#include "modelobj.h" #include #include #include #define FIELDSTRUCT ModelObj ParamEntry modelobj_paramtab[] = { { "Model", 1, 22, "Model", }, { "se", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "startenergy", "f", FIELD(startenergy), }, { "Vstyle", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Visual style", "s", FIELD(vis_style), "See the \"Visual style definition\" context for more information"}, { "geno", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "Geno", "oGeno", GETONLY(geno), }, { "newFromString", 0, 0, "Create a new object", "p oModel(s genotype)", PROCEDURE(p_newfromstring), }, { "newFromGeno", 0, 0, "Create a new object", "p oModel(oGeno)", PROCEDURE(p_newfromgeno), }, { "newWithCheckpoints", 0, 0, "Create a new object", "p oModel(x Geno object or string genotype)", PROCEDURE(p_newwithcheckpoints), "Creates a Model with the \"Checkpoints\" option enabled. Genotype converters supporting Checkpoints provide a sequence of Models that reflects development stages of the creature (this sequence is used purely for debugging and visualization of phenotype growth/development). Checkpoint Models can be accessed using getCheckpoint(i) for i ranging from 0 to numcheckpoints-1. Models created without the Checkpoint option and Models coming from unsupported converters have numcheckpoints=0." }, { "numparts", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "Number of parts", "d", GETONLY(numparts), }, { "numjoints", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "Number of joints", "d", GETONLY(numjoints), }, { "numneurons", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "Number of neurons", "d", GETONLY(numneurons), }, { "numconnections", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "Number of neuron connections", "d", GETONLY(numconnections), }, { "is_valid", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Validity", "d 0 1", GETONLY(is_valid) }, { "getPart", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_USERHIDDEN | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "getPart (static model information)", "p oPart(d index)", PROCEDURE(p_getpart), }, { "getJoint", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_USERHIDDEN | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "getJoint (static model information)", "p oJoint(d index)", PROCEDURE(p_getjoint), }, { "getNeuroDef", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_USERHIDDEN | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "getNeuroDef", "p oNeuroDef(d index)", PROCEDURE(p_getneuro), }, { "size_x", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_DEPRECATED, "Bounding box x size", "f", FIELD(size.x), "(size_x,size_y,size_z) are dimensions of the axis-aligned bounding box of the creature, including imaginary Part sizes (Part.s, usually 1.0). A creature consisting of a single default part has the size of (2.0,2.0,2.0) - twice the Part.s value (like a sphere diameter is twice its radius).\nSee also: Creature.moveAbs" }, { "size_y", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_DEPRECATED, "Bounding box y size", "f", FIELD(size.y), "See Model.size_x" }, { "size_z", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_DEPRECATED, "Bounding box z size", "f", FIELD(size.z), "See Model.size_x" }, { "bboxSize", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Bounding box size", "oXYZ", GETONLY(bboxsize) }, { "numcheckpoints", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Number of checkpoints", "d", GETONLY(numcheckpoints) }, { "getCheckpoint", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_USERHIDDEN | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "getCheckpoint", "p oModel(d index)", PROCEDURE(p_getcheckpoint), "Checkpoint Model objects are only valid as long as the parent Model object exists.\n" "See also: Model.newWithCheckpoints()\n\n" "// incorrect usage - calling getCheckpoint() on a temporary object:\n" "var c=Model.newWithCheckpoints(\"XXX\").getCheckpoint(1).genotype.geno;\n\n" "// correct usage - keeping the parent Model reference in 'm':\n" "var m=Model.newWithCheckpoints(\"XXX\");\n" "var c=m.getCheckpoint(1).genotype.geno;\n" }, { "shape_type", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "Shape type", "d 0 3 ~Unknown~Illegal~Ball-and-stick~Solids", GETONLY(shape_type) }, { "solid_model", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "Solid shapes model", "oModel", GETONLY(solid_model), "Conversion of this Model to solid shapes. Note! Only available when this Model has shape_type==2 (Ball-and-stick)." }, { 0, 0, 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT void ModelObj::get_geno(ExtValue *ret) { Geno *g; if ((!geno.isValid()) && isValid()) g = new Geno(getF0Geno()); else g = new Geno(geno); ret->setObject(GenoObj::makeDynamicObjectAndDecRef(g)); } void ModelObj::p_newfromstring(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { *ret = makeDynamicObject(new Model(Geno(args[0].getString()), Model::SHAPETYPE_UNKNOWN)); } void ModelObj::p_newfromgeno(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Geno *g = GenoObj::fromObject(args[0].getObject()); if (g) *ret = makeDynamicObject(new Model(*g, Model::SHAPETYPE_UNKNOWN)); else ret->setEmpty(); } void ModelObj::p_newwithcheckpoints(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Model *m = NULL; if (args[0].getType() == TString) m = new Model(Geno(args[0].getString()), Model::SHAPETYPE_UNKNOWN, false, true); else { Geno *g = GenoObj::fromObject(args[0].getObject(), false); if (g) m = new Model(*g, Model::SHAPETYPE_UNKNOWN, false, true); else logPrintf("Model", "newWithCheckpoints", LOG_ERROR, "Geno or string expected, %s found", args[0].typeDescription().c_str()); } if (m != NULL) *ret = makeDynamicObject(m); else ret->setEmpty(); } Param& ModelObj::getStaticParam() { #ifdef __CODEGUARD__ static ModelObj static_modelobj; static Param static_modelparam(modelobj_paramtab, &static_modelobj); #else static Param static_modelparam(modelobj_paramtab); #endif return static_modelparam; } Param& ModelObj::getDynamicParam() { static Param dynamic_modelparam(modelobj_paramtab); return dynamic_modelparam; } ParamInterface* ModelObj::getInterface() { return &getStaticParam(); } ExtObject ModelObj::makeStaticObject(Model* m) { return ExtObject(&getStaticParam(), (void*)m); } ExtObject ModelObj::makeDynamicObject(Model* m) { return ExtObject(&getDynamicParam(), (DestrBase*)m); } Model* ModelObj::fromObject(const ExtValue& v, bool warn) { return (Model*)v.getObjectTarget(getStaticParam().getName(), warn); } void ModelObj::p_getpart(PARAMPROCARGS) { int i = args->getInt(); if ((i < 0) || (i >= getPartCount())) { ret->setEmpty(); return; } ret->setObject(ExtObject(&Part::getStaticParam(), getPart(i))); } void ModelObj::p_getjoint(PARAMPROCARGS) { int i = args->getInt(); if ((i < 0) || (i >= getJointCount())) { ret->setEmpty(); return; } ret->setObject(ExtObject(&Joint::getStaticParam(), getJoint(i))); } void ModelObj::p_getneuro(PARAMPROCARGS) { int i = args->getInt(); if ((i < 0) || (i >= getNeuroCount())) { ret->setEmpty(); return; } ret->setObject(ExtObject(&Neuro::getStaticParam(), getNeuro(i))); } void ModelObj::get_bboxsize(ExtValue *ret) { *ret = Pt3D_Ext::makeDynamicObject(new Pt3D_Ext(size)); } void ModelObj::p_getcheckpoint(PARAMPROCARGS) { int i = args->getInt(); if ((i < 0) || (i >= getCheckpointCount())) { ret->setEmpty(); return; } ret->setObject(makeStaticObject(getCheckpoint(i))); } void ModelObj::get_solid_model(ExtValue *ret) { if (getShapeType() != Model::SHAPETYPE_BALL_AND_STICK) ret->setEmpty(); Model *m = new Model; m->open(); m->buildUsingSolidShapeTypes(*this); m->close(); *ret = makeDynamicObject(m); } void ModelObj::get_shape_type(ExtValue *ret) { ret->setInt(getShapeType()); } void ModelObj::get_is_valid(ExtValue *ret) { ret->setInt(isValid()); }