1 | #include "genotypemini.h"
2 | #include <frams/vm/classes/collectionobj.h>
3 | #include <common/log.h>
4 |
5 | #define FIELDSTRUCT GenotypeMini
6 | ParamEntry genotypemini_paramtab[] =
7 | {
8 | { "Genotype", 1, 31, "org", },
9 |
10 | { "name", 0, 0, "Name", "s 0 40", FIELD(name), },
11 | { "genotype", 0, 0, "Genotype", "s 1", FIELD(genotype), "Genes as a string of characters.", },
12 |
13 | { "info_timestamp", 1, 0, "Last modified", "ft 0 -1 0", FIELD(info_timestamp), },
14 | { "info_author", 1, 0, "Author name", "s 0 100", FIELD(info_author), },
15 | { "info_author_ispublic", 1, 0, "Author name is public", "d 0 1 1", FIELD(info_author_ispublic), },
16 | { "info_email", 1, 0, "Author email", "s 0 100", FIELD(info_email), },
17 | { "info_email_ispublic", 1, 0, "Author email is public", "d 0 1 0", FIELD(info_email_ispublic), },
18 | { "info", 1, 0, "Description", "s 1 1000", FIELD(info), "Short description of key features of this creature.", },
19 | { "info_origin", 1, 0, "Origin", "d 0 4 0 ~Unspecified~Designed~Designed and evolved~Evolved under various conditions~Evolved using single, constant setup", FIELD(info_origin), "Declaration of how this genotype originated." },
20 | { "info_how_created", 1, 0, "How created", "s 1 1000", FIELD(info_how_created), "Description of the process of designing and/or evolving this genotype." },
21 | { "info_performance", 1, 0, "Performance notes", "s 1 1000", FIELD(info_performance), "Description of why this genotype is special/interesting and how it performs." },
22 |
23 | { "energy0", 0, 0, "Starting energy", "f 0 -1 0", FIELD(energy0), },
24 | { "numparts", 0, 0, "Body parts", "d", FIELD(numparts), },
25 | { "numjoints", 0, 0, "Body joints", "d", FIELD(numjoints), },
26 | { "numneurons", 0, 0, "Brain size", "d", FIELD(numneurons), },
27 | { "numconnections", 0, 0, "Brain connections", "d", FIELD(numconnections), },
28 |
29 | { "num", 0, 0, "Ordinal number", "d", FIELD(ordnumber), },
30 | { "gnum", 0, 0, "Generation", "d", FIELD(generation), },
31 |
32 | { "instances", 0, 0, "Instances", "d", FIELD(instances), "Copies of this genotype", },
33 |
34 | { "lifespan", 0, 0, "Life span", "f", FIELD(lifespan), "Average life span", },
35 | { "velocity", 0, 0, "Velocity", "f", FIELD(velocity), "Average velocity", },
36 | { "distance", 0, 0, "Distance", "f", FIELD(distance), },
37 | { "vertvel", 0, 0, "Vertical velocity", "f", FIELD(vertvel), },
38 | { "vertpos", 0, 0, "Vertical position", "f", FIELD(vertpos), },
39 |
40 | { "user1", 0, 0, "User field 1", "x", FIELD(user1), },
41 | { "user2", 0, 0, "User field 2", "x", FIELD(user2), },
42 | { "user3", 0, 0, "User field 3", "x", FIELD(user3), },
43 | { "data", 3, PARAM_OBJECTSET, "Custom fields dictionary", "oDictionary", FIELD(data), },
44 |
45 | { "is_valid", 0, 0, "Validity", "d -1 1 -1", FIELD(is_valid),
46 | "0 = invalid genotype\n"
47 | "1 = valid genotype\n"
48 | "-1 = validity is not known." },
49 |
50 | { "uid", 0, 0, "#", "s", FIELD(uid), "Unique identifier" },
51 |
52 | { "mutate", 0, 0, "Mutate", "p()", PROCEDURE(p_mutate), },
53 |
54 | { 0, 0, 0, },
55 | };
56 | #undef FIELDSTRUCT
57 |
58 | void GenotypeMini::initData()
59 | {
60 | DictionaryObject *d = new DictionaryObject;
61 | data = d->makeObject();
62 | }
63 |
64 | GenotypeMini::GenotypeMini()
65 | {
66 | initData();
67 | }
68 |
69 | GenotypeMini::GenotypeMini(const GenotypeMini &src)
70 | {
71 | initData();
72 | name = src.name; genotype = src.genotype; info = src.info; uid = src.uid; info_timestamp = src.info_timestamp; info_author = src.info_author; info_email = src.info_email; info_author_ispublic = src.info_author_ispublic; info_email_ispublic = src.info_email_ispublic; info_origin = src.info_origin; info_how_created = src.info_how_created; info_performance = src.info_performance; energy0 = src.energy0; lifespan = src.lifespan; velocity = src.velocity; distance = src.distance; vertvel = src.vertvel; vertpos = src.vertpos; numparts = src.numparts; numjoints = src.numjoints; numneurons = src.numneurons; numconnections = src.numconnections; ordnumber = src.ordnumber; generation = src.generation; instances = src.instances; is_valid = src.is_valid; user1 = src.user1; user2 = src.user2; user3 = src.user3;
73 |
74 | // special case for 'data' (Dictionary inside an ExtObject)
75 | // 'data=src.data' would copy the Dictionary object reference (very wrong!)
76 | // performing a shallow copy instead:
77 | DictionaryObject *d = DictionaryObject::fromObject(data);
78 | DictionaryObject *src_d = DictionaryObject::fromObject(src.data);
79 | d->copyFrom(src_d);
80 | }
81 |
82 | void GenotypeMini::clear()
83 | {
84 | Param p(genotypemini_paramtab, this);
85 | p.setDefault();
86 | }
87 |
88 | static std::function<Geno(const Geno&)> genman_mutate;
89 |
90 | void GenotypeMini::useGenManMutate(std::function<Geno(const Geno&)> gmm)
91 | {
92 | genman_mutate = gmm;
93 | }
94 |
95 | void GenotypeMini::p_mutate(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret)
96 | {
97 | if (ret != NULL) ret->setEmpty();
98 | if (!genman_mutate)
99 | {
100 | logPrintf("GenotypeMini", "mutate", LOG_ERROR, "No function for mutation provided. See GENOTYPEMINI_USE_GENMAN().");
101 | return;
102 | }
103 | Geno in(genotype.c_str(), -1, name.c_str(), info.c_str());
104 | Geno out = genman_mutate(in);
105 | genotype = out.getGenesAndFormat();
106 | name = out.getName();
107 | info = out.getComment();
108 | }