this) child->parent = 0; SString *s = inputs(refno).info; if (s) delete s; inputs.remove(refno); } int Neuro::removeInput(Neuro* child) { int i = findInput(child); if (i >= 0) removeInput(i); return i; } int Neuro::getOutputsCount() const { int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < owner->getNeuroCount(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < owner->getNeuro(i)->getInputCount(); j++) c += owner->getNeuro(i)->getInput(j) == this; return c; } int Neuro::isOldEffector() { static SString bend("|"), rot("@"); return ((getClassName() == bend) || (getClassName() == rot)); } int Neuro::isOldReceptor() { static SString g("G"), t("T"), s("S"); return ((getClassName() == g) || (getClassName() == t) || (getClassName() == s)); } int Neuro::isOldNeuron() { static SString n("N"); return (getClassName() == n); } int Neuro::isNNConnection() { static SString conn("-"); return (getClassName() == conn); } int Neuro::findInputs(SList& result, const char* classname, const Part* part, const Joint* joint) const { Neuro *nu; SString cn(classname); int n0 = result.size(); for (int i = 0; nu = getInput(i); i++) { if (part) if (nu->part != part) continue; if (joint) if (nu->joint != joint) continue; if (classname) if (nu->getClassName() != cn) continue; result += (void*)nu; } return result.size() - n0; } int Neuro::findOutputs(SList& result, const char* classname, const Part* part, const Joint* joint) const { // not very efficient... Neuro *nu, *inp; SString cn(classname); SList found; int n0 = result.size(); for (int i = 0; nu = getModel().getNeuro(i); i++) { if (part) if (nu->part != part) continue; if (joint) if (nu->joint != joint) continue; if (classname) if (inp->getClassName() != cn) continue; for (int j = 0; inp = nu->getInput(j); j++) if (inp == this) { result += (void*)nu; break; } } return result.size() - n0; } void Neuro::get_inputCount(PARAMGETARGS) { ret->setInt(inputs.size()); } void Neuro::p_getInputNeuroDef(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { int i = args->getInt(); if ((i < 0) || (i >= inputs.size())) ret->setEmpty(); else ret->setObject(ExtObject(&Neuro::getStaticParam(), inputs(i).n)); } void Neuro::p_getInputWeight(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { int i = args->getInt(); if ((i < 0) || (i >= inputs.size())) ret->setEmpty(); else ret->setDouble(inputs(i).weight); } void Neuro::p_getInputNeuroIndex(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { int i = args->getInt(); if ((i < 0) || (i >= inputs.size())) ret->setInt(-1); else ret->setInt(inputs(i).n->refno); } void Neuro::get_classObject(PARAMGETARGS) { #ifndef SDK_WITHOUT_FRAMS NeuroClassExt::makeStaticObject(ret, getClass()); #endif } /////// old items #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE void OldItems::buildlist() { // guaranteed to work only for old NN layouts // (neurons,neuro connections, old receptors and effectors) if (listok) return; // inputs can contain both neuroitem connections (details="") and direct neuron references (details="N") // in OldItems we create neuroitems freom direct references for(int i=0;iisOldNeuron()) { Neuro *ni=new Neuro(); ni->setClassName("-"); ni->weight=w; ni->neuro_refno=neuro.refno; ni->conn_refno=n->refno; items+=ni; syntitems+=ni; } else { items+=n; n->weight=w; } } SList outputs; neuro.findOutputs(outputs); FOREACH(Neuro*,n,outputs) { if (n->isNNConnection() || n->isOldNeuron()) outputs-=n; } items+=outputs; listok=1; } void OldItems::freelist() { FOREACH(Neuro*,n,syntitems) delete n; syntitems.clear(); items.clear(); listok=0; } int OldItems::getItemCount() { buildlist(); return items.size(); } NeuroItem *OldItems::getNeuroItem(int i) { buildlist(); return (NeuroItem*)items(i); } NeuroItem *OldItems::addNewNeuroItem() { Neuro *nu=neuro.getModel().addNewNeuro(); nu->setClassName("-"); if (listok) items+=nu; neuro.addInput(nu); return (NeuroItem*)nu; } int OldItems::findNeuroItem(NeuroItem *ni) { buildlist(); return items.find((void*)ni); } #endif /////////////////////////////////////// SString Part::getDefaultStyle() { return SString("part"); } SString Joint::getDefaultStyle() { return SString("joint"); } /* const SString& Neuro::getDefaultStyle() {static SString s("neuro"); return s;} const SString& NeuroItem::getDefaultStyle() {static SString s("neuroitem"); return s;} */ SString Neuro::getDefaultStyle() { return SString("neuro"); } Part::Part(enum Shape s) :PartBase(getDefaultStyle()) { o = Orient_1; p = Pt3D_0; rot = Pt3D_0; flags = 0; defassign(); shape = s; mass = 1; } void Part::operator=(const Part& src) { p = src.p; o = src.o; flags = src.flags; mass = src.mass; density = src.density; friction = src.friction; ingest = src.ingest; assim = src.assim; size = src.size; rot = src.rot; refno = src.refno; vcolor = src.vcolor; vsize = src.vsize; vis_style = src.vis_style; shape = src.shape; scale = src.scale; hollow = src.hollow; } void Part::setOrient(const Orient &_o) { o = _o; rot.getAngles(o.x, o.z); } void Part::setRot(const Pt3D &r) { rot = r; o = Orient_1; o.rotate(rot); } void Part::setPositionAndRotationFromAxis(const Pt3D &p1, const Pt3D &p2) { Pt3D x = p2 - p1; Pt3D dir(x.y, x.z, x.x); p = p1 + x*0.5; rot.getAngles(x, dir); } Param& Part::getStaticParam() { static Param p(f0_part_paramtab, 0, "Part"); return p; } /////////////////////////// Joint::Joint() :PartBase(getDefaultStyle()) { rot = Pt3D_0; defassign(); d.x = JOINT_DELTA_MARKER; d.y = JOINT_DELTA_MARKER; d.z = JOINT_DELTA_MARKER; part1 = 0; part2 = 0; flags = 0; usedelta = 0; } void Joint::operator=(const Joint& src) { rot = src.rot; d = src.d; shape = src.shape; stamina = src.stamina; stif = src.stif; rotstif = src.rotstif; vis_style = src.vis_style; vcolor = src.vcolor; part1 = 0; part2 = 0; flags = src.flags; usedelta = src.usedelta; refno = src.refno; } void Joint::attachToParts(Part* p1, Part* p2) { part1 = p1; part2 = p2; if (p1 && p2) { o = rot; if (usedelta) { p1->o.transform(p2->o, o); // p2->o.x=p1->o/o.x; p2->o.y=p1->o/o.y; p2->o.z=p1->o/o.z; p2->p = p2->o.transform(d) + p1->p; } } } void Joint::attachToParts(int p1, int p2) { attachToParts((p1 >= 0) ? owner->getPart(p1) : 0, (p2 >= 0) ? owner->getPart(p2) : 0); } void Joint::resetDelta() { d = Pt3D(JOINT_DELTA_MARKER, JOINT_DELTA_MARKER, JOINT_DELTA_MARKER); } void Joint::resetDeltaMarkers() { if (d.x == JOINT_DELTA_MARKER) d.x = 0; if (d.y == JOINT_DELTA_MARKER) d.y = 0; if (d.z == JOINT_DELTA_MARKER) d.z = 0; } void Joint::useDelta(bool use) { usedelta = use; } bool Joint::isDelta() { return usedelta; } Param& Joint::getStaticParam() { static Param p(f0_joint_paramtab, 0, "Joint"); return p; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include F0_CLASSES_FILE #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE #define FIELDSTRUCT Neuro ParamEntry f0_old_neuro_tab[]= { {"Connections",2,6,"n",}, {"Other properties",}, {"p",0,0,"part ref#","d",FIELD(part_refno),}, {"j",0,0,"joint ref#","d",FIELD(joint_refno),}, {"s",1,0,"state","f",FIELD(state),}, {"in",1,0,"Inertia","f",FIELD(inertia),}, {"fo",1,0,"Force","f",FIELD(force),}, {"si",1,0,"Sigmoid","f",FIELD(sigmo),}, {0,0,0,}, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT NeuroItem ParamEntry f0_neuroitem_paramtab[]= { {"Connections",3,12,"ni",}, {"Geometry",}, {"Other",}, {"n",0,0,"neuron ref#","d",FIELD(neuro_refno),}, {"c",2,0,"connection ref#","d",FIELD(conn_refno),}, {"w",2,0,"connection weight","f",FIELD(weight),}, {"p",0,0,"part ref#","d",FIELD(part_refno),}, {"j",0,0,"joint ref#","d",FIELD(joint_refno),}, {"px",1,0,"position.x","f",FIELD(pos.x),}, {"py",1,0,"position.y","f",FIELD(pos.y),}, {"pz",1,0,"position.z","f",FIELD(pos.z),}, {"rx",1,0,"rotation.x","f",FIELD(rot.x),}, {"ry",1,0,"rotation.y","f",FIELD(rot.y),}, {"rz",1,0,"rotation.z","f",FIELD(rot.z),}, {"d",2,0,"item details","s",GETSET(details),}, {0,0,0,}, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #endif //////////////////////////////////////// ParamEntry Neuro::emptyParamTab[] = { { "Undefined Neuro", 1, 0, "?", }, { 0, 0, 0, }, }; Param Part::extraProperties() { return Param(f0_part_xtra_paramtab, this); } Param Joint::extraProperties() { return Param(f0_joint_xtra_paramtab, this); } Param Neuro::extraProperties() { return Param(f0_neuro_xtra_paramtab, this); } Param Part::properties() { return Param(f0_part_paramtab, this); } Param Joint::properties() { return Param(usedelta ? f0_joint_paramtab : f0_nodeltajoint_paramtab, this); } Param Neuro::properties() { return Param(f0_neuro_paramtab, this); } class NeuroExtParamTab : public ParamTab { public: NeuroExtParamTab() :ParamTab(f0_neuro_paramtab) { #define FIELDSTRUCT NeuroExt ParamEntry entry = { "class", 2, 0, "neuro class", "s", GETSET(neuroclass) }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT add(&entry); #define FIELDSTRUCT Neuro ParamEntry entry2 = { "state", 2, 0, "state", "f", FIELD(state) }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT add(&entry2); } }; Param& Neuro::getStaticParam() { static Param p(f0_neuro_paramtab, 0, "NeuroDef"); return p; } //////////////////////// NeuroConn::NeuroConn() { defassign(); } ////////////////////////////////////// ParamEntry *NeuroExt::getParamTab() { static NeuroExtParamTab tab; return tab.getParamTab(); } void NeuroExt::get_neuroclass(PARAMGETARGS) { ret->setString(getClassName()); } int NeuroExt::set_neuroclass(PARAMSETARGS) { setClassName(arg->getString()); return PSET_CHANGED; }