// This file is a part of the Framsticks GDK. // Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. See LICENSE.txt for details. // Refer to http://www.framsticks.com/ for further information. #include "neurodiagram.h" #include "nn_layout.h" #include #include #include #include "canvasutil.h" #include #include #include #include "common/nonstd_time.h" #define FIELDSTRUCT NeuroDiagram ParamEntry neurodiagram_paramtab[] = { { "NeuroDiagram", 1, 4, "NeuroDiagram", "Can be used as the client object in the Window.", }, { "new", 0, PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "create new NeuroDiagram", "p oNeuroDiagram", PROCEDURE(p_new), }, { "showCreature", 0, PARAM_USERHIDDEN | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "show dynamic NN", "p(oCreature)", PROCEDURE(p_showcr), }, { "showModel", 0, PARAM_USERHIDDEN | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "show static NN", "p(oModel)", PROCEDURE(p_showmod), }, { "hide", 0, PARAM_USERHIDDEN | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "hide NN", "p()", PROCEDURE(p_hide), }, { 0, 0, 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT Param neurodiagram_param(neurodiagram_paramtab, 0); static struct ColorDefs colordefs; void NeuroDiagram::p_new(ExtValue*args, ExtValue*ret) { NeuroDiagram *d = new NeuroDiagram(&colordefs); d->drawbackground = false; ret->setObject(ExtObject(&neurodiagram_param, d)); } void NeuroDiagram::p_showcr(ExtValue*args, ExtValue*ret) { Creature *cr = 0; if (args->type == TObj) { const ExtObject& o = args->getObject(); cr = (Creature*)o.getTarget(); } showLive(cr); } void NeuroDiagram::p_showmod(ExtValue*args, ExtValue*ret) { Model *mod = ModelObj::fromObject(args[0]); show(mod); } static void addNeuroDescription(SString &t, Neuro *n) { static Param par; SString c(n->getClassName()); NeuroClass* cl = n->getClass(); t += c; t += " ("; if (cl) t += cl->getLongName(); else t += "Unknown"; t += ")"; } NeuroDiagram::NeuroDiagram(ColorDefs *cd) :FramDrawToolkit(cd), livewire(false), indestructor(false), showing_not_alive_label(false), o(0), warn_if_not_alive(true), selection(*this), drawbackground(true), linetype(true), layouttype(2) { scroll.setMargin(10, 10); // appropriate size should be adjusted dontPaintOutside(0); add(&scroll); pluginactive = false; FramDrawToolkit::setBackColor(ColorDefs::neurobackground); } NeuroDiagram::~NeuroDiagram() { indestructor = 1; hide(); remove(&scroll); updatePlugin(); } void NeuroDiagram::hide() { showing_not_alive_label = 0; if (o) o->delmodel_list.remove(killnode); FOREACH(NeuroProbe*,pr,probes) delete pr; probes.clear(); selection.clear(0); cr = 0; livewire = false; } class NNLayoutState_Neurodiagram : public NNLayoutState { public: NeuroDiagram *nd; NNLayoutState_Neurodiagram(NeuroDiagram *_nd) :nd(_nd) {} int GetElements() { return nd->scroll.count(); } int *GetXYWH(int el) { return &nd->scroll.getInfo(el)->pos.x; } void SetXYWH(int el, int x, int y, int w, int h) { ScrollInfo *si = nd->scroll.getInfo(el); si->pos.set(x, y); si->size.set(w, h); } int GetInputs(int el) { return nd->getNS(el)->n->getInputCount(); } int GetLink(int el, int i) { return nd->getNS(el)->n->getInput(i)->refno; } int *GetLinkXY(int el, int i) { static int XY[2]; int *xywh = GetXYWH(el); XY[0] = 0; XY[1] = ((1 + i)*xywh[3]) / (GetInputs(el) + 1); return XY; } }; void NeuroDiagram::show(Model *o_) { hide(); o = o_; scroll.removeAll(); if (o) { Neuro *n; int i; killnode = o->delmodel_list.add(STATRICKCALLBACK(this, &NeuroDiagram::onKill, 0)); // create symbol objects for (i = 0; n = o->getNeuro(i); i++) { NeuroSymbol *ns = new NeuroSymbol(*this, n); scroll.add(ns, 1); // autodel } if (i) { struct NNLayoutFunction *nnfun = &nn_layout_functions[layouttype]; NNLayoutState_Neurodiagram nn(this); nnfun->doLayout(&nn); } scroll.invalidate(); scroll.autoZoom(); } updatePlugin(); requestPaint(); } void NeuroDiagram::showLive(Creature *_cr) { showing_not_alive_label = 0; if (!_cr) { show(0); return; } show(&_cr->getModel()); cr = _cr; livewire = true; updatePlugin(); } void NeuroDiagram::paint() { if (drawbackground) { setColor(ColorDefs::neurobackground); clear(); } if (countNeurons() > 0) { CanvasWindowContainer::paint(); } else { setColor(ColorDefs::neuroneuron); drawAlignedText(size.x / 2, (size.y - textHeight()) / 2, 0, "[No neural network]"); } if (showing_not_alive_label) { if (time(0) > showing_not_alive_label) showing_not_alive_label = 0; else { setColor(0, 0, 0); drawAlignedText(not_alive_location.x, not_alive_location.y, 0, "select a creature"); drawAlignedText(not_alive_location.x, not_alive_location.y + textHeight(), 0, "to probe neurons"); } } } void NeuroDiagram::resize(int w, int h) { CanvasWindowContainer::resize(w, h); scroll.autoZoom(); } int NeuroDiagram::countNeurons() { return scroll.count(); } void NeuroDiagram::addProbe(int i) { if (i >= countNeurons()) return; NeuroProbe *probe = new NeuroProbe(getNS(i)); probes += (void*)probe; add(probe); updatePlugin(); requestPaint(); } void NeuroDiagram::onKill(void*obj, long dummy) { show(0); } /////////////////////////// NeuroSymbol::NeuroSymbol(NeuroDiagram &nd, Neuro * _n) :selected(0), n(_n), diagram(nd) { tooltip = "#"; tooltip += SString::valueOf((int)n->refno); tooltip += " - "; label = tooltip; addNeuroDescription(tooltip, n); label += n->getClassName(); if (n->getClassParams().len()) { tooltip += "\n"; tooltip += n->getClassParams(); } } void NeuroSymbol::paint() { if (selected) { setColor(255, 255, 255); fillRect(0, 0, size.x, size.y); } diagram.setClip(); diagram.setColor(ColorDefs::neuroneuron); drawNeuroSymbol(this, n->getClass(), 0, 0, size.x, size.y); if (size.y > 4 * textHeight()) { const char* t = label; drawAlignedText(size.x / 2, size.y - textHeight(), 0, t); NeuroImpl *ni = NeuroNetImpl::getImpl(n); if (ni && (ni->getChannelCount() > 1)) { drawLine(size.x - size.x / 16, size.y / 2 - size.y / 16, size.x - size.x / 8, size.y / 2 + size.y / 16); char t[20]; sprintf(t, "%d", ni->getChannelCount()); moveTo(size.x, size.y / 2 - textHeight()); drawText(t); } } /* NeuroDiagram *........................................ . . . NeuroSymbol . . (pos.x,pos.y)-*......... . . . |\ . ^ s . . ..._____._| \ . | i . . . | \___. | z . . __._| / . | e . . | . | / . | . . . | . |/ . | y . . | .......... v . . | <--------> . . .......... | size.x . . . |\ . | . . __._| \ . | . . . | \___._| . . __._| / . . . | . | / . . . | . |/ . . . | .......... . . | . . |________________... . ......................................... */ // NeuroSymbol is also responsible for drawing connection lines from its inputs to other NeuroSymbols' outputs NeuroSymbol *ns2; if (!diagram.isLive()) diagram.setColor(ColorDefs::neurolink); for (int iw = 0; iw < n->getInputCount(); iw++) { ns2 = diagram.getNS(n->getInput(iw)->refno); // the other NeuroSymbol (our input will connect to its output) int yw = inputY(iw); int xw = yw / 4; // x coordinate of the first corner point, depends on yw to avoid overlapping between inputs drawLine(size.x / 4, yw, xw, yw); // first horizontal segment (to the left) diagram.setWireColor(ns2->n->state, 0); // linetype: 1 (default) - draw straight or U-shape depending on layout // 0 (debug option) - only draw straight lines if ((diagram.linetype != 1) || (ns2->pos.x + ns2->size.x / 2 < pos.x)) { // straight line to the other neuron's output (the signal goes forwards) ns2->lineTo(ns2->size.x, ns2->size.y / 2); } else { // make an U-shaped loop from 3 segments - vert/horiz/vert (the signal goes backwards) int y2; int down; if (ns2 == this) down = (iw >= ((n->getInputCount()) / 2)); else down = (ns2->pos.y > (pos.y + size.y)); if (down) { y2 = (pos.y + size.y + (size.y - yw) / 3); } else { y2 = pos.y - yw / 3; if ((ns2->pos.ypos.y>(pos.y - ns2->size.y))) y2 -= pos.y - ns2->pos.y; } // note: "diagram" uses global coordinate system, so we add "pos" or "ns2->pos" to get NeuroSymbol's global positions diagram.lineTo(pos.x + xw, y2); diagram.lineTo(ns2->pos.x + ns2->size.x, y2); diagram.lineTo(ns2->pos.x + ns2->size.x, ns2->pos.y + ns2->size.y / 2); } } } void NeuroSymbol::mouse(int x, int y, int t) { if ((t & (LeftButton | ShiftButton)) == (LeftButton | ShiftButton)) { ScrollManager& sc = diagram.scroll; sc.setPos2(n->refno, pos.x + x - diagram.symboldragpos.x, pos.y + y - diagram.symboldragpos.y); sc.validate(); requestPaint(); } } int NeuroSymbol::mouseclick(int x, int y, int t) { if ((t & (LeftButton | DblClick)) == (LeftButton | DblClick)) { if (diagram.isLive()) diagram.addProbe(n->refno); else { if (diagram.warn_if_not_alive) { diagram.showing_not_alive_label = time(0) + 10; diagram.not_alive_location.x = pos.x + x; diagram.not_alive_location.y = pos.y + y; diagram.requestPaint(); } } return LeftButton | DblClick; } if ((t & (LeftButton | ShiftButton)) == (LeftButton | ShiftButton)) { if (selected) diagram.selection.remove(Model::neuroToMap(n->refno)); else diagram.selection.add(Model::neuroToMap(n->refno)); diagram.symboldragpos.set(x, y); return LeftButton | ShiftButton; } if (t & LeftButton) { diagram.selection.set(Model::neuroToMap(n->refno)); return LeftButton; } return 0; } // coordinate y of i-th input int NeuroSymbol::inputY(int i) { return (1 + i)*size.y / ((n->getInputCount()) + 1); } SString NeuroSymbol::hint(int x, int y) { if ((y >= 0) && (y < size.y)) if (xgetInputCount()>0) { int i = (y*n->getInputCount()) / size.y; double w; Neuro* target = n->getInput(i, w); if (target) { SString t = "connected to #"; t += SString::valueOf((int)target->refno); t += " - "; addNeuroDescription(t, target); // if (w!=1.0) { t += ", weight="; t += SString::valueOf(w); } return t; } } } return CanvasWindow::hint(x, y); } ///////////////////////// NeuroProbe::NeuroProbe(NeuroSymbol* ns) :DCanvasWindow(DCanvasWindow::Title + DCanvasWindow::Border + DCanvasWindow::Close + DCanvasWindow::Size, (const char*)ns->getLabel(), &neurochart, &neurochart) { holdismine = 0; drawing = 0; whichdrawing = -1; clientbordersset = 0; adjustingvalue = 0; link = ns; tooltip = SString("Probe for ") + ns->tooltip; setPos(ns->getPos().x, ns->getPos().y); neurochart.printMinMax(0); neurochart.data.setMinMax(-1, 1); chnum = 1; chnum2 = 0; chsel = 0; chselwidth = 0; chselecting = 0; updateChannelCount(NeuroNetImpl::getImpl(link->n)); } void NeuroProbe::onClose() { link->diagram.probes -= this; delete this; } NeuroProbe::~NeuroProbe() { if (holdismine) link->n->flags &= ~Neuro::HoldState; } void NeuroProbe::paint() { static char t[40]; if (!clientbordersset) { clientbordersset = 1; setClientBorder(0, 1, 16, textHeight() + 2); // don't use textheight outside paint/mouse events } int hold = link->n->flags & Neuro::HoldState; float state = (float)link->n->state; NeuroImpl *ni = 0; if (chsel != 0) { ni = NeuroNetImpl::getImpl(link->n); if (chsel < 0) { int dr = -chsel - 1; if (whichdrawing != dr) { drawing = ni->getDrawing(dr); whichdrawing = dr; } if (drawing) { int *dr = drawing; int w = size.x - 2, h = size.y - clienttop - clientbottom; int scale = min(w, h); int x0 = clienttop + leftborder + ((w > h) ? (w - h) / 2 : 0); int y0 = clientleft + topborder + ((h > w) ? (h - w) / 2 : 0); while (*dr != NeuroImpl::ENDDRAWING) { int first = 1; unsigned char r, g, b; FramDrawToolkit::splitRGB(*(dr++), r, g, b); setColor(r, g, b); while (*dr != NeuroImpl::ENDDRAWING) { int x = ((*(dr++))*scale) / (NeuroImpl::MAXDRAWINGXY + 1) + x0; int y = ((*(dr++))*scale) / (NeuroImpl::MAXDRAWINGXY + 1) + y0; if (first) { moveTo(x, y); first = 0; } else lineTo(x, y); } dr++; } } } } DCanvasWindow::paintWithClient((chsel < 0) ? 0 : client); setColor(0, 0, 0); int yline = size.y - 2; if (chsel >= 0) { if (ni) state = (float)ni->getState(chsel); yline -= textHeight(); int y = mapClientY(neurochart.mapData(state)); int x = size.x - 15 - 1; drawLine(1, yline, size.x - 2, yline); if (hold) { sprintf(t, "hold: %1.3g", state); fillRect(x, y - 1 - 5, 15, 3 + 5 + 5); setColor(255, 0, 0); fillRect(x + 2, y - 1, 15 - 2 - 2, 3); } else { sprintf(t, "signal: %1.3g", state); fillRect(x, y - 1, 15, 3); } drawAlignedText(size.x - textHeight(), yline, 1, t); } if ((chnum > 1) || (chnum2 > 0)) { if (chselecting) setColor(255, 255, 255); else setColor(0, 70, 0); if (chsel < 0) sprintf(t, "%c/%c", 'A' - chsel - 1, 'A' + chnum2 - 1); else sprintf(t, "%d/%d", chsel, chnum); moveTo(0, yline - textHeight()); chselwidth = textWidth(t); drawText(t, -1, getSize().x); } else chselwidth = 0; } void NeuroProbe::mouse(int x, int y, int b) { if (chselecting) { int ch = chsel0 + (x - chselx0) / 10; if (selectChannel(ch)) requestPaint(); b &= ~LeftButton; } DCanvasWindow::mouse(x, y, b); if (adjustingvalue) { double st = neurochart.unmapData(unmapClientY(y)); if (st<-1.0) st = -1.0; else if (st>1.0) st = 1.0; if (chsel == 0) link->n->state = st; else if (chsel >= 0) { NeuroImpl *ni = NeuroNetImpl::getImpl(link->n); if (ni) ni->setCurrentState(st, chsel); } requestPaint(); } } void NeuroProbe::mouseunclick(int x, int y, int b) { adjustingvalue = 0; chselecting = 0; DCanvasWindow::mouseunclick(x, y, b); } bool NeuroProbe::insideChSelector(int x, int y) { if ((x > 0) && (x < chselwidth)) { int sy = size.y; if (chsel >= 0) sy -= textHeight(); return ((y(sy - textHeight()))); } return 0; } int NeuroProbe::mouseclick(int x, int y, int b) { if ((b & LeftButton) && insideChSelector(x, y)) { chselx0 = x; chsel0 = chsel; chselecting = 1; requestPaint(); return LeftButton; } int ret = DCanvasWindow::mouseclick(x, y, b); if (ret) { link->diagram.selection.set(Model::neuroToMap(link->n->refno)); return ret; } if (b & LeftButton) { if (x > size.x - 16) { link->n->flags |= Neuro::HoldState; holdismine = 1; adjustingvalue = 1; mouse(x, y, b); return LeftButton; } else if (y > size.y - 16) { link->n->flags ^= Neuro::HoldState; holdismine = ((link->n->flags&Neuro::HoldState) != 0); requestPaint(); return LeftButton; } } return 0; } SString NeuroProbe::hint(int x, int y) { if ((chsel >= 0) && (xsize.y - 16)) return SString((link->n->flags&Neuro::HoldState) ? "Click to release" : "Click to hold"); else if (insideChSelector(x, y)) return SString::sprintf("channel %d of %d (click and drag to switch channels)", chsel, chnum); return DCanvasWindow::hint(x, y); } /** @return true == channel changed */ bool NeuroProbe::selectChannel(int ch) { if (ch < -chnum2) ch = -chnum2; else if (ch >= chnum) ch = chnum - 1; if (ch == chsel) return false; chsel = ch; neurochart.data.clear(); return true; } void NeuroProbe::updateChannelCount(NeuroImpl *ni) { if (!ni) return; chnum = ni->getChannelCount(); chnum2 = ni->getDrawingCount(); if (chsel >= chnum) selectChannel(chnum - 1); if (chsel < -chnum2) selectChannel(-chnum2); } void NeuroProbe::sampling() { NeuroImpl *ni = NeuroNetImpl::getImpl(link->n); updateChannelCount(ni); if (!chsel) neurochart.data += (float)(link->n->state); else neurochart.data += (float)(ni->getState(chsel)); whichdrawing = -1; } //// void NeuroDiagram::probeSampling(void*obj, long dummy) { FOREACH(NeuroProbe*,pr,probes) pr->sampling(); requestPaint(); } void NeuroDiagram::updatePlugin() { //int needplugin=(!probes)>0; bool needplugin = livewire; if (needplugin == pluginactive) return; if (needplugin) { if (!cr) return; sim = cr->group->getLibrary().sim; pluginnode = sim->l_plugin.add(STATRICKCALLBACK(this, &NeuroDiagram::probeSampling, 0)); } else sim->l_plugin.remove(pluginnode); pluginactive = needplugin; } ///////////// void NeuroDiagramSelection::updateSelection(MultiRange& newsel) { MultiRange added = getAdded(newsel); if (!added.isEmpty()) { added.shift(Model::mapToNeuro(0)); added.intersect(0, diagram.countNeurons() - 1); for (int i = 0; i < added.rangeCount(); i++) { const IRange &r = added.getRange(i); for (int j = r.begin; j <= r.end; j++) diagram.getNS(j)->selected = 1; } } MultiRange removed = getRemoved(newsel); if (!removed.isEmpty()) { removed.shift(Model::mapToNeuro(0)); removed.intersect(0, diagram.countNeurons() - 1); for (int i = 0; i < removed.rangeCount(); i++) { const IRange &r = removed.getRange(i); for (int j = r.begin; j <= r.end; j++) diagram.getNS(j)->selected = 0; } } if (!diagram.indestructor) diagram.requestPaint(); }