#include #include #include #include "paramtree_print.h" class EmptyParamWithGroupsForTesting : public Param { std::vector entries; std::vector> strings; //could be a simple vector of strings, but then char* pointers can change when adding new strings and so ParamEntry structures would need updating. Therefore using "vector of string pointers" instead of "vector of strings". public: EmptyParamWithGroupsForTesting() { ParamEntry zero_ending = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; entries.push_back(zero_ending); setParamTab(getParamTab()); } void addGroup(const char* name) { std::shared_ptr str(new std::string(name)); strings.push_back(str); ParamEntry tmp = { str.get()->c_str(), 0, 0, 0 }; entries.insert(entries.begin() + (entries.size() - 1), tmp); entries[0].group = entries.size() - 1; setParamTab(getParamTab()); } ParamEntry *getParamTab() { return &entries[0]; } }; // This program tests parameter tree construction for paramtab names read from stdin. // app_group_names.txt can be used as a sample input, because it contains a large set of paramtab objects from Framsticks GUI. // See paramtree_paramlist_test.cpp for a demonstration of parameter tree construction for all paramtab's that are available in SDK. // See mutableparam_test.cpp for a demonstration on how to detect (and possibly respond to) changing parameter definitions. int main() { SString group_names; StdioFILE::setStdio(); //setup VirtFILE::Vstdin/out/err puts("(loading group names from stdin)"); loadSString(VirtFILE::Vstdin, group_names); int pos = 0; SString line; EmptyParamWithGroupsForTesting param; while (group_names.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { if ((line.length() > 0) && (line[line.length() - 1] == '\r')) //support for reading \r\n files... line = line.substr(0, line.length() - 1); if (line.length() > 0 && line[0] != '#') //skip empty lines and #commment lines param.addGroup(line.c_str()); } printf("%d groups\n\n", param.getGroupCount()); ParamTree tree(¶m); printTree(&tree.root); }