#include #include #include #include #include #include "fH_general.h" using namespace std; #undef max //this macro is not needed here and it clashes with numeric_limits<>::max() // Methods for loading handles const char *fH_part_names[PART_PROPS_COUNT] = { "dn", "fr", "ing", "as" }; const char *fH_joint_names[JOINT_PROPS_COUNT] = { "stif", "rotstif", "stam" }; void fH_Handle::loadProperties(Param par) { // loading values for vectors for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { first[i] = par.getDouble(i); second[i] = par.getDouble(dimensions + i); } obj = par.getSelected(); } void fH_Builder::addHandle(fH_Handle *handle) { switch (handle->type) { case fHBodyType::JOINT: sticks.push_back((fH_StickHandle*)handle); break; case fHBodyType::NEURON: neurons.push_back((fH_NeuronHandle*)handle); break; case fHBodyType::CONNECTION: connections.push_back((fH_ConnectionHandle*)handle); break; } } // Methods for saving properties of handles in params void fH_Handle::saveProperties(Param &par) { par.select(obj); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { par.setDouble(i, first[i]); par.setDouble(dimensions + i, second[i]); } } // Destructor of Builder fH_Builder::~fH_Builder() { for (fH_StickHandle *obj : sticks) { delete obj; } sticks.clear(); for (fH_NeuronHandle *obj : neurons) { delete obj; } neurons.clear(); for (fH_ConnectionHandle *obj : connections) { delete obj; } connections.clear(); if (stickparamtab) ParamObject::freeParamTab(stickparamtab); if (neuronparamtab) ParamObject::freeParamTab(neuronparamtab); if (connectionparamtab) ParamObject::freeParamTab(connectionparamtab); } // Methods for parsing genotype void fH_Builder::prepareParams() { for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) // preparing first vector fields { string x = "x"; x += to_string(i); stickmut.addProperty(NULL, x.c_str(), HANDLE_VECTOR_TYPE, x.c_str(), "", PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); neuronmut.addProperty(NULL, x.c_str(), HANDLE_VECTOR_TYPE, x.c_str(), "", PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); connectionmut.addProperty(NULL, x.c_str(), HANDLE_VECTOR_TYPE, x.c_str(), "", PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); } for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) // preparing second vector fields { string y = "y"; y += to_string(i); stickmut.addProperty(NULL, y.c_str(), HANDLE_VECTOR_TYPE, y.c_str(), "", PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); neuronmut.addProperty(NULL, y.c_str(), HANDLE_VECTOR_TYPE, y.c_str(), "", PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); connectionmut.addProperty(NULL, y.c_str(), HANDLE_VECTOR_TYPE, y.c_str(), "", PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); } Part p; for (int i = 0; i < PART_PROPS_COUNT; i++) { stickmut.addProperty(&p.properties().getParamTab()[p.properties().findId(fH_part_names[i]) + p.properties().getGroupCount()], -1); } Joint j; for (int i = 0; i < JOINT_PROPS_COUNT; i++) { stickmut.addProperty(&j.properties().getParamTab()[j.properties().findId(fH_joint_names[i]) + j.properties().getGroupCount()], -1); } stickmut.addProperty(NULL, "l", STICKH_LENGTH_TYPE, "length", "", 0, 0, -1); Neuro n; neuronmut.addProperty(&n.properties().getParamTab()[n.properties().findId(PE_NEURO_DET) + n.properties().getGroupCount()], -1); Param tmp(f0_neuroconn_paramtab, NULL); connectionmut.addProperty(&tmp.getParamTab()[tmp.findId(PE_CONN_WEIGHT) + tmp.getGroupCount()], -1); stickparamtab = ParamObject::makeParamTab((ParamInterface *)&stickmut, 0, 0, stickmut.firstMutableIndex()); neuronparamtab = ParamObject::makeParamTab((ParamInterface *)&neuronmut, 0, 0, neuronmut.firstMutableIndex()); connectionparamtab = ParamObject::makeParamTab((ParamInterface *)&connectionmut, 0, 0, connectionmut.firstMutableIndex()); } int fH_Builder::processLine(SString line, int linenumber, int begin, int end) { // Firstly, method determines if line describes joint, neuron or neural connection // and prepares corresponding ParamTab fH_Handle *handle = NULL; ParamEntry *tab = NULL; if (line.startsWith("j:")) //joint { handle = new fH_StickHandle(dimensions, begin, end); tab = stickparamtab; } else if (line.startsWith("n:")) //neuron { handle = new fH_NeuronHandle(dimensions, begin, end); tab = neuronparamtab; } else if (line.startsWith("c:")) //connection { handle = new fH_ConnectionHandle(dimensions, begin, end); tab = connectionparamtab; } else // could not determine type of a handle { string message = "Cannot determine handle type at line: " + to_string(linenumber); logMessage("fH_Builder", "processLine", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); return begin; } line = line.substr(2); // skip of "j:", "c:" or "n:" // Secondly, ParamObject for holding handle properties is created void *obj = ParamObject::makeObject(tab); Param par(tab, obj); par.setDefault(); ParamInterface::LoadOptions opts; // After preparing Param objects, vector values and body properties are parsed par.load(ParamInterface::FormatSingleLine, line, &opts); // If parsing failed, method writes error message and ends processing if (opts.parse_failed) { string message = "Error in parsing handle parameters at line: " + to_string(linenumber); logMessage("fH_Builder", "processLine", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); delete handle; ParamObject::freeObject(obj); return begin; } // If parsing ended successfully, parsed properties are loaded into handle fields handle->loadProperties(par); // In the end, ready handle is stored in an appropriate vector addHandle(handle); return 0; } int fH_Builder::parseGenotype(SString genotype) { // Firstly, number of dimensions is parsed int pos = 0; SString numdimensions; genotype.getNextToken(pos, numdimensions, '\n'); if (!ExtValue::parseInt(numdimensions.c_str(), dimensions, true, false)) { logMessage("fH_Builder", "parseGenotype", LOG_ERROR, "Could not parse number of dimensions"); return 1; } if (dimensions < 1) { logMessage("fH_Builder", "parseGenotype", LOG_ERROR, "Number of dimensions cannot be lower than 1"); return 1; } SString line; int linenumber = 2; // With known number of dimensions ParamTabs for handles are prepared prepareParams(); // After preparing Builder for parsing, each line is processed with processLine int lastpos = pos; while (genotype.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { if (line.len() > 0) { int res = processLine(line, linenumber, lastpos, pos - 1); if (res != 0) { return res; } } lastpos = pos; linenumber++; } if (sticks.size() == 0) { logMessage("fH_Builder", "parseGenotype", LOG_ERROR, "Genotype does not contain any stick"); return 1; } return 0; } // Distance calculations double fH_Handle::dist(vector left, vector right) { double sum = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) { sum += (left[i] - right[i]) * (left[i] - right[i]); } return sqrt(sum); } vector fH_Handle::getVectorsAverage() { vector result(dimensions, 0); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { result[i] = (first[i] + second[i]) / 2; } return result; } double fH_StickHandle::distance(fH_Handle *right) { double distance = 0; switch (right->type) { case fHBodyType::JOINT: // distance is computed between second vector of current handle and first // vector of second handle distance = dist(second, right->first); break; case fHBodyType::NEURON: { // if neuron has to be connected to joint, then distance is calculated // between averages of both handles vector avgs = getVectorsAverage(); vector avgn = right->getVectorsAverage(); distance = dist(avgs, avgn); break; } case fHBodyType::CONNECTION: // it is impossible to calculate distance between Joint and Connection return numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } return distance; } double fH_NeuronHandle::distance(fH_Handle *right) { double distance = 0; switch (right->type) { case fHBodyType::JOINT: { // if neuron has to be connected to joint, then distance is calculated // between averages of both handles vector avgs = right->getVectorsAverage(); vector avgn = getVectorsAverage(); distance = dist(avgs, avgn); break; } case fHBodyType::CONNECTION: // this calculation is meant for input neuron - it compares second vector // of neuron and first vector of connection distance = dist(second, right->first); break; case fHBodyType::NEURON: // it is impossible to calculate distance between two Neurons return numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } return distance; } double fH_NeuronHandle::distance(fH_StickHandle *right, bool first) { vector avgn = getVectorsAverage(); double distance = 0; if (first) { distance = dist(avgn, right->firstparthandle); } else { distance = dist(avgn, right->secondparthandle); } return distance; } double fH_ConnectionHandle::distance(fH_Handle *right) { double distance = 0; switch (right->type) { case fHBodyType::NEURON: // this calculation is meant for output neuron - it compares second vector // of connection and first vector of neuron distance = dist(second, right->first); break; case fHBodyType::JOINT: case fHBodyType::CONNECTION: // it is impossible to calculate distance between Connection and other // Connection or Joint return numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } return distance; } // Creature build functions Part * fH_StickHandle::createPart(ParamEntry *tab, std::vector children, Model *model, bool createmapping) { Param par(tab, obj); double partprops[PART_PROPS_COUNT]; for (int i = 0; i < PART_PROPS_COUNT; i++) { partprops[i] = par.getDouble(2 * getDimensions() + i); } unsigned int stickscount = children.size() + 1; MultiRange ranges; ranges.add(begin, end); for (fH_StickHandle *child : children) { par.select(child->obj); for (int i = 0; i < PART_PROPS_COUNT; i++) { partprops[i] += par.getDouble(2 * getDimensions() + i); } ranges.add(child->begin, child->end); } for (int i = 0; i < PART_PROPS_COUNT; i++) { partprops[i] /= stickscount; } Part *newpart = new Part(); model->addPart(newpart); newpart->density = partprops[0]; newpart->friction = partprops[1]; newpart->ingest = partprops[2]; newpart->assim = partprops[3]; if (createmapping) newpart->addMapping(ranges); return newpart; } Joint* fH_StickHandle::createJoint(ParamEntry *tab, Model *model, bool createmapping) { Param par(tab, obj); if (firstpart == NULL || secondpart == NULL) { return NULL; } Joint *newjoint = new Joint(); model->addJoint(newjoint); newjoint->stif = par.getDoubleById("stif"); newjoint->rotstif = par.getDoubleById("rotstif"); newjoint->stamina = par.getDoubleById("stam"); newjoint->attachToParts(firstpart, secondpart); if (createmapping) newjoint->addMapping(IRange(begin, end)); return newjoint; } void fH_Builder::buildBody() { // stickconnections vector holds information about connections between sticks. // Left side of pair should hold pointer to stick that is connected with second // vector, and right side of pair should hold pointer to stick that is connected // with first vector stickconnections.clear(); // if body consists of single stick, just add it to body if (sticks.size() == 1) { stickconnections.push_back(pair(NULL, sticks[0])); sticksorder.push_back(0); return; } vector remainingsticks(sticks.size(), true); // first we find two handles that have minimal distances between their second // and first vector fH_StickHandle *left = sticks[0]; fH_StickHandle *right = sticks[1]; double mindist = left->distance(right); int leftid = 0; int rightid = 1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sticks.size(); i++) { for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < sticks.size(); j++) { double distance = sticks[i]->distance(sticks[j]); if (distance < mindist) { mindist = distance; left = sticks[i]; right = sticks[j]; leftid = i; rightid = j; } distance = sticks[j]->distance(sticks[i]); if (distance < mindist) { mindist = distance; left = sticks[j]; right = sticks[i]; leftid = j; rightid = i; } } } // two found handles are the beginning of creature body stickconnections.push_back(pair(NULL, left)); stickconnections.push_back(pair(left, right)); // after selecting two handles as beginning of body, they are marked as used // in the list of remaining sticks remainingsticks[leftid] = false; remainingsticks[rightid] = false; sticksorder.push_back(leftid); sticksorder.push_back(rightid); // next stick is selected by minimum distance between first vector of its handle // and second vector of any existing StickHandle in body int remaining = sticks.size() - 2; while (remaining > 0) { leftid = -1; rightid = -1; mindist = numeric_limits::max(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sticks.size(); i++) { // if stick is not already in if (remainingsticks[i]) { for (int stickid : sticksorder) { double distance = sticks[stickid]->distance(sticks[i]); if (distance < mindist) { mindist = distance; leftid = stickid; rightid = i; } } } } stickconnections.push_back(pair(sticks[leftid], sticks[rightid])); remainingsticks[rightid] = false; sticksorder.push_back(rightid); remaining--; } } int fH_Builder::developBrain(Model *model, bool createmapping) { Param par(neuronparamtab, NULL); // First of all, neurons are attached to body for (fH_NeuronHandle *currneu : neurons) { par.select(currneu->obj); // create Neuro object and set details currneu->neuron = new Neuro(); SString det = par.getStringById("d"); if (det != "") { currneu->neuron->setDetails(det); } else { currneu->neuron->setDetails("N"); } // get class of neuron. If class with given name does not exist - return error NeuroClass *nclass = currneu->neuron->getClass(); if (!nclass) { SString msg = "NeuroClass given in details \""; msg += det + "\" does not exist"; logMessage("fH_Builder", "developBrain", LOG_ERROR, msg.c_str()); return -1; } // add neuron to model -> required before attaching to body part model->addNeuro(currneu->neuron); if (nclass->getPreferredLocation() == 2) // attach to Joint { // find stick that has closest average handle to average handle of // neuron double mindist = currneu->distance(sticks[0]); fH_StickHandle *minstick = sticks[0]; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < sticks.size(); i++) { double distance = currneu->distance(sticks[i]); if (distance < mindist) { mindist = distance; minstick = sticks[i]; } } currneu->neuron->attachToJoint(minstick->joint); } else if (nclass->getPreferredLocation() == 1) // attach to Part { // in the beginning we take first part of first stick to calculate // distance between them as initial minimal distance double mindist = currneu->distance(sticks[0], true); Part *minpart = sticks[0]->firstpart; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sticks.size(); i++) { // after this we take only second parts of following sticks to // avoid repetition (thats why we start from i = 0) double distance = currneu->distance(sticks[i], false); if (distance < mindist) { mindist = distance; minpart = sticks[i]->secondpart; } } currneu->neuron->attachToPart(minpart); } if (createmapping) currneu->neuron->addMapping(IRange(currneu->begin, currneu->end)); model->checkpoint(); } par.setParamTab(connectionparamtab); // Secondly, connections are created for (fH_ConnectionHandle *currcon : connections) { par.select(currcon->obj); // Connection is created as follows: // beginneu ---> endneu // distance between beginneu and connection is calculated as distance // between second handle of beginneu and first handle of connection. // This is why calculation is written as beginneu->distance(currcon). // In case of connection and endneu distance between them is calculated // as distance between second handle of connection and first handle of // endneu. This is why calculation is written as currcon->distance(endneu). fH_NeuronHandle *beginneu = NULL; double mindist = numeric_limits::max(); // find beginning of connection for (fH_NeuronHandle *neuron : neurons) { // These method checked earlier if all neurons have valid classes. // If a neuron does not have output, then it's skipped from comparison. // Otherwise: if (neuron->neuron->getClass()->getPreferredOutput() > 0) { double distance = neuron->distance(currcon); if (distance < mindist) { mindist = distance; beginneu = neuron; } } } // if there was no neuron that could begin connection, then return warning if (!beginneu) { logMessage("fH_Builder", "developBrain", LOG_WARN, "There are no available neurons with outputs, connection could not be established"); continue; } fH_NeuronHandle *endneu = NULL; mindist = numeric_limits::max(); // find ending of connection for (fH_NeuronHandle *neuron : neurons) { // Method checked earlier if all neurons have valid classes. // If neuron does not accept input or all inputs are already connected, // then it's skipped from comparison. // Otherwise: if (neuron->neuron->getClass()->getPreferredInputs() == -1 || neuron->neuron->getClass()->getPreferredInputs() > neuron->neuron->getInputCount()) { double distance = currcon->distance(neuron); if (distance < mindist) { mindist = distance; endneu = neuron; } } } // if there was no neuron that could end connection, then return warning if (!endneu) { logMessage("fH_Builder", "developBrain", LOG_WARN, "There are no available neurons with free inputs, connection could not be established"); continue; } endneu->neuron->addInput(beginneu->neuron, par.getDoubleById("w")); if (createmapping) endneu->neuron->addMapping(IRange(currcon->begin, currcon->end)); model->checkpoint(); } return 0; } Pt3D fH_Builder::getNextDirection(int count, int number) { // In order to get evenly distributed sticks coming from the same Part method // uses algorithm for even distribution of points on a sphere. There are several // methods to perform this, usually they are iterative. This method introduced // below offers not fully accurate, yet quite satisfying results. This is // RSZ method (Rakhmanov, Saff and Zhou method), with use of the golden angle. // This method is based on distribution of points along spiral that covers sphere // surface. // Following method works partially on spherical coordinates (r and theta is used). // The Z coordinate is from Cartesian coordinate system. The golden angle is used // to "iterate" along spiral, while Z coordinate is used to move down the // sphere. double golden_angle = M_PI * (3.0 - sqrt(5)); double dz = 2.0 / (double)count; double z = 1 - ((double)number + 0.5) * dz; double r = sqrt(1 - z * z); double theta = golden_angle * number; Pt3D vec; // In the end X and Y coordinates are calculated with current values of // r and theta. Value z is already calculated vec.x = r * cos(theta); vec.y = r * sin(theta); vec.z = z; vec.normalize(); return vec; } Orient fH_Builder::getRotationMatrixToFitVector(Pt3D currdir, Pt3D expecteddir) { Orient res; // first method normalizes vectors for easy calculations currdir.normalize(); expecteddir.normalize(); double c = currdir.dotProduct(expecteddir); // dot product of both vectors // if the dot product of both vectors equals 0 if (c == 0) { res.x.x = -1; res.x.y = 0; res.x.z = 0; res.y.x = 0; res.y.y = -1; res.y.z = 0; res.z.x = 0; res.z.y = 0; res.z.z = -1; } Pt3D v = Pt3D(0); // cross product of both vectors v.x = currdir.y * expecteddir.z - currdir.z * expecteddir.y; v.y = currdir.z * expecteddir.x - currdir.x * expecteddir.z; v.z = currdir.x * expecteddir.y - currdir.y * expecteddir.x; // Rotation matrix that enables aligning currdir to expecteddir comes from // following calculation // R = I + [v]_x + ([v]_x)^2 / (1+c) // where [v]_x is the skew-symmetric cross-product matrix of v res.x.x = 1 - (v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z) / (1 + c); res.x.y = v.z + (v.x * v.y) / (1 + c); res.x.z = -v.y + (v.x * v.z) / (1 + c); res.y.x = -v.z + (v.x * v.y) / (1 + c); res.y.y = 1 - (v.x * v.x + v.z * v.z) / (1 + c); res.y.z = v.x + (v.y * v.z) / (1 + c); res.z.x = v.y + (v.x * v.z) / (1 + c); res.z.y = -v.x + (v.y * v.z) / (1 + c); res.z.z = 1 - (v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y) / (1 + c); return res; } Model* fH_Builder::buildModel(bool using_checkpoints) { Model *model = new Model(); // At first, floating sticks are connected buildBody(); model->open(using_checkpoints); // Secondly, parts and joints are created // For every stick in body, starting with initial Param par(stickparamtab, NULL); for (int currid : sticksorder) { fH_StickHandle *currstick = sticks[currid]; fH_StickHandle *parent = NULL; // find parent of current stick - it is first element of pair, in which // current stick is second for (pair conn : stickconnections) { if (conn.second == currstick) { parent = conn.first; break; } } // if parent is NULL, then create Part with current stick properties and // location at (0,0,0) if (!parent) { vector emptylist; Part *firstpart = currstick->createPart(stickparamtab, emptylist, model, createmapping); firstpart->p = Pt3D(0); currstick->firstpart = firstpart; currstick->firstparthandle = currstick->first; // this is used to calculate later distance between model->checkpoint(); } else //otherwise first part of current stick is the second part of previous stick { currstick->firstpart = parent->secondpart; currstick->firstparthandle = parent->secondparthandle; } // position of second part depends on two things // 1. direction of previous joint // 2. how many sticks are connected to the same parent // default direction of growth (without parent) is (1,0,0) Pt3D direction(1, 0, 0); Pt3D secondposition(currstick->firstpart->p); // if parent does exist, then determine how many sticks are connected to // parent and distribute them evenly on a sphere surrounding second part if (parent) { // improved RSZ method creates vectors that starts in // center of sphere (which will act as shared part), so direction // calculated below should point from shared part to previous part // in order to perform proper aligning direction = parent->secondpart->p - parent->firstpart->p; direction.normalize(); // determine how many sticks are connected to parent and when connection // between parent and current stick appear int count = 0; int id = -1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stickconnections.size(); i++) { if (stickconnections[i].first == parent) { if (stickconnections[i].second == currstick) { id = count; } count++; } } if (id == -1) { logMessage("fH_Builder", "buildModel", LOG_ERROR, "Invalid behaviour"); delete model; return NULL; } // if there is only one child, then don't change direction - continue // along axis of parent. Otherwise calculate direction of id-th stick // (that is currstick) with use of RSZ/Vogel method of distributing points // evenly on a sphere if (count > 1) { direction = parent->firstpart->p - parent->secondpart->p; direction.normalize(); // there has to be count+1 directions, so method needs to generate // count+1 evenly distributed points on a sphere to make vectors // from point (0,0,0) to those points. First generated vector // will act as parent joint direction vector Pt3D sphere0direction = getNextDirection(count + 1, 0); // First generated vector needs to be aligned to parent vector Orient rotmatrix = getRotationMatrixToFitVector(sphere0direction, direction); // Calculation of direction from sphere for currstick direction = getNextDirection(count + 1, id + 1); // Rotation matrix aligning direction = rotmatrix.transform(direction); direction.normalize(); } } // calculate second position par.select(currstick->obj); secondposition += direction * par.getDoubleById("l"); // find every stick connected to current stick in order to calculate second // part properties vector children; currstick->secondparthandle = currstick->second; for (pair conn : stickconnections) { if (conn.first == currstick) { children.push_back(conn.second); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { currstick->secondparthandle[i] += conn.second->first[i]; } } } // create part from current stick and other sticks connected to this part Part *secondpart = currstick->createPart(stickparamtab, children, model, createmapping); secondpart->p = secondposition; currstick->secondpart = secondpart; double count = (double)children.size() + 1; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { currstick->secondparthandle[i] /= count; } //after creating second part connect two parts with joint Joint * joint = currstick->createJoint(stickparamtab, model, createmapping); if (!joint) { logMessage("fH_Builder", "buildModel", LOG_ERROR, "Joint cannot be created"); delete model; return NULL; } currstick->joint = joint; model->checkpoint(); } // after creating a body, attach neurons to body and link them according to // connections if (developBrain(model, createmapping) == -1) { delete model; return NULL; } model->close(); return model; } int fH_Builder::removeNeuronsWithInvalidClasses() { int count = neurons.size(); if (count == 0) { return 0; } vector::iterator it = neurons.begin(); Param par(neuronparamtab, NULL); while (it != neurons.end()) { par.select((*it)->obj); SString det = par.getStringById("d"); if (det == "") { it++; } else { Neuro *neu = new Neuro(); neu->setDetails(det); if (neu->getClass()) { it++; } else { fH_NeuronHandle *tmp = (*it); it = neurons.erase(it); delete tmp; } delete neu; } } return count - neurons.size(); } SString fH_Builder::toString() { SString result = ""; result += to_string(dimensions).c_str(); result += "\n"; // first method stringifies parts Param par(stickparamtab, NULL); void *def = ParamObject::makeObject(stickparamtab); par.select(def); par.setDefault(); for (fH_StickHandle *currstick : sticks) { currstick->saveProperties(par); SString props; par.saveSingleLine(props, def, true, false); result += "j:"; result += props; } ParamObject::freeObject(def); par.setParamTab(neuronparamtab); def = ParamObject::makeObject(neuronparamtab); par.select(def); par.setDefault(); for (fH_NeuronHandle *currneuron : neurons) { currneuron->saveProperties(par); SString props; par.saveSingleLine(props, def, true, false); result += "n:"; result += props; } ParamObject::freeObject(def); par.setParamTab(connectionparamtab); def = ParamObject::makeObject(connectionparamtab); par.select(def); par.setDefault(); for (fH_ConnectionHandle *currconnection : connections) { currconnection->saveProperties(par); SString props; par.saveSingleLine(props, def, true, false); result += "c:"; result += props; } ParamObject::freeObject(def); return result; } ParamEntry* fH_Builder::getParamTab(fHBodyType type) { switch (type) { case fHBodyType::JOINT: return stickparamtab; break; case fHBodyType::NEURON: return neuronparamtab; break; default: return connectionparamtab; break; } }