// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include #include #include #include "fL_matheval.h" #include // Used available operators in MathEvaluation double madd(double left, double right) { return left + right; } double msub(double left, double right) { return left - right; } double mmul(double left, double right) { return left * right; } double mand(double left, double right) { return left && right; } double mor(double left, double right) { return left || right; } double mgreater(double left, double right) { return left > right; } double mless(double left, double right) { return left < right; } double mequal(double left, double right) { return left == right; } double mnotequal(double left, double right) { return left != right; } double meqless(double left, double right) { return left <= right; } double meqgreater(double left, double right) { return left >= right; } // Methods for converting evaluation tokens to string std::string MathEvaluation::Number::toString() { return std::string(SString::valueOf(value).c_str()); } std::string MathEvaluation::Variable::toString() { if (id == -1) return std::string(1, VARIABLEPREFIX) + "t"; return std::string(1, VARIABLEPREFIX) + std::to_string(id); } std::string MathEvaluation::Parenthesis::toString() { return ptype == ParenthesisType::OPEN ? "(" : ")"; } std::string MathEvaluation::Operator::toString() { return opname; } void MathEvaluation::Number::operator=(const Number& src) { value = src.value; } double MathEvaluation::Operator::execute(double left, double right) { return operation(left, right); } void MathEvaluation::registerOperator(double(*operation)(double left, double right), int precedence, MathEvaluation::Associativity assoc, std::string opsymbol) { operators[opsymbol] = new Operator(operation, precedence, assoc, opsymbol); operatorstrings.push_back(opsymbol); } void MathEvaluation::registerOperators() { // list of available operators in MathEvaluation registerOperator(madd, 2, Associativity::LEFT, "+"); registerOperator(msub, 2, Associativity::LEFT, "-"); registerOperator(mmul, 3, Associativity::LEFT, "*"); registerOperator(mgreater, 1, Associativity::LEFT, ">"); registerOperator(mless, 1, Associativity::LEFT, "<"); registerOperator(meqgreater, 1, Associativity::LEFT, ">="); registerOperator(meqless, 1, Associativity::LEFT, "<="); registerOperator(mequal, 1, Associativity::RIGHT, "="); registerOperator(mnotequal, 1, Associativity::RIGHT, "~"); registerOperator(mand, 0, Associativity::LEFT, "&"); registerOperator(mor, 0, Associativity::LEFT, "|"); arithmeticoperatorscount = 3; comparisonoperatorscount = 6; } void MathEvaluation::clearPostfix() { if (!postfixlist.empty()) { for (Token *el : postfixlist) { // only numbers or parenthesis should be removed - operators and // variables are removed later during destruction of the // MathEvaluation object if (el->type == TokenType::NUMBER || el->type == TokenType::PARENTHESIS) delete el; } postfixlist.clear(); } } MathEvaluation::MathEvaluation(int varcount) : varcount(varcount), vars(varcount, NULL) { registerOperators(); for (int i = 0; i < varcount; i++) { vars[i] = new Variable(i); } t = new Variable(-1); t->value = 0; } MathEvaluation::~MathEvaluation() { clearPostfix(); std::unordered_map::iterator it; for (it = operators.begin(); it != operators.end(); it++) { delete it->second; } operators.clear(); for (Variable *var : vars) { delete var; } vars.clear(); delete t; } int MathEvaluation::convertString(std::string expression) { originalexpression = expression; clearPostfix(); //clear previous objects ExtValue val; unsigned int it = 0; std::list operatorstack; // stores operators for later bool canbeunary = true; // used to determine if -/+ operators should be unary while (it < expression.size()) { bool parsenumber = false; int oplen = 2; // first method checks if 2-character operators match, then 1-character // if following letters describe variable if (expression[it] == VARIABLEPREFIX || (canbeunary && strchr("+-", expression[it]) && it + 1 < expression.size() && expression[it + 1] == VARIABLEPREFIX)) { // determine if before variable there is an unary operator '-' // if yes, the variable will be negated double mult = expression[it] == '-' ? -1 : 1; it += expression[it] == VARIABLEPREFIX ? 1 : 2; // if there is no space after '$' character, return error if (it >= expression.size()) { std::string message = "Evaluation error: Invalid variable '"; message += expression.substr(it) + "'"; logMessage("MathEvaluation", "convertString", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); while (!operatorstack.empty()) { if (operatorstack.back()->type != TokenType::OPERATOR) { delete operatorstack.back(); } operatorstack.pop_back(); } return -1; } //determine id of variable const char *ptr = expression[it] == 't' ? expression.c_str() + it + 1 : val.parseNumber(expression.c_str() + it, ExtPType::TInt); int index = expression[it] == 't' ? -1 : val.getInt(); bool invalidid = false; // if id is parsed properly if (ptr) // if current element is number, then add it to RPN { // if id is exceeding available amount of variables, then variable // is invalid if (index >= varcount) { invalidid = true; } else { Variable *v = index == -1 ? t : vars[index]; // if variable had unary '-', then is multiplied by -1 // multiplying value stored in variable would change value // in every occurrence of variable if (mult == -1) { postfixlist.push_back(new Number(-1)); postfixlist.push_back(v); postfixlist.push_back(operators["*"]); } // push pointer to a variable in order to make evaluation // reusable for other values of variables else { postfixlist.push_back(v); } int offset = ptr - (expression.c_str() + it); it += offset; // after variable there cannot be unary operator canbeunary = false; } } // if parsing of variable went wrong, then return error message if (!ptr || invalidid) { std::string message = "Evaluation error: Invalid variable '"; message += expression.substr(it) + "'"; logMessage("MathEvaluation", "convertString", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); while (!operatorstack.empty()) { if (operatorstack.back()->type != TokenType::OPERATOR) { delete operatorstack.back(); } operatorstack.pop_back(); } return -1; } } // if current characters describe operators else if ((it + 1 < expression.size() && operators.find(expression.substr(it, oplen)) != operators.end()) || operators.find(expression.substr(it, --oplen)) != operators.end()) { // if operator is + or - and from context it is known that it is // unary version of one of those operators, then move control to // number parsing if (canbeunary && strchr("+-", expression[it]) && it + 1 < expression.size() && isdigit(expression[it + 1])) { parsenumber = true; } else { // otherwise prepare pointer to a given operator Operator *newop = operators[expression.substr(it, oplen)]; bool finished = operatorstack.empty(); // before operator will be put onto the operator stack, all operators // with higher precedence than the current operator should be popped // from the stack and added to postfix list while (!finished) { Token *curr = operatorstack.back(); // when token in the operator stack is opened parenthesis, // then the process of taking operators from stack stops. if (curr->type == TokenType::PARENTHESIS) { Parenthesis *par = (Parenthesis *)curr; if (par->ptype == ParenthesisType::OPEN) { finished = true; } } else { // if current operator in stack is left-associated and // its precedence is equal or greater than precedence of // new operator than current operator is taken from stack // and added to postfixlist. If current operator is // right-associated, then its precedence must be strictly // higher than new operator precedence Operator *op = (Operator *)curr; if (newop->assoc == Associativity::LEFT && newop->precedence <= op->precedence) { postfixlist.push_back(op); operatorstack.pop_back(); } else if (newop->assoc == Associativity::RIGHT && newop->precedence < op->precedence) { postfixlist.push_back(op); operatorstack.pop_back(); } else { finished = true; } } finished = finished || operatorstack.empty(); } // after operator there cannot be unary operator - wrap it in // parenthesis canbeunary = false; // add new operator to stack operatorstack.push_back(newop); it += oplen; } } else if (expression[it] == '(' || expression[it] == ')') { // if current character is open parenthesis, then add it to // the operator stack if (expression[it] == '(') { Parenthesis *par = new Parenthesis(ParenthesisType::OPEN); // after open parenthesis there can be unary operator canbeunary = true; operatorstack.push_back(par); } else { // if current character is closed parenthesis, then all operators // are popped from stack into postfix list until first open // parenthesis is found bool finpop = false; while (!finpop) { // if there is no more operators in the stack, then parenthesis // is mismatched if (operatorstack.empty()) { logMessage("MathEvaluation", "convertString", LOG_ERROR, "Evaluation error: Parenthesis mismatch"); return -1; } Token *curr = operatorstack.back(); if (curr->type == TokenType::PARENTHESIS) { // if corresponding parenthesis is found, then opening // parenthesis is deleted and removed from stack - postfix // notation does not have parenthesis Parenthesis *par = (Parenthesis *)curr; if (par->ptype == ParenthesisType::OPEN) { delete par; operatorstack.pop_back(); finpop = true; } } else { postfixlist.push_back(curr); operatorstack.pop_back(); } } // after closed parenthesis unary operators does not exist canbeunary = false; } it++; } else if (isspace(expression[it])) // all whitespaces are skipped { it++; } else // if above conditions are not satisfied, then method assumes that { // characters describe number parsenumber = true; } if (parsenumber) { // if parsing went successfully, then push number to postfix list const char *ptr = val.parseNumber(expression.c_str() + it, ExtPType::TDouble); if (ptr) // if current element is number, then add it to RPN { Number *num = new Number(val.getDouble()); postfixlist.push_back(num); int offset = ptr - (expression.c_str() + it); it += offset; // There are no unary operators after number canbeunary = false; } else { // otherwise return error std::string message = "Evaluation error: Invalid letter '"; message += expression[it]; message += "'"; logMessage("MathEvaluation", "convertString", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); while (!operatorstack.empty()) { if (operatorstack.back()->type != TokenType::OPERATOR) { delete operatorstack.back(); } operatorstack.pop_back(); } return -1; } } } // Pop remaining operators from stack and add them to the postfix list while (!operatorstack.empty()) { Token *curr = operatorstack.back(); if (curr->type == TokenType::OPERATOR) { postfixlist.push_back(curr); operatorstack.pop_back(); } else { // if current token in the stack is open parenthesis, then mismatch // occured logMessage("MathEvaluation", "convertString", LOG_ERROR, "Evaluation error: Parenthesis mismatch"); while (!operatorstack.empty()) { if (operatorstack.back()->type != TokenType::OPERATOR) { delete operatorstack.back(); } operatorstack.pop_back(); } return -1; } } return 0; } int MathEvaluation::evaluateRPN(double &res) { // stack holds number used during operator execution std::stack numberstack; for (std::list::iterator it = postfixlist.begin(); it != postfixlist.end(); it++) { Token *tok = (*it); // if token is number or variable - add it to number stack if (tok->type == TokenType::NUMBER || tok->type == TokenType::VARIABLE) { Number *num = new Number(((Number *)tok)->value); numberstack.push(num); } else { // the token is an operator Operator *op = (Operator *)tok; // if there isn't at least 2 elements in number stack, then return error if (numberstack.size() < 2) { logMessage("MathEvaluation", "convertString", LOG_ERROR, "Evaluation error: The math expression is not complete"); while (!numberstack.empty()) { if (numberstack.top()->type == TokenType::NUMBER) delete numberstack.top(); numberstack.pop(); } return -1; } // otherwise, pop two top elements from number stack and use them // with current operator double right = numberstack.top()->value; if (numberstack.top()->type == TokenType::NUMBER) delete numberstack.top(); numberstack.pop(); double left = numberstack.top()->value; if (numberstack.top()->type == TokenType::NUMBER) delete numberstack.top(); numberstack.pop(); double result = op->execute(left, right); Number *newnum = new Number(result); // Push operation result to number stack numberstack.push(newnum); } } // in the end of processing, only 1 element should be available in number stack. // Otherwise expression was not complete and error will be returned if (numberstack.size() != 1) { logMessage("MathEvaluation", "convertString", LOG_ERROR, "Evaluation error: The math expression is not complete"); while (!numberstack.empty()) { if (numberstack.top()->type == TokenType::NUMBER) delete numberstack.top(); numberstack.pop(); } return -1; } res = numberstack.top()->value; if (numberstack.top()->type == TokenType::NUMBER) delete numberstack.top(); numberstack.pop(); return 0; } void MathEvaluation::modifyVariable(int i, double val) { if (i == -1) { t->value = val; } else { if (!vars[i]) { vars[i] = new Variable(i); } vars[i]->value = val; } } int MathEvaluation::evaluate(std::string expression, double &result) { int res = convertString(expression); if (res != 0) return res; return evaluateRPN(result); } int MathEvaluation::RPNToInfix(std::string &result) { if (postfixlist.size() == 0) { result = ""; return 0; } // stack holds stringified chunk and its precedence std::stack> chunks; // foreach token in postfix list for (Token *tok : postfixlist) { // if token is not an operator, push stringified variable or number // on top of stack if (tok->type != TokenType::OPERATOR) { // number or variable has no precedence chunks.push({ tok->toString(), -1 }); } else // if token is an operator { Operator *op = (Operator *)tok; int prec = op->precedence; // if there are not at least two stringified chunks in stack, return error if (chunks.size() < 2) { logMessage("MathEvaluation", "RPNToInfix", LOG_ERROR, "Could not convert RPN notation to infix notation"); return -1; } // pop first chunk std::pair right = chunks.top(); chunks.pop(); if (right.second != -1 && right.second < op->precedence) { // if chunk on the right of operator has lower precedence than // this operator, then wrap it with parenthesis right.first = std::string(1, '(') + right.first + std::string(1, ')'); } else if (right.second >= op->precedence) { prec = right.second; } std::pair left = chunks.top(); chunks.pop(); if (left.second != -1 && left.second < op->precedence) { // if chunk on the left of operator has lower precedence than // this operator, then wrap it with parenthesis left.first = std::string(1, '(') + left.first + std::string(1, ')'); } std::string res = left.first + op->toString() + right.first; // add summed chunk chunks.push({ res, prec }); } } // if there is more than one chunk then return error if (chunks.size() != 1) { logMessage("MathEvaluation", "RPNToInfix", LOG_ERROR, "Could not convert RPN notation to infix notation - formula is not complete"); return -1; } result = chunks.top().first; chunks.pop(); return 0; } void MathEvaluation::mutateValueOrVariable(MathEvaluation::Number *&currval, bool usetime) { if (randomN(2) == 0 && varcount > 0) // use variable { if (currval && currval->type == TokenType::NUMBER) { delete currval; } int var = randomN(varcount + (usetime ? 1 : 0)); if (varcount == var) // time is used { currval = t; } else { currval = vars[var]; } } else { if (!currval || currval->type == TokenType::VARIABLE) { currval = new Number(rnd01); } else { currval->value = rnd01; } } } MathEvaluation::Operator* MathEvaluation::getRandomOperator(int type) { // 0 for all, 1 for arithmetic only, 2 for logical only int randop = type == 2 ? arithmeticoperatorscount : 0; int count = arithmeticoperatorscount; if (type == 0) { count = operatorstrings.size(); } else if (type == 2) { count = operatorstrings.size() - arithmeticoperatorscount; } randop += randomN(count); return operators[operatorstrings[randop]]; } void MathEvaluation::mutateConditional() { if (varcount > 0) { int currsize = postfixlist.size(); int varid = randomN(varcount); postfixlist.push_back(vars[varid]); if (randomN(2) == 0 && varcount > 1) { int varid2 = randomN(varcount - 1); if (varid2 >= varid) varid2++; postfixlist.push_back(vars[varid2]); } else { Number *num = new Number(rnd01); postfixlist.push_back(num); } int opid = arithmeticoperatorscount + randomN(comparisonoperatorscount); postfixlist.push_back(operators[operatorstrings[opid]]); if (currsize > 0) { postfixlist.push_back(operators["&"]); } } } int MathEvaluation::mutate(bool logical, bool usetime) { if (postfixlist.size() == 0) { Number *val = new Number(rnd01); postfixlist.push_back(val); return -1; } int method = randomN(postfixlist.size() < MAX_MUT_FORMULA_SIZE ? MATH_MUT_COUNT : MATH_MUT_COUNT - 1); switch (method) { case MATH_MUT_INSERTION: { std::list insertpair; Number *val = NULL; mutateValueOrVariable(val, usetime); insertpair.push_back(val); std::list::iterator it = postfixlist.begin(); // insertion can be applied from 1st occurrence int insertlocation = 1 + randomN(postfixlist.size() - 1); std::advance(it, insertlocation); Operator *rndop; if (insertlocation == (int)postfixlist.size() - 1) { rndop = getRandomOperator(logical ? 2 : 1); } else { rndop = getRandomOperator(logical ? 0 : 1); } insertpair.push_back(rndop); postfixlist.insert(it, insertpair.begin(), insertpair.end()); break; } case MATH_MUT_CHANGEVAL: { std::vector::iterator> numbersineval; int id = 0; for (std::list::iterator it = postfixlist.begin(); it != postfixlist.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->type == TokenType::NUMBER || (*it)->type == TokenType::VARIABLE) { numbersineval.push_back(it); } id++; } int randid = randomN(numbersineval.size()); Number *numptr = (Number *)(*numbersineval[randid]); mutateValueOrVariable(numptr, usetime); (*numbersineval[randid]) = numptr; break; } case MATH_MUT_CHANGEOPER: { std::vector::iterator> ops; for (std::list::iterator it = postfixlist.begin(); it != postfixlist.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->type == TokenType::OPERATOR) { ops.push_back(it); } } if (ops.size() > 0) { int randid = randomN(ops.size()); Operator *rndop; if (randid == (int)ops.size() - 1) { rndop = getRandomOperator(logical ? 2 : 1); } else { rndop = getRandomOperator(logical ? 0 : 1); } (*ops[randid]) = rndop; } break; } case MATH_MUT_DELETION: { std::list::iterator it = postfixlist.begin(); std::vector::iterator> firstofpairs; while (it != postfixlist.end()) { if ((*it)->type == TokenType::NUMBER || (*it)->type == TokenType::VARIABLE) { std::list::iterator next = it; next++; if (next != postfixlist.end() && (*next)->type == TokenType::OPERATOR) { firstofpairs.push_back(it); } } it++; } if (firstofpairs.size() > 0) { int rndid = randomN(firstofpairs.size()); if ((*firstofpairs[rndid])->type == TokenType::NUMBER) { delete (*firstofpairs[rndid]); } firstofpairs[rndid] = postfixlist.erase(firstofpairs[rndid]); postfixlist.erase(firstofpairs[rndid]); } break; } } return method; } std::string MathEvaluation::getStringifiedRPN() { std::string res = ""; for (Token *el: postfixlist) { res += el->toString(); res += " "; } return res; }