// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "genman.h" #include #include GEN_CONFIG_FILE //configuration of active genetic operators #include "common/log.h" #include "common/nonstd_math.h" #include "common/util-string.h" #include #define GENMAN_REPEAT_FAILED 100 //how many times GenMan tries to repeat a mutation or crossover when the operator does not return acceptable genotype #define STRINGIFY_1(x) #x #define STRINGIFY(x) STRINGIFY_1(x) //this second-level macro allows the parameter to be a macro itself and to stringify its value, not its name #define GENMAN_REPEAT_FAILED_STR STRINGIFY(GENMAN_REPEAT_FAILED) #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f0 #include "f0/f0_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f0FUZZY #include "f0/f0Fuzzy_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f1 #include "f1/f1_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f2 #include "f2/f2_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f2 #include "f3/f3_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f4 #include "f4/f4_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f5 #include "f5/f5_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f6 #include "f6/f6_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f7 #include "f7/f7_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f8 #include "f8/f8_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f9 #include "f9/f9_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fF #include "fF/fF_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fn #include "fn/fn_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fT #include "fT/fTest_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fB #include "fB/fB_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fH #include "fH/fH_oper.h" #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fL #include "fL/fL_oper.h" #endif using namespace std; //string, vector //old code needs update: //#include "gengroups.h" //extern GenGroup *listaGen; // GENGROUP(0)->l_del.add(sim->GM.onDelGen,&sim->GM); //before delete // GENGROUP(0)->l_del.remove(sim->GM.onDelGen,&sim->GM); //before delete #define FIELDSTRUCT GenMan static ParamEntry GMparam_tab[] = { { "Genetics", 1, 10, "GenMan", }, { "gen_hist", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE, "Remember history of genetic operations", "d 0 1 0", FIELD(history), "Required for phylogenetic analysis", }, { "gen_hilite", 0, 0, "Use syntax highlighting", "d 0 1 1", FIELD(hilite), "Use colors for genes?\n(slows down viewing/editing of huge genotypes)", }, { "gen_extmutinfo", 0, 0, "Extended mutation info", "d 0 2 0 ~Off~Method ID~Method description", FIELD(extmutinfo), "If active, information about employed mutation method will be stored in the 'info' field of each mutated genotype.", }, { "operReport", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE, "Operators report", "p()", PROCEDURE(p_report), "Show available genetic operators", }, { "toHTML", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE, "HTMLize a genotype", "p s(s)", PROCEDURE(p_htmlize), "returns genotype expressed as colored HTML", }, { "toHTMLshort", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE, "HTMLize a genotype, shorten if needed", "p s(s)", PROCEDURE(p_htmlizeshort), "returns genotype (abbreviated if needed) expressed as colored HTML", }, { "validate", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Validate", "p oGeno(oGeno)", PROCEDURE(p_validate), "returns validated (if possible) Geno object from supplied Geno", }, { "mutate", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Mutate", "p oGeno(oGeno)", PROCEDURE(p_mutate), "returns mutated Geno object from supplied Geno", }, { "crossOver", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Crossover", "p oGeno(oGeno,oGeno)", PROCEDURE(p_crossover), "returns crossed over genotype", }, { "getSimplest", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Get simplest genotype", "p oGeno(s format)", PROCEDURE(p_getsimplest), "returns the simplest genotype for a given encoding (format). \"0\" means f0, \"4\" means f4, etc.", }, { 0, }, }; static ParamEntry GMstats_tab[] = { { "Genetics", 1, 12, "GenManStats", "Statistics for genetic operations." }, { "gen_count", 0, PARAM_READONLY, "Number of genetic operations so far", "d", FIELD(count), "", }, { "gen_mvalid", 0, PARAM_READONLY, "Mutations valid", "d", FIELD(valid_m), "", }, { "gen_mvalidated", 0, PARAM_READONLY, "Mutations validated", "d", FIELD(validated_m), "", }, { "gen_minvalid", 0, PARAM_READONLY, "Mutations invalid", "d", FIELD(invalid_m), "couldn't be repaired", }, { "gen_mfailed", 0, PARAM_READONLY, "Mutations failed", "d", FIELD(failed_m), "couldn't be performed", }, { "gen_xovalid", 0, PARAM_READONLY, "Crossovers valid", "d", FIELD(valid_xo), "", }, { "gen_xovalidated", 0, PARAM_READONLY, "Crossovers validated", "d", FIELD(validated_xo), "", }, { "gen_xoinvalid", 0, PARAM_READONLY, "Crossovers invalid", "d", FIELD(invalid_xo), "couldn't be repaired", }, { "gen_xofailed", 0, PARAM_READONLY, "Crossovers failed", "d", FIELD(failed_xo), "couldn't be performed", }, { "gen_mutimpr", 0, PARAM_READONLY, "Mutations total effect", "f", FIELD(mutchg), "total cumulative mutation change", }, { "gen_xoimpr", 0, PARAM_READONLY, "Crossovers total effect", "f", FIELD(xochg), "total cumulative crossover change", }, { "clrstats", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE, "Clear stats and history", "p()", PROCEDURE(p_clearStats), "", }, { 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT GenMan::GenMan() : localpar(GMparam_tab, this), localstats(GMstats_tab, this), seloperpar("GenOperators", "Genetics: Active operators"), neuronsparam("Genetics: Neurons to add", "neuronsAdd", "neuadd_"), par("GenMan", "Manages various genetic operations, using appropriate operators for the argument genotype format.") { history = 0; hilite = 1; clearStats(); #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f0 oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_f0); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f0FUZZY oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_f0Fuzzy); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f1 oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_f1); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f2 oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_f2); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f3 oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_f3); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f4 oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_f4); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f5 oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_f5); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f6 oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_f6); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f7 oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_f7); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f8 oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_f8); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_f9 oper_fx_list.push_back(new GenoOper_f9); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fF oper_fx_list.push_back(new GenoOper_fF); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fn oper_fx_list.push_back(new GenoOper_fn); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fT oper_fx_list.push_back(new GenoOper_fTest); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fB oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_fB); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fH oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_fH); #endif #ifdef USE_GENMAN_fL oper_fx_list.push_back(new Geno_fL); #endif seloper = new int[oper_fx_list.size()]; //may result in a little overhead if some of the operators on the oper_fx_list concern the same genetic format int selopercount = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oper_fx_list.size(); i++) { if (operformats.find(oper_fx_list[i]->supported_format) != -1) continue; string type = string("~") + oper_fx_list[i]->name; int dup = 0; for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < oper_fx_list.size(); j++) if (oper_fx_list[i]->supported_format == oper_fx_list[j]->supported_format) { type += "~"; type += oper_fx_list[j]->name; dup++; } type = ssprintf("d 0 %d ", dup) + type; string id = ssprintf("genoper_f%c", oper_fx_list[i]->supported_format); string name = ssprintf("Operators for f%c", oper_fx_list[i]->supported_format); seloper[selopercount] = 0; operformats += oper_fx_list[i]->supported_format; //printf("%x %s %s %s\n",&seloper[selopercount],(const char*)id,(const char*)type,(const char*)name); seloperpar.addProperty(&seloper[selopercount++], id.c_str(), type.c_str(), name.c_str(), "", PARAM_READONLY*(dup == 0)); } par += &localpar; par += &seloperpar; par += &neuronsparam; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oper_fx_list.size(); i++) if (oper_fx_list[i]->par.getParamTab()) par += &oper_fx_list[i]->par; setDefaults(); //use Param to initialize all values of fields in the paramtab of this object and genetic operators on oper_fx_list } GenMan::~GenMan() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oper_fx_list.size(); i++) delete oper_fx_list[i]; delete[] seloper; } void GenMan::setDefaults() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oper_fx_list.size(); i++) { oper_fx_list[i]->par.setDefault(); oper_fx_list[i]->setDefaults(); } localpar.setDefault(); //...and we do not reset others that are linked to 'par', //because there quite a few of them, and not every of them defines defaults for each of its parameters. } int GenMan::testValidity(Geno &g, bool &canvalidate) { SString ggs = g.getGenes(); const char *gg = ggs.c_str(); GenoOperators *gf = getOper_f(g.getFormat()); int check1; if (!gf) { canvalidate = false; return GENOPER_NOOPER; } else check1 = gf->checkValidity(gg, g.getName().c_str()); if (!canvalidate) return check1; //just checking if (check1 == GENOPER_OK) { canvalidate = false; return check1; } char *g2 = strdup(gg); if (gf->validate(g2, g.getName().c_str()) == GENOPER_NOOPER) { free(g2); canvalidate = false; return check1; } if (check1 == GENOPER_NOOPER) //disaster: cannot check because there is no check operator { g.setGenesAssumingSameFormat(g2); free(g2); canvalidate = false; return GENOPER_NOOPER; } int check2 = gf->checkValidity(g2, "validated"); if (check2 == GENOPER_OK) g.setGenesAssumingSameFormat(g2); free(g2); if (check2 == GENOPER_OK) return check1; canvalidate = false; return check1; //could not validate. } int GenMan::testGenoValidity(Geno& g) { bool fix = false; switch (testValidity(g, fix)) { case GENOPER_OK: return 1; case GENOPER_NOOPER: return -1; default: return 0; } } Geno GenMan::validate(const Geno& geny) { char format = geny.getFormat(); GenoOperators *gf = getOper_f(format); if (gf == NULL) return Geno(SString::empty(), -1, SString::empty(), SString::sprintf("GENOPER_NOOPER: Validate(): don't know how to handle genetic format %c", format)); char *g2 = strdup(geny.getGenes().c_str()); //copy for validation int res = gf->validate(g2, geny.getName().c_str()); SString sg2 = g2; free(g2); if (res == GENOPER_OK) return Geno(sg2, format, geny.getName(), geny.getComment()); else return Geno(SString::empty(), -1, SString::empty(), SString::sprintf("GENOPER_NOOPER: validate() for format %c returned invalid value", format)); } Geno GenMan::mutate(const Geno& g) { float chg; //how many changes int method; //mutation method char format = g.getFormat(); GenoOperators *gf = getOper_f(format); if (gf == NULL) return Geno(SString::empty(), -1, SString::empty(), SString::sprintf("GENOPER_NOOPER: Mutate(): don't know how to handle genetic format %c", format)); Geno gv = g; bool canvalidate = true; if (testValidity(gv, canvalidate) > 0 && canvalidate == false) return Geno("", -1, "", "GENOPER_OPFAIL: Mutate(): cannot validate invalid source genotype"); bool ok = false; int pcount = count; while (!ok) { char *gn = strdup(gv.getGenes().c_str()); //copy for mutation chg = 0; if (gf->mutate(gn, chg, method) == GENOPER_OK) { LoggerToMemory eh(LoggerBase::Enable | LoggerToMemory::StoreFirstMessage); //mute testValidity() Geno G(gn, gv.getFormat(), "", ""); canvalidate = true; int res = testValidity(G, canvalidate); if (res == GENOPER_OK && canvalidate == false) { valid_m++; ok = true; } else if (res > 0 && canvalidate == false) invalid_m++; else { validated_m++; ok = true; } if (ok) gv = G; } else failed_m++; free(gn); count++; if (!ok && (count - pcount > GENMAN_REPEAT_FAILED)) { logPrintf("GenMan", "Mutate", 2, "Tried " GENMAN_REPEAT_FAILED_STR "x and failed: %s", g.getGenes().c_str()); return Geno("", -1, "", "GENOPER_OPFAIL: Mutate() tried " GENMAN_REPEAT_FAILED_STR "x and failed"); } } mutchg += chg; if (history) saveLink(g.getGenes().c_str(), "", gv.getGenes().c_str(), chg); SString mutinfo; if (extmutinfo == 0) mutinfo = SString::sprintf("%.2f%% mutation of '%s'", 100 * chg, g.getName().c_str()); else if (extmutinfo == 1) mutinfo = SString::sprintf("%.2f%% mutation(%d) of '%s'", 100 * chg, method, g.getName().c_str()); else mutinfo = SString::sprintf("%.2f%% mutation(%s) of '%s'", 100 * chg, gf->mutation_method_names ? gf->mutation_method_names[method] : "unspecified method name", g.getName().c_str()); gv.setComment(mutinfo); return gv; } Geno GenMan::crossOver(const Geno& g1, const Geno& g2) { char format = g1.getFormat(); if (format != g2.getFormat()) return Geno(SString::empty(), -1, SString::empty(), SString::sprintf("GENOPER_NOOPER: CrossOver(): does not work for parents with differing genetic formats (%c and %c)", format, g2.getFormat())); GenoOperators *gf = getOper_f(format); if (gf == NULL) return Geno(SString::empty(), -1, SString::empty(), SString::sprintf("GENOPER_NOOPER: CrossOver(): no operators found for genetic format %c", format)); Geno g1v = g1, g2v = g2; { LoggerToMemory eh(LoggerBase::Enable | LoggerToMemory::StoreFirstMessage); //mute testValidity() bool canvalidate = true; if (testValidity(g1v, canvalidate) > 0 && canvalidate == false) return Geno("", -1, "", "GENOPER_OPFAIL: CrossOver(): cannot validate invalid source genotype #1"); canvalidate = true; if (testValidity(g2v, canvalidate) > 0 && canvalidate == false) return Geno("", -1, "", "GENOPER_OPFAIL: CrossOver(): cannot validate invalid source genotype #2"); } float chg; bool ok = false; int pcount = count; while (!ok) { float chg1, chg2; char *g1n = strdup(g1.getGenes().c_str()); //copy for crossover char *g2n = strdup(g2.getGenes().c_str()); //copy for crossover chg1 = chg2 = 0; if (gf->crossOver(g1n, g2n, chg1, chg2) == GENOPER_OK) { char *gn; if (g1n[0] && g2n[0]) if (randomN(2) == 0) g1n[0] = 0; else g2n[0] = 0; //both provided? we want only one if (g1n[0]) { gn = g1n; chg = chg1; } else { gn = g2n; chg = chg2; } LoggerToMemory eh(LoggerBase::Enable | LoggerToMemory::StoreFirstMessage); //mute testValidity() Geno G(gn, g1v.getFormat(), "", ""); bool canvalidate = true; int res = testValidity(G, canvalidate); if (res == GENOPER_OK && canvalidate == false) { valid_xo++; ok = true; } else if (res > 0 && canvalidate == false) invalid_xo++; else { validated_xo++; ok = true; } if (ok) g1v = G; } else failed_xo++; free(g1n); free(g2n); count++; if (!ok && (count - pcount > GENMAN_REPEAT_FAILED)) { logPrintf("GenMan", "CrossOver", 2, "Tried " GENMAN_REPEAT_FAILED_STR "x and failed: %s and %s", g1.getGenes().c_str(), g2.getGenes().c_str()); return Geno("", -1, "", "GENOPER_OPFAIL: CrossOver() tried " GENMAN_REPEAT_FAILED_STR "x and failed"); } } // result in g1v xochg += chg; if (history) saveLink(g1.getGenes().c_str(), g2.getGenes().c_str(), g1v.getGenes().c_str(), chg); SString xoinfo = SString::sprintf("Crossing over of '%s' (%.2f%%) and '%s' (%.2f%%)", g1.getName().c_str(), 100 * chg, g2.getName().c_str(), 100 * (1 - chg)); g1v.setComment(xoinfo); return g1v; } float GenMan::similarity(const Geno& g1, const Geno& g2) { char format = g1.getFormat(); if (format != g2.getFormat()) return GENOPER_NOOPER; GenoOperators *gf = getOper_f(format); if (!gf) return GENOPER_NOOPER; else return gf->similarity(g1.getGenes().c_str(), g2.getGenes().c_str()); } uint32_t GenMan::getStyle(const char *g, const Geno *G, int pos) { char format = G->getFormat(); if (format == Geno::INVALID_FORMAT) return GENSTYLE_RGBS(64, 64, 64, 0); // gray & "valid" (unknown format so we don't know what is valid and what is not) if ((pos = G->mapStringToGen(pos)) == -1) return GENSTYLE_COMMENT; GenoOperators *gf = getOper_f(format); if (!gf) return GENSTYLE_CS(0, 0); //black & valid else return gf->style(G->getGenes().c_str(), pos); } uint32_t GenMan::getStyle(const char *g, int pos) { Geno G(g); return getStyle(g, &G, pos); } void GenMan::getFullStyle(const char *g, const Geno *G, uint32_t *styletab) { char format = G->getFormat(); if (format == Geno::INVALID_FORMAT) { for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < strlen(g); pos++) styletab[pos] = GENSTYLE_RGBS(64, 64, 64, 0); // gray & "valid" (unknown format so we don't know what is valid and what is not) return; } GenoOperators *gf = getOper_f(format); SString geny = G->getGenes(); for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < strlen(g); pos++) { int posmapped = G->mapStringToGen(pos); if (posmapped == -1) styletab[pos] = GENSTYLE_COMMENT; else if (!gf) styletab[pos] = GENSTYLE_CS(0, 0); //black & valid else styletab[pos] = gf->style(geny.c_str(), posmapped); //logPrintf("GenMan", "getFullStyle", 0, "%d char='%c' (%d) format=0x%08x", pos, g[pos], g[pos], styletab[pos]); } } void GenMan::getFullStyle(const char *g, uint32_t *styletab) { Geno G(g); getFullStyle(g, &G, styletab); } string GenMan::HTMLize(const char *g) { return HTMLize(g, false); } string GenMan::HTMLizeShort(const char *g) { return HTMLize(g, true); } string GenMan::HTMLize(const char *g, bool shorten) { char buf[50]; int len = strlen(g); int chars = 0, lines = 0; bool shortened = false; uint32_t *styletab = new uint32_t[len]; getFullStyle(g, styletab); string html = "\n
"; uint32_t prevstyle, prevcolor, style = 0, color = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (shorten && ((lines == 0 && chars > 160) || (lines > 5 || chars > 300))) { shortened = true; break; } if (g[i] == '\r') continue; if (g[i] == '\n') { html += "
\n"; lines++; continue; } chars++; prevstyle = style; prevcolor = color; style = GENGETSTYLE(styletab[i]); color = GENGETCOLOR(styletab[i]); if ((i != 0 && (color != prevcolor))) html += ""; if ((style&GENSTYLE_INVALID) != (prevstyle&GENSTYLE_INVALID)) { html += "<"; if (!(style&GENSTYLE_INVALID)) html += "/"; html += "u>"; } if ((style&GENSTYLE_BOLD) != (prevstyle&GENSTYLE_BOLD)) { html += "<"; if (!(style&GENSTYLE_BOLD)) html += "/"; html += "b>"; } if ((style&GENSTYLE_ITALIC) != (prevstyle&GENSTYLE_ITALIC)) { html += "<"; if (!(style&GENSTYLE_ITALIC)) html += "/"; html += "i>"; } if ((i == 0 || (color != prevcolor))) { sprintf(buf, "", GENGET_R(color), GENGET_G(color), GENGET_B(color)); html += buf; } if (g[i] == '<') html += "<"; else if (g[i] == '>') html += ">"; else html += g[i]; if ((i % 3) == 0 && g[i] == ' ') html += "\n"; //for readability, insert some newlines into html... } delete[] styletab; html += ""; if (shortened) html += " [etc...]"; html += "
\n"; return html; } void GenMan::p_htmlize(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { ret->setString(HTMLize(args->getString().c_str()).c_str()); } void GenMan::p_htmlizeshort(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { ret->setString(HTMLizeShort(args->getString().c_str()).c_str()); } Geno GenMan::getSimplest(char format) { GenoOperators *gf = getOper_f(format); if (!gf) return Geno(); string info = "The simplest genotype of format f"; info += format; info += " for operators '"; info += gf->name; info += "'."; return Geno(gf->getSimplest(), format, "Root", info.c_str()); } void GenMan::p_getsimplest(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { int format = GenoObj::formatFromExtValue(args[0]); if (!getOper_f(format)) ret->setEmpty(); else *ret = GenoObj::makeDynamicObjectAndDecRef(new Geno(getSimplest(format))); } const char *GenMan::getOpName(char format) { GenoOperators *gf = getOper_f(format); if (!gf) return "n/a"; else return gf->name.c_str(); } GenoOperators* GenMan::getOper_f(char format) { int ind = operformats.find(format); if (ind == -1) return NULL; int which_oper_of_format = seloper[ind]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oper_fx_list.size(); i++) if (oper_fx_list[i]->supported_format == format) if (which_oper_of_format == 0) return oper_fx_list[i]; else which_oper_of_format--; return NULL; //should never happen } void GenMan::saveLink(const string parent1, const string parent2, const string child, const float chg) { GenoLink l; l.count = count; l.parent1 = parent1; l.parent2 = parent2; l.child = child; l.chg = chg; l.fit = 0; //temporarily. Will be set when the genotype dies //logPrintf("GenMan","saveLink",0,"#%d: [%d] '%s' + '%s' -> '%s'",GenoLinkList.size(),count,parent1.c_str(),parent2.c_str(),child.c_str()); GenoLinkList.push_back(l); } void GenMan::onDelGen(void *obj, intptr_t n) { //old code needs update: // ((SpeciesList*)obj)->przyDodaniu(i); /* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GenMan *gm=(GenMan*)obj; Genotype *gt=(Genotype*)(*listaGen)(n); //there is no more "listaGen" string g=(const char*)gt->genotype.getGene(); float fit=gt->getFinalFitness(); for(int i=0;iGenoLinkList.size();i++) //find genotype if (gm->GenoLinkList[i].g1==g) {gm->GenoLinkList[i].fit=fit; break;} */ } void GenMan::clearStats() { count = 0; valid_m = valid_xo = validated_m = validated_xo = invalid_m = invalid_xo = failed_m = failed_xo = 0; mutchg = xochg = 0; GenoLinkList.clear(); } void GenMan::p_clearStats(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { clearStats(); } void GenMan::p_report(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { //should be updated to handle multiple operators for a single format char *g, *g2; float f1, f2; int m; logMessage("GenMan", "Report", 0, "The following genetic operators are available:"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oper_fx_list.size(); i++) { string l; if (oper_fx_list[i]->checkValidity("", "") != GENOPER_NOOPER) l += " checkValidity"; if (oper_fx_list[i]->getSimplest()) { g = strdup(oper_fx_list[i]->getSimplest()); g2 = strdup(g); if (oper_fx_list[i]->validate(g, "") != GENOPER_NOOPER) l += " validate"; if (oper_fx_list[i]->mutate(g, f1, m) != GENOPER_NOOPER) l += " mutate"; if (oper_fx_list[i]->crossOver(g, g2, f1, f2) != GENOPER_NOOPER) l += " crossover"; l += " getSimplest"; free(g); free(g2); } // if (oper_fx_list[i]->similarity("","")!=GENOPER_NOOPER) l+=" similarity"; logPrintf("GenMan", "Report", 0, "format f%c (%s):%s", oper_fx_list[i]->supported_format, oper_fx_list[i]->name.c_str(), l.c_str()); } } void GenMan::p_validate(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Geno *g = GenoObj::fromObject(args[0]); if (g == NULL) ret->setEmpty(); else *ret = GenoObj::makeDynamicObjectAndDecRef(new Geno(validate(*g))); } void GenMan::p_mutate(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Geno *g = GenoObj::fromObject(args[0]); if (g == NULL) ret->setEmpty(); else *ret = GenoObj::makeDynamicObjectAndDecRef(new Geno(mutate(*g))); } void GenMan::p_crossover(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Geno *g1 = GenoObj::fromObject(args[1]); Geno *g2 = GenoObj::fromObject(args[0]); if (g1 == NULL || g2 == NULL) ret->setEmpty(); else *ret = GenoObj::makeDynamicObjectAndDecRef(new Geno(crossOver(*g1, *g2))); }