// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "fH_oper.h" #include #include #include #define FIELDSTRUCT Geno_fH static ParamEntry GENOfHparam_tab[] = { { "Genetics: fH", 1, FH_OPCOUNT + FH_ADD_OPCOUNT, }, { "fH_mut_addition", 0, 0, "Add element", "f 0 1 0.3", FIELD(operations[FH_ADD]), "Probability of adding new element to genotype", }, { "fH_mut_add_joint", 0, 0, " - add joint", "f 0 1 0.33", FIELD(addoperations[FH_ADD_STICK]), "Probability of adding new stick handle", }, { "fH_mut_add_neuron", 0, 0, " - add neuron", "f 0 1 0.33", FIELD(addoperations[FH_ADD_NEURO]), "Probability of adding new neuron handle", }, { "fH_mut_add_connection", 0, 0, " - add connection", "f 0 1 0.33", FIELD(addoperations[FH_ADD_CONN]), "Probability of adding new connection handle", }, { "fH_mut_deletion", 0, 0, "Delete element", "f 0 1 0.1", FIELD(operations[FH_DEL]), "Probability of removing element from genotype", }, { "fH_mut_handle", 0, 0, "Modify vectors of handles", "f 0 1 0.3", FIELD(operations[FH_HANDLE]), "Probability of changing values in vectors of handle", }, { "fH_mut_property", 0, 0, "Modify properties of handles", "f 0 1 0.3", FIELD(operations[FH_PROP]), "Probability of changing properties of handles", }, { 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT Geno_fH::Geno_fH() { par.setParamTab(GENOfHparam_tab); par.select(this); par.setDefault(); supported_format = 'H'; } int Geno_fH::checkValidity(const char* geno, const char* genoname) { LoggerToMemory eh(LoggerBase::Enable | LoggerToMemory::StoreAllMessages, LOG_WARN); fH_Builder builder; // during parsing method tries to approximate error position int err = builder.parseGenotype(geno); if (err != 0) { return err; } if (builder.sticks.size() == 0) { return 1; } int amount = builder.removeNeuronsWithInvalidClasses(); if (amount > 0) { return 1; } return 0; } int Geno_fH::validate(char *&geno, const char *genoname) { // 'eh' variable is used for "hiding" error and warning messages generated during fH // genotype parsing LoggerToMemory eh(LoggerBase::Enable | LoggerToMemory::StoreAllMessages, LOG_WARN); fH_Builder builder; int err = builder.parseGenotype(geno); // if parsing failed, then it is impossible to repair genotype if (err != 0) { return GENOPER_OPFAIL; } // method removes definitions of neurons that have invalid genotype int amount = builder.removeNeuronsWithInvalidClasses(); // if there were any warnings, then rewrite genotype if (eh.getWarningCount() > 0 || amount > 0) { free(geno); geno = strdup(builder.toString().c_str()); } return GENOPER_OK; } int Geno_fH::crossOver(char *&g1, char *&g2, float& chg1, float& chg2) { fH_Builder *parent1 = new fH_Builder(); fH_Builder *parent2 = new fH_Builder(); // first of all, both parents need to be parsed. If parents cannot be // parsed or their dimensionality differs, then method returns GENOPER_OPFAIL if (parent1->parseGenotype(g1) != 0 || parent2->parseGenotype(g2) != 0 || parent1->dimensions != parent2->dimensions) { return GENOPER_OPFAIL; } // Builders for children are defined fH_Builder *child1 = new fH_Builder(); fH_Builder *child2 = new fH_Builder(); child1->dimensions = child2->dimensions = parent1->dimensions; // Children Params are prepared for incoming handles child1->prepareParams(); child2->prepareParams(); int child1count = 0; int child2count = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parent1->sticks.size(); i++) { if (randomN(2) == 0) { child1->sticks.push_back(parent1->sticks[i]); child1count++; } else { child2->sticks.push_back(parent1->sticks[i]); } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parent2->sticks.size(); i++) { if (randomN(2) == 0) { child1->sticks.push_back(parent2->sticks[i]); } else { child2->sticks.push_back(parent2->sticks[i]); child2count++; } } // if one of children does not have any sticks, then other child takes // everything else bool skip1 = false; bool skip2 = false; if (child1->sticks.size() == 0) skip1 = true; if (child2->sticks.size() == 0) skip2 = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parent1->neurons.size(); i++) { if ((randomN(2) == 0 || skip2) && !skip1) { child1->neurons.push_back(parent1->neurons[i]); child1count++; } else { child2->neurons.push_back(parent1->neurons[i]); } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parent2->neurons.size(); i++) { if ((randomN(2) == 0 || skip2) && !skip1) { child1->neurons.push_back(parent2->neurons[i]); } else { child2->neurons.push_back(parent2->neurons[i]); child2count++; } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parent1->connections.size(); i++) { if ((randomN(2) == 0 || skip2) && !skip1) { child1->connections.push_back(parent1->connections[i]); child1count++; } else { child2->connections.push_back(parent1->connections[i]); } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parent2->connections.size(); i++) { if ((randomN(2) == 0 || skip2) && !skip1) { child1->connections.push_back(parent2->connections[i]); } else { child2->connections.push_back(parent2->connections[i]); child2count++; } } chg1 = (float)child1count / (parent1->sticks.size() + parent1->neurons.size() + parent1->connections.size()); chg2 = (float)child2count / (parent2->sticks.size() + parent2->neurons.size() + parent2->connections.size()); free(g1); free(g2); if (skip1 && !skip2) { g1 = strdup(child2->toString().c_str()); g2 = strdup(""); } else if (!skip1 && skip2) { g1 = strdup(child1->toString().c_str()); g2 = strdup(""); } else { g1 = strdup(child1->toString().c_str()); g2 = strdup(child2->toString().c_str()); } child1->sticks.clear(); child1->neurons.clear(); child1->connections.clear(); child2->sticks.clear(); child2->neurons.clear(); child2->connections.clear(); delete parent1; delete parent2; delete child1; delete child2; return GENOPER_OK; } int Geno_fH::mutate(char *&geno, float& chg, int &method) { // method only needs to parse genotype - it won't create Model fH_Builder *creature = new fH_Builder(); if (creature->parseGenotype(geno) != 0) { return GENOPER_OPFAIL; } // used for computing chg unsigned int sumgenes = creature->sticks.size() + creature->neurons.size() + creature->connections.size(); // if there is only one element in genotype (stick), then deletion would end // up with wrong genotype. If this occurs, deletion is skipped (deletion is // last possible operation listed in #defines, so fH_OPCOUNT - 1 will skip // this mutation, and roulette method will normalize the rest of probabilities) int skipdelete = 0; if (creature->sticks.size() + creature->neurons.size() + creature->connections.size() == 1) { skipdelete = 1; } method = roulette(operations, FH_OPCOUNT - skipdelete); switch (method) { case FH_ADD: { fH_Handle *handle = NULL; method = FH_OPCOUNT + roulette(addoperations, FH_ADD_OPCOUNT); switch (method - FH_OPCOUNT) { case FH_ADD_STICK: { handle = new fH_StickHandle(creature->dimensions, 0, 0); createHandleVectors(handle, creature->stickparamtab, creature->dimensions); break; } case FH_ADD_NEURO: { handle = new fH_NeuronHandle(creature->dimensions, 0, 0); createHandleVectors(handle, creature->neuronparamtab, creature->dimensions); break; } case FH_ADD_CONN: { handle = new fH_ConnectionHandle(creature->dimensions, 0, 0); createHandleVectors(handle, creature->connectionparamtab, creature->dimensions); break; } } creature->addHandle(handle); break; } case FH_HANDLE: { ParamEntry *tab = NULL; fH_Handle *handle = NULL; getRandomHandle(creature, handle, tab, true); mutateHandleValues(handle, tab, creature->dimensions, true, false); break; } case FH_PROP: { ParamEntry *tab = NULL; fH_Handle *handle = NULL; getRandomHandle(creature, handle, tab, true); if (handle->type == fHBodyType::NEURON) { mutateNeuronHandleProperties((fH_NeuronHandle *)handle, creature->neuronparamtab); } else { mutateHandleValues(handle, tab, creature->dimensions, false, true); } break; } case FH_DEL: { ParamEntry *tab = NULL; fH_Handle *handle = NULL; int todelete = getRandomHandle(creature, handle, tab, true); switch (handle->type) { case JOINT: creature->sticks.erase(creature->sticks.begin() + todelete); break; case NEURON: creature->neurons.erase(creature->neurons.begin() + todelete); break; case CONNECTION: creature->connections.erase(creature->connections.begin() + todelete); break; } delete handle; break; } } free(geno); geno = strdup(creature->toString().c_str()); chg = (double)1.0 / sumgenes; delete creature; return GENOPER_OK; } void Geno_fH::mutateHandleValues(fH_Handle *handle, ParamEntry *tab, int dimensions, bool changedimensions, bool changeproperties) { Param par(tab, handle->obj); handle->saveProperties(par); if (changedimensions) { int i = randomN(2 * dimensions); changeDoubleProperty(i, par, handle->type); } if (changeproperties) { int i = 2 * dimensions + randomN(par.getPropCount() - 2 * dimensions); changeDoubleProperty(i, par, handle->type); } handle->loadProperties(par); //ParamObject::freeObject(obj); } void Geno_fH::createHandleVectors(fH_Handle *handle, ParamEntry *tab, int dimensions) { void *obj = ParamObject::makeObject(tab); Param par(tab, obj); par.setDefault(); double min, max, def; par.getMinMaxDouble(0, min, max, def); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { par.setDouble(i, min + rnd0N(max - min)); par.setDouble(i + dimensions, min + rnd0N(max - min)); } handle->loadProperties(par); if (handle->type != fHBodyType::NEURON) { int i = 2 * dimensions + randomN(par.getPropCount() - 2 * dimensions); changeDoubleProperty(i, par, handle->type); } else { mutateNeuronHandleProperties((fH_NeuronHandle *)handle, tab, true); } } void Geno_fH::changeDoubleProperty(int id, Param &par, fHBodyType type) { double min, max, def; if (*par.type(id) == 'f') { // need to check if property is not weight of connection if (type != fHBodyType::CONNECTION || *par.id(id) != 'w') { par.getMinMaxDouble(id, min, max, def); par.setDouble(id, mutateCreep('f', par.getDouble(id), min, max, true)); } else { // if it is weight, then method needs to use mutateNeuProperty double current = par.getDouble(id); par.setDouble(id, mutateNeuProperty(current, NULL, -1)); } } else { logMessage("Geno_fH", "changeDoubleProperty", LOG_WARN, "fH mutations are not prepared for non-double properties"); } } unsigned int Geno_fH::getRandomHandle(fH_Builder *creature, fH_Handle *&handle, ParamEntry *&tab, bool skipalonestick) { unsigned int allhandlescount = creature->connections.size() + creature->neurons.size(); if (!skipalonestick || creature->sticks.size() > 1) { allhandlescount += creature->sticks.size(); } unsigned int toselect = randomN(allhandlescount); if (toselect < creature->connections.size()) { handle = creature->connections[toselect]; tab = creature->connectionparamtab; return toselect; } else if (toselect - creature->connections.size() < creature->neurons.size()) { toselect -= creature->connections.size(); handle = creature->neurons[toselect]; tab = creature->neuronparamtab; return toselect; } toselect -= creature->connections.size() + creature->neurons.size(); handle = creature->sticks[toselect]; tab = creature->stickparamtab; return toselect; } void Geno_fH::mutateNeuronProperties(SString &det) { Neuro neu; det = det == "" ? "N" : det; neu.setDetails(det == "" ? "N" : det); SyntParam par = neu.classProperties(); if (par.getPropCount() > 0) { int i = randomN(par.getPropCount()); if (*par.type(i) == 'f') { double change = mutateNeuProperty(par.getDouble(i), &neu, 100 + i); par.setDouble(i, change); } SString line; int tmp = 0; par.update(&line); SString props; line.getNextToken(tmp, props, '\n'); // removal of newline character if (props != "") { det = neu.getClass()->name; det += ": "; det += props; } } } void Geno_fH::mutateNeuronHandleProperties(fH_NeuronHandle *handle, ParamEntry *tab, bool userandomclass) { Neuro neu; Param hpar(tab, handle->obj); SString det = hpar.getStringById("d"); neu.setDetails(det == "" ? "N" : det); NeuroClass *nc = neu.getClass(); if (userandomclass) { nc = getRandomNeuroClass(); if (!nc) nc = Neuro::getClass("N"); } det = nc->getName(); mutateNeuronProperties(det); hpar.setStringById("d", det); } //uint32_t Geno_fH::style(const char *geno, int pos) //{ // char ch = geno[pos]; // uint32_t style = GENSTYLE_CS(0, GENSTYLE_STRIKEOUT); // if (pos == 0 || geno[pos - 1] == '\n' || ch == ':') // single-character handle type and all colons // { // style = GENSTYLE_CS(GENCOLOR_TEXT, GENSTYLE_BOLD); // } // else if (isalpha(ch)) // properties name // { // style = GENSTYLE_RGBS(0, 200, 0, GENSTYLE_BOLD); // } // else if (isdigit(ch) || strchr(",.=", ch)) // properties values // { // style = GENSTYLE_CS(GENCOLOR_TEXT, GENSTYLE_NONE); // } // else if (ch == '\"') // { // style = GENSTYLE_RGBS(200, 0, 0, GENSTYLE_BOLD); // } // // return style; //} uint32_t Geno_fH::style(const char *g, int pos) { char ch=g[pos]; uint32_t style=GENSTYLE_CS(0,GENSTYLE_NONE); //default, should be changed below int pp=pos; //detect comment line while (pp>1 && g[pp-1]!='\n') pp--; if (g[pp]=='#') return GENSTYLE_RGBS(0,220,0,GENSTYLE_NONE); //comment line if (pos==0 || g[pos-1]=='\n' || ch==':' || ch==',') style=GENSTYLE_CS(0,GENSTYLE_BOLD); else if (ch=='\"') style=GENSTYLE_RGBS(150,0,0,GENSTYLE_BOLD); else { int cudz=0,neuclass=1; //ile cudz. do poczatku linii; czy w nazwie neuroklasy? while (pos>0) { pos--; if (g[pos]=='\"') cudz++; if (cudz==0 && (g[pos]==':' || g[pos]==',')) neuclass=0; if (g[pos]=='\n') break; } if (cudz%2) { if (neuclass) style=GENSTYLE_RGBS(150,0,150,GENSTYLE_BOLD); else //neuroclass if (isalpha(ch)) style=GENSTYLE_RGBS(255,140,0,GENSTYLE_BOLD); else //property style=GENSTYLE_RGBS(200,0,0,GENSTYLE_NONE); } else if (isalpha(ch)) style=GENSTYLE_RGBS(0,0,200,GENSTYLE_BOLD); } return style; }