// This file is a part of the Framsticks GDK. // Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. See LICENSE.txt for details. // Refer to http://www.framsticks.com/ for further information. #include "conv_fF.h" #include "fF_genotype.h" #include #include GenoConv_fF0::GenoConv_fF0() { name = "7-value Foraminifera encoding"; in_format = 'F'; out_format = '0'; mapsupport = 0; cosines = new double[LATITUDE_NUM]; sines = new double[LATITUDE_NUM]; fill_cos_and_sin(); } GenoConv_fF0::~GenoConv_fF0() { delete []cosines; delete []sines; } SString GenoConv_fF0::convert(SString &in, MultiMap *map) { fF_growth_params gp; if (!gp.load(in)) //invalid input genotype? return ""; //so we return an invalid f0 genotype double div_radius_length = 1;//div_radius_lenght=1 or kx=ky=kz=1 double radius = 1; Model m; m.open(); // subsequent parts (chambers) are placed relative to the previous part's orientation and location Part *p1, *p2; fF_chamber3d **chambers = new fF_chamber3d*[gp.number_of_chambers]; for (int i = 0; i < gp.number_of_chambers; i++) { createSphere(i, chambers, radius, div_radius_length, gp.translation, gp.angle1, gp.angle2, gp.scalex, gp.scaley, gp.scalez); } p1 = m.addNewPart(Part::SHAPE_ELLIPSOID); p1->p = Pt3D(chambers[0]->centerX, chambers[0]->centerY, chambers[0]->centerZ); for (int i = 1; i < gp.number_of_chambers; i++, p1 = p2) { p2 = m.addNewPart(Part::SHAPE_ELLIPSOID); p2->scale = p1->scale.entrywiseProduct(Pt3D(gp.scalex, gp.scaley, gp.scalez)); //each part's scale is its predecessor's scale * scaling p2->p = Pt3D(chambers[i]->centerX, chambers[i]->centerY, chambers[i]->centerZ); m.addNewJoint(p1, p2, Joint::SHAPE_SOLID); //all parts must be connected } for (int i = 0; i < gp.number_of_chambers; i++) delete chambers[i]; delete []chambers; m.close(); return m.getF0Geno().getGene(); } void GenoConv_fF0::createSphere(int which, fF_chamber3d **chambers, double radius_, double div_radius_length_, double div_vector_length_, double alpha_, double gamma_, double kx_, double ky_, double kz_) { chambers[which]=new fF_chamber3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, (float) radius_, (float) radius_ * (float) kx_, 0.0f, 0.0f, (float) (radius_ * div_vector_length_), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (which == 0) chambers[which]->points = generate_points(chambers[which], which, kx_, ky_, kz_); if (which > 0) { /* old radius */ double radiusOld, radius; radiusOld = chambers[which - 1]->radius; radius = div_radius_length_ * radiusOld; /* new growth vector length */ double len = radius * div_vector_length_; if (radius < TOO_LITTLE) { radius = TOO_LITTLE; if (fabs(len) > (TOO_MUCH * radius)) { len = ((len < 0) ? (-1) : 1) * TOO_MUCH * radius; } } if (len == 0) { len = -0.0000001; } /* aperture of the previous chamber */ double pzx = chambers[which - 1]->holeX; double pzy = chambers[which - 1]->holeY; double pzz = chambers[which - 1]->holeZ; //center of the previous chamber double pcx = chambers[which - 1]->centerX; double pcy = chambers[which - 1]->centerY; double pcz = chambers[which - 1]->centerZ; /* aperture of the next to last chamber */ double ppx; double ppy; double ppz; if (which == 1) { ppx = pcx; ppy = pcy; ppz = pcz; } else { ppx = chambers[which - 2]->holeX; ppy = chambers[which - 2]->holeY; ppz = chambers[which - 2]->holeZ; } double pzxprim = pzx - ppx; double pzyprim = pzy - ppy; double angle; angle = atan2(pzyprim, pzxprim); double alpha = angle - alpha_; double gamma = chambers[which - 1]->phi + gamma_; /* x */ double wx = len * cos(alpha); /* y */ double wy = len * sin(alpha); /* y */ double wz = len * sin(alpha) * sin(gamma); /*center of the new sphere*/ double x = pzx + wx; double y = pzy + wy; double z = pzz + wz; chambers[which]->centerX = (float) x; chambers[which]->centerY = (float) y; chambers[which]->centerZ = (float) z; chambers[which]->radius= (float) radius; chambers[which]->vectorTfX = (float) wx; chambers[which]->vectorTfY = (float) wy; chambers[which]->vectorTfZ = (float) wz; chambers[which]->beta = (float) alpha; chambers[which]->phi = (float) gamma; chambers[which]->points = generate_points(chambers[which], which, kx_, ky_, kz_); search_hid(which, chambers, kx_, ky_, kz_); int pun; pun = find_hole(which, pzx, pzy, pzz, chambers, kx_, ky_, kz_); chambers[which]->holeX = (float) chambers[which]->points[pun][0]; chambers[which]->holeY = (float) chambers[which]->points[pun][1]; chambers[which]->holeZ = (float) chambers[which]->points[pun][2]; } } void GenoConv_fF0::fill_cos_and_sin() { int i; double pi = acos(-1.0); double angle = pi / (((double) LATITUDE_NUM)*0.5); for (i = 0; i < LATITUDE_NUM; i++) { cosines[i] = cos((double) i * angle); sines[i] = sin((double) i * angle); } } double** GenoConv_fF0::generate_points(fF_chamber3d *chamber, int which, double kx_, double ky_, double kz_) { float radius = chamber->radius; float cenx = chamber->centerX; float ceny = chamber->centerY; float cenz = chamber->centerZ; double maxX = 0; double maxY = 0; double minX = 0; double minY = 0; double minZ = 0; double kx = 1; double ky = 1; double kz = 1; if (which > 0) { for (int kt = 1; kt < (which + 1); kt++) { kx = kx * kx_; ky = ky * ky_; kz = kz * kz_; } } int i, j; double x, y, z; double **points = new double*[SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { points[i] = new double[4]; } for (i = 0; i < LONGITUDE_NUM; i++) { if (kx_ == 1 && ky_ == 1 && kz_ == 1) { y = ceny + radius * cosines[i]; } else { y = ceny + ky * cosines[i]; } for (j = 0; j < LATITUDE_NUM; j++) { if (kx_ == 1 && ky_ == 1 && kz_ == 1) { points[(i * LATITUDE_NUM) + j][0] = x = cenx + radius * cosines[j] * sines[i]; points[(i * LATITUDE_NUM) + j][1] = y; points[(i * LATITUDE_NUM) + j][2] = z = cenz + radius * sines[j] * sines[i]; } else { points[(i * LATITUDE_NUM) + j][0] = x = cenx + kx * cosines[j] * sines[i]; points[(i * LATITUDE_NUM) + j][1] = y; points[(i * LATITUDE_NUM) + j][2] = z = cenz + kz * sines[j] * sines[i]; } points[(i * LATITUDE_NUM) + j][3] = 1.0; if (x < minX) minX = x; if (x > maxX) maxX = x; if (y < minY) minY = y; if (y > maxY) maxY = y; if (z < minZ) minZ = z; }; }; return points; } double GenoConv_fF0::dist(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2) { return sqrt((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1) + (z2 - z1)*(z2 - z1)); } void GenoConv_fF0::search_hid(int nr, fF_chamber3d **spheres, double kx_, double ky_, double kz_) { int i, j; if (nr != 0) { for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { for (j = 0; j < AMOUNT; j++) { double X = spheres[nr]->points[j][0]; double Y = spheres[nr]->points[j][1]; double Z = spheres[nr]->points[j][2]; double srX0 = spheres[i]->centerX; double srY0 = spheres[i]->centerY; double srZ0 = spheres[i]->centerZ; double a2; double b2; double c2; if (kx_ != 1) { a2 = (kx_ * kx_); } else { a2 = (spheres[i]->radius * spheres[i]->radius); } if (ky_ != 1) { b2 = (ky_ * ky_); } else { b2 = (spheres[i]->radius * spheres[i]->radius); } c2 = (kz_ * spheres[i]->radius) * (kz_ * spheres[i]->radius); double up1 = (X - srX0) * (X - srX0); double up2 = (Y - srY0) * (Y - srY0); double up3 = (Z - srZ0) * (Z - srZ0); double exp = up1 / a2; double exp2 = up2 / b2; double exp3 = up3 / c2; double result = exp + exp2 + exp3; if (result < (THICK_RATIO) ) { spheres[nr]->points[j][3] = 0; } } } } } int GenoConv_fF0::find_hole(int which, double x, double y, double z, fF_chamber3d **chambers, double kx_, double ky_, double kz_) { int i; double distance; int found = 0; double dist_found = 0; int first = 1; for (i = 0; i < AMOUNT; i++) { if (chambers[which]->points[i][3] != 0) //nie jest wewnatrz inne komory { distance = sqrt((chambers[which]->points[i][0] - x)*(chambers[which]->points[i][0] - x) + (chambers[which]->points[i][1] - y)*(chambers[which]->points[i][1] - y)+ (chambers[which]->points[i][2] - z)*(chambers[which]->points[i][2] - z)); if (first != 0) { found = i; dist_found = distance; first = 0; }; if (distance < dist_found) { if (which != 0) { bool good = true; for (int j = 0; j < which; j++) { { double X = chambers[which]->points[i][0]; double Y = chambers[which]->points[i][1]; double Z = chambers[which]->points[i][2]; double srX0 = chambers[j]->centerX; double srY0 = chambers[j]->centerY; double srZ0 = chambers[j]->centerZ; double a2 = (kx_ * chambers[j]->radius) * (kx_ * chambers[j]->radius); double b2 = (ky_ * chambers[j]->radius) * (ky_ * chambers[j]->radius); double c2 = (kz_ * chambers[j]->radius) * (kz_ * chambers[j]->radius); double up1 = (X - srX0) * (X - srX0); double up2 = (Y - srY0) * (Y - srY0); double up3 = (Z - srZ0) * (Z - srZ0); double exp1 = up1 / a2; double exp2 = up2 / b2; double exp3 = up3 / c2; double result = exp1 + exp2 + exp3; if (result < 1.0) { good = false; } } } if (good) { found = i; dist_found = distance; } } }; }; }; return (found); }