// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char*argv[]) { LoggerToStdout messages_to_stdout(LoggerBase::Enable); PreconfiguredGenetics genetics; SString gen(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "X[|G:1.23]"); if (!strcmp(gen.c_str(), "-")) { gen = 0; StdioFILEDontClose in(stdin); loadSString(&in, gen); } Geno g(gen); printf("\nSource genotype: '%s'\n", g.getGenes().c_str()); printf(" ( format %s %s)\n", g.getFormat().c_str(), g.getComment().c_str()); Model m(g, Model::SHAPE_UNKNOWN);//.getConverted('0')); if (!m.isValid()) { printf("Cannot build Model from this genotype!\n"); return 2; } printf("Converted to f0:\n%s\n", m.getF0Geno().getGenes().c_str()); printf("\nusing Param::saveMultiLine() to create the \"expanded\" form of the f0 genotype...\n(MultiParamLoader should be able to load this)"); StringFILE2 f; static Param modelparam(f0_model_paramtab); static Param partparam(f0_part_paramtab); static Param jointparam(f0_joint_paramtab); static Param neuroparam(f0_neuro_paramtab); static Param connparam(f0_neuroconn_paramtab); modelparam.select(&m); modelparam.saveMultiLine(&f, "m"); Part *p; Joint *j; Neuro *n; for (int i = 0; p = (Part*)m.getPart(i); i++) { partparam.select(p); partparam.saveMultiLine(&f, "p"); } for (int i = 0; j = (Joint*)m.getJoint(i); i++) { jointparam.select(j); jointparam.setParamTab(j->usedelta ? f0_joint_paramtab : f0_nodeltajoint_paramtab); jointparam.saveMultiLine(&f, "j"); } for (int i = 0; n = (Neuro*)m.getNeuro(i); i++) { neuroparam.select(n); neuroparam.saveMultiLine(&f, "n"); } for (int a = 0; n = (Neuro*)m.getNeuro(a); a++) { // inputs for (int b = 0; b < n->getInputCount(); b++) { double w; NeuroConn nc; Neuro* n2 = n->getInput(b, w); nc.n1_refno = n->refno; nc.n2_refno = n2->refno; nc.weight = w; nc.info = n->getInputInfo(b); connparam.select(&nc); connparam.saveMultiLine(&f, "c"); } } printf("\n============================\n%s\n", f.getString().c_str()); return 0; } /*********************** EXAMPLE OUTPUT ********************************* Source genotype: 'X[|G:1.23]' ( format 1 ) Converted to f0: p: p:1 j:0, 1, dx=1 n:p=1 n:j=0, d="|:p=0.25,r=1" n:j=0, d=G c:0, 2, 1.23 c:1, 0 using Param::saveMultiLine() to create the "expanded" form of the f0 genotype... (MultiParamLoader should be able to load this) ============================ m: se:1 Vstyle: p: x:0 y:0 z:0 m:1 s:1 dn:1 fr:0.4 ing:0.25 as:0.25 rx:0 ry:0 rz:0 i: Vstyle:part p: x:1 y:0 z:0 m:1 s:1 dn:1 fr:0.4 ing:0.25 as:0.25 rx:0 ry:0 rz:0 i: Vstyle:part j: p1:0 p2:1 rx:0 ry:0 rz:0 dx:1 dy:0 dz:0 stif:1 rotstif:1 stam:0.25 i: Vstyle:joint n: p:1 j:-1 d:N i: Vstyle:neuro n: p:-1 j:0 d:|:p=0.25,r=1 i: Vstyle:neuro n: p:-1 j:0 d:G i: Vstyle:neuro c: n1:0 n2:2 w:1.23 i: c: n1:1 n2:0 w:1 i: *************************************************************************/