// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #ifndef _FB_CONV_H_ #define _FB_CONV_H_ #include #include "../fH/fH_general.h" class GenoConv_fBH : public GenoConverter { private: bool getNextCharId(SString genotype, int &i); double convertCharacterTo01(char c); double convertCharacterToWeight(char c); static fH_Handle* convertCharacterToHandle(char c, int dims, int start, int end, std::vector ranges[3]); int processNextLetter(fH_Builder &creature, fH_Handle *&currhandle, Param &par, SString gene, int &propindex, int &i, std::vector ranges[3], int &nclassdefcount); bool getNeuroClass(SString gene, SString &def, int nclassdefcount); public: GenoConv_fBH() :GenoConverter() { name = "Biological encoding"; in_format = 'B'; out_format = 'H'; mapsupport = 1; } SString convert(SString &i, MultiMap *map, bool using_checkpoints); ~GenoConv_fBH() {}; }; #endif //_FB_CONV_H_