// This file is a part of the Framsticks GDK. // Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. See LICENSE.txt for details. // Refer to http://www.framsticks.com/ for further information. #ifndef _GEOMETRYUTILS_H_ #define _GEOMETRYUTILS_H_ #include #include #include #include //binary literals standardized in C++14 #define b000 0 #define b01 1 #define b001 1 #define b10 2 #define b010 2 #define b100 4 #define b110 6 namespace CuboidFaces { enum Face { NEGATIVE_X = 0, POSITIVE_X = 1, NEGATIVE_Y = 2, POSITIVE_Y = 3, NEGATIVE_Z = 4, POSITIVE_Z = 5, FIRST = 0, NUMBER = 6 }; inline bool isPositive(Face f) { return f & b001; } inline bool isNegative(Face f) { return !isPositive(f); } inline bool isX(Face f) { return (f & b110) == b000; } inline bool isY(Face f) { return (f & b110) == b010; } inline bool isZ(Face f) { return (f & b110) == b100; } } namespace CylinderBases { enum Base { NEGATIVE_X = 0, POSITIVE_X = 1, FIRST = 0, NUMBER = 2 }; inline bool isPositive(Base b) { return b & b001; } inline bool isNegative(Base b) { return !isPositive(b); } } namespace QuadrantsXY { enum QuadrantXY { NEGATIVE_X_NEGATIVE_Y = 0, NEGATIVE_X_POSITIVE_Y = 1, POSITIVE_X_NEGATIVE_Y = 2, POSITIVE_X_POSITIVE_Y = 3, FIRST = 0, NUMBER = 4 }; inline bool isPositiveX(QuadrantXY q) { return (q & b10) != 0; } inline bool isNegativeX(QuadrantXY q) { return !isPositiveX(q); } inline bool isPositiveY(QuadrantXY q) { return q & b01; } inline bool isNegativeY(QuadrantXY q) { return !isPositiveY(q); } } namespace QuadrantsYZ { enum QuadrantYZ { NEGATIVE_Y_NEGATIVE_Z = 0, NEGATIVE_Y_POSITIVE_Z = 1, POSITIVE_Y_NEGATIVE_Z = 2, POSITIVE_Y_POSITIVE_Z = 3, FIRST = 0, NUMBER = 4 }; inline bool isPositiveY(QuadrantYZ q) { return (q & b10) != 0; } inline bool isNegativeY(QuadrantYZ q) { return !isPositiveY(q); } inline bool isPositiveZ(QuadrantYZ q) { return q & b01; } inline bool isNegativeZ(QuadrantYZ q) { return !isPositiveZ(q); } } namespace QuadrantsZX { enum QuadrantZX { NEGATIVE_Z_NEGATIVE_X = 0, NEGATIVE_Z_POSITIVE_X = 1, POSITIVE_Z_NEGATIVE_X = 2, POSITIVE_Z_POSITIVE_X = 3, FIRST = 0, NUMBER = 4 }; inline bool isPositiveZ(QuadrantZX q) { return (q & b10) != 0; } inline bool isNegativeZ(QuadrantZX q) { return !isPositiveZ(q); } inline bool isPositiveX(QuadrantZX q) { return (q & b01) != 0; } inline bool isNegativeX(QuadrantZX q) { return !isPositiveX(q); } } namespace Octants { enum Octant { NEGATIVE_X_NEGATIVE_Y_NEGATIVE_Z = 0, NEGATIVE_X_NEGATIVE_Y_POSITIVE_Z = 1, NEGATIVE_X_POSITIVE_Y_NEGATIVE_Z = 2, NEGATIVE_X_POSITIVE_Y_POSITIVE_Z = 3, POSITIVE_X_NEGATIVE_Y_NEGATIVE_Z = 4, POSITIVE_X_NEGATIVE_Y_POSITIVE_Z = 5, POSITIVE_X_POSITIVE_Y_NEGATIVE_Z = 6, POSITIVE_X_POSITIVE_Y_POSITIVE_Z = 7, FIRST = 0, NUMBER = 8 }; inline bool isPositiveX(Octant o) { return (o & b100) != 0; } inline bool isNegativeX(Octant o) { return !isPositiveX(o); } inline bool isPositiveY(Octant o) { return (o & b010) != 0; } inline bool isNegativeY(Octant o) { return !isPositiveY(o); } inline bool isPositiveZ(Octant o) { return o & b001; } inline bool isNegativeZ(Octant o) { return !isPositiveZ(o); } } namespace GeometryUtils { double pointPosition(const int pointIndex, const int numberOfPoints); double pointOnAxis(const double scale, const double position); double pointOnAxis(const double scale, const int pointIndex, const int numberOfPoints); double combination(const double value1, const double value2, const double position); double combination(const double value1, const double value2, const int pointIndex, const int numberOfPoints); bool isPointInsideModelExcludingPart(const Pt3D &point, const Model *model, const int excludedPartIndex); bool isPointInsideModel(const Pt3D &point, const Model &model); bool isPointInsidePart(const Pt3D &point, const Part *part); bool isPointStrictlyInsidePart(const Pt3D &point, const Part *part); bool isPointInsideEllipsoid(const Pt3D &point, const Part *part); bool isPointStrictlyInsideEllipsoid(const Pt3D &point, const Part *part); bool isPointInsideCuboid(const Pt3D &point, const Part *part); bool isPointStrictlyInsideCuboid(const Pt3D &point, const Part *part); bool isPointInsideCylinder(const Pt3D &point, const Part *part); bool isPointStrictlyInsideCylinder(const Pt3D &point, const Part *part); void findSizesAndAxesOfPointsGroup(SListTempl &points, Pt3D &sizes, Orient &axes); void findSizeAndAxisOfPointsGroup(const SListTempl &points, double &size, Pt3D &axis); double findTwoFurthestPoints(const SListTempl &points, int &index1, int &index2); void createAxisFromTwoPoints(Pt3D &axis, const Pt3D &point1, const Pt3D &point2); void orthographicProjectionToPlane(SListTempl &points, const Pt3D &planeNormalVector); double pointDistanceToPlane(const Pt3D &point, const Pt3D &planeNormalVector); void getRectangleApicesFromCuboid(const Part *part, const CuboidFaces::Face face, Pt3D &apex1, Pt3D &apex2, Pt3D &apex3, Pt3D &apex4); void getRectangleApices(const double width, const double height, const Pt3D &position, const Orient &orient, Pt3D &apex1, Pt3D &apex2, Pt3D &apex3, Pt3D &apex4); void getNextEllipseSegmentationPoint(const double d, const double a, const double b, double &x, double &y); double ellipsoidArea(const Pt3D &sizes); double ellipsoidArea(const double a, const double b, const double c); double ellipsePerimeter(const double a, const double b); } #endif