// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "modelgeoclass.h" #include "modelgeometryinfo.h" #include #include #define FIELDSTRUCT ModelGeometry static ParamEntry modelgeo_paramtab[] = { { "Creature: Geometry", 1, 5, "ModelGeometry", "Approximately estimates sizes, volume, and area of a Model based on the geometry of its parts.\n" "Example usage:\n" "Simulator.print(ModelGeometry.forModel(Model.newFromString(\"//0\\np:sh=1\\n\")).area());\n\n" "ModelGeometry.geom_density refers to the global simulator parameter (also available in GUI).\n" "To set geom_density for individual ModelGeometry objects:\n" "var mg=ModelGeometry.forModel(GenePools[0][0].getModel()); mg.geom_density=2; GenePools[0][0].data->area=mg.area();\n" }, { "geom_density", 0, 0, "Density", "f 0.01 100.0 1.0", FIELD(density), "Affects the geometry calculation precision" }, //note: we used 'geom_density' instead of 'density' to make the name more unique - because sim_params merges all configuration fields in a single namespace. { "forModel", 0, PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "", "p oModelGeometry(oModel)", PROCEDURE(p_formodel), "The returned ModelGeometry object can be used to calculate geometric properties (volume, area, sizes) of the associated model. The density is copied from the current global ModelGeometry.geom_density on object creation." }, { "volume", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "volume", "p f()", PROCEDURE(p_volume), }, { "area", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "area", "p f()", PROCEDURE(p_area), }, { "sizesAndAxes", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "sizesAndAxes", "p oVector()", PROCEDURE(p_sizesandaxes), "The returned vector contains XYZ (sizes) and Orient (axes) objects." }, { 0, 0, 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT ExtObject ModelGeometry::makeDynamicObject(ModelGeometry* mg) { return ExtObject(&mg->par, mg); } ModelGeometry::ModelGeometry(ModelObj *mo) :par(modelgeo_paramtab, this) { cached_for_density = -1; //invalid value, will be updated on first request invalidateAllCached(); model = mo; if (model != NULL) model->incref(); } ModelGeometry::~ModelGeometry() { if (model != NULL) model->decref(); } // Mark all 3 results as invalid. // Validity of these 3 values must be maintained independently, // as each of them is calculated by an individual call. void ModelGeometry::invalidateAllCached() { cached_volume = -1; cached_area = -1; cached_sizes.x = -1; } // Invalidates cached results if a new density is requested // (called in all geometry calculation functions) void ModelGeometry::onDensityChanged() { if (cached_for_density != density) { invalidateAllCached(); cached_for_density = density; } } void ModelGeometry::p_formodel(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Model *m = ModelObj::fromObject(*args); if (m != NULL) { ModelGeometry *mg = new ModelGeometry((ModelObj*)m); mg->density = density; ret->setObject(ModelGeometry::makeDynamicObject(mg)); } else ret->setEmpty(); } void ModelGeometry::p_volume(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { onDensityChanged(); if (cached_volume < 0) //calculate if invalid cached_volume = ModelGeometryInfo::volume(*model, density); ret->setDouble(cached_volume); } void ModelGeometry::p_area(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { onDensityChanged(); if (cached_area < 0) //calculate if invalid cached_area = ModelGeometryInfo::area(*model, density); ret->setDouble(cached_area); } void ModelGeometry::p_sizesandaxes(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { onDensityChanged(); if (cached_sizes.x < 0) //calculate if invalid ModelGeometryInfo::findSizesAndAxes(*model, density, cached_sizes, cached_axes); VectorObject* n = new VectorObject; n->data += new ExtValue(Pt3D_Ext::makeDynamicObject(cached_sizes)); n->data += new ExtValue(Orient_Ext::makeDynamicObject(new Orient_Ext(cached_axes))); ret->setObject(n->makeObject()); }