/* * geno_f8.cpp * L-systemToF1 * * Created by Maciej Wajcht on 08-06-07. * Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. * */ #include "geno_f8.h" #include //#include #include "conv_f8tof1.h" #include "multimap.h" #include #include #include "sstringutils.h" #include "conv_f8_utils.h" #define GENO_F8_DEBUG 1 //0 - off, 1 - on #define FIELDSTRUCT Geno_f8 static ParamEntry GENO8param_tab[]= { {"Genetics: f8",1,F8_OPERATION_COUNT,}, {"f8_mut_chg_begin_arg", 0, 0, "Change beginning argument", "f 0 100 8", FIELD(operation[F8_CHANGE_BEGINNING_ARG]),"mutation: probability of changing a beginning argument", }, {"f8_mut_chg_arg", 0, 0, "Change argument", "f 0 100 8", FIELD(operation[F8_CHANGE_ARG]),"mutation: probability of changing a production's argument", }, {"f8_mut_del_comm", 0, 0, "Delete command", "f 0 100 8", FIELD(operation[F8_DELETE_COMMAND]),"mutation: probability of deleting a command", }, {"f8_mut_insert_comm", 0, 0, "Insert commands", "f 0 100 9", FIELD(operation[F8_INSERT_COMMANDS]),"mutation: probability of inserting commands", }, {"f8_mut_enc", 0, 0, "Encapsulate commands", "f 0 100 10",FIELD(operation[F8_ENCAPSULATE]),"mutation: probability of encapsulating commands", }, {"f8_mut_chg_cond_sign", 0, 0, "Change condition sign", "f 0 100 8",FIELD(operation[F8_CHANGE_CONDITION_SIGN]),"mutation: probability of changing a condition sign", }, {"f8_mut_add_param", 0, 0, "Add parameter", "f 0 100 9", FIELD(operation[F8_ADD_PARAMETER]),"mutation: probability of adding a parameter to the production", }, {"f8_mut_add_cond", 0, 0, "Add condition", "f 0 100 8", FIELD(operation[F8_ADD_CONDITION]),"mutation: probability of ading a condition to the subproduction", }, {"f8_mut_add_subprod", 0, 0, "Add subproduction", "f 0 100 8", FIELD(operation[F8_ADD_SUBPRODUCTION]),"mutation: probability of adding a subproduction", }, {"f8_mut_chg_iter_number", 0, 0, "Change iteration number", "f 0 100 8", FIELD(operation[F8_CHANGE_ITERATIONS_NUMBER]),"mutation: probability of changing an iterations number", }, {"f8_mut_del_param", 0, 0, "Delete parameter", "f 0 100 8", FIELD(operation[F8_DELETE_PARAMETER]),"mutation: probability of deleting a parameter", }, {"f8_mut_del_cond", 0, 0, "Delete condition", "f 0 100 8", FIELD(operation[F8_DELETE_CONDITION]),"mutation: probability of deleting a condition", }, {"f8_mut_add_loop", 0, 0, "Add loop", "f 0 100 0", FIELD(operation[F8_ADD_LOOP]),"mutation: probability of ading a loop", }, {"f8_mut_del_loop", 0, 0, "Delete loop", "f 0 100 0", FIELD(operation[F8_DELETE_LOOP]),"mutation: probability of deleting a loop", }, {0,}, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT ProductionInfo::ProductionInfo(SString name, int paramCount) { this->name = name; this->paramCount = paramCount; } Geno_f8::Geno_f8() { supported_format = '8'; this->simpleCommandLetters.push_back('X'); this->simpleCommandLetters.push_back('R'); this->simpleCommandLetters.push_back('r'); this->simpleCommandLetters.push_back('C'); this->simpleCommandLetters.push_back('c'); this->simpleCommandLetters.push_back('Q'); this->simpleCommandLetters.push_back('q'); this->simpleCommandLetters.push_back('['); this->simpleCommandLetters.push_back(']'); this->simpleCommandLetters.push_back('^'); this->converter = new GenoConv_F8ToF1(); par.setParamTab(GENO8param_tab); par.select(this); par.setDefault(); /*mutation_method_names = new char*[F8_OPERATION_COUNT - 1]; int index = 0; mutation_method_names[index++]="changed beginning argument"; mutation_method_names[index++]="changed argument"; mutation_method_names[index++]="deleted command"; mutation_method_names[index++]="inserted command"; mutation_method_names[index++]="encapsulated command"; mutation_method_names[index++]="changed condition sign"; mutation_method_names[index++]="added parameter"; mutation_method_names[index++]="added condition"; mutation_method_names[index++]="added subproduction"; mutation_method_names[index++]="changed iterations number"; mutation_method_names[index++]="deleted parameter"; mutation_method_names[index++]="deleted condition"; mutation_method_names[index++]="added loop"; mutation_method_names[index++]="deleted loop"; */ #ifdef GENO_F8_DEBUG > 0 for (int i = 0; i < F8_OPERATION_COUNT; i++) { this->operation[i] = 1.0 / (double)F8_OPERATION_COUNT; } #endif } Geno_f8::~Geno_f8() { delete this->converter; } int Geno_f8::checkValidity(const char * geno) { SString ssgeno = SString(geno); SString f1ssgeno = this->converter->convert(ssgeno, NULL); const char* f1genosrc = f1ssgeno; Geno f1geno(f1genosrc); if (this->converter->checkSyntax(geno) && f1geno.isValid()) { return GENOPER_OK; } else { return 1; } } int Geno_f8::validate(char *& geno) { SString in = geno; SString validated = ""; SString line; int pos = 0; bool firstLine = true; bool beforeDelim = true; bool justAfterDelim = false; while (in.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { if (firstLine) { firstLine = false; const char* str = geno; std::istringstream i(str); double x; if (i >> x) { validated += line + "\n"; } else { validated += "10\n"; } } else if (beforeDelim) { if (line[0] == 'P' && line.indexOf('(') != -1 && line.indexOf(')') != -1 && line.indexOf(':') != -1) { validated += "---\n"; validated += line + "\n"; beforeDelim = false; } int eqSignPos = line.indexOf('='); if (line[0] == 'n' && eqSignPos != -1) { validated += line + "\n"; } else if (line == SString("---")) { validated += line + "\n"; beforeDelim = false; justAfterDelim = true; } } else if (justAfterDelim && line[0] == 'P') { const char* digits = "0123456789"; SString s = line.substr(1); bool ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < s.len(); i++) { if (!strContainsOneOf(s(i), digits)) { ok = false; break; } } if (ok) { validated += line +"\n"; } justAfterDelim = false; } else if (line[0] == 'P' && line.indexOf('(') != -1 && line.indexOf(')') != -1 && line.indexOf(':') != -1) { validated += line + "\n"; } } free(geno); //must take care of the original allocation char* validatedTmp = (char*)malloc(strlen(validated) + 1); //allocate for mutated genotype strcpy(validatedTmp, validated); //the rest is originalg = mutated; geno = validatedTmp; return GENOPER_OK; } int Geno_f8::getProductionsCount(const SString &in) { int pos = 0; SString line; int counter = 0; bool beforeDelim = true; while (in.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { if (line.startsWith("---")) { beforeDelim = false; //also skip the start production in.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n'); continue; } else if (beforeDelim) { continue; } else { counter++; } } return counter; } vector Geno_f8::getProductionsInfo(const SString &in) { vector productions; SString line; int pos = 0; bool beforeFirstProd = true; SString firstProdName; while (in.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { if (line.startsWith("P") && line.indexOf('(', 0) == -1) { firstProdName = line; beforeFirstProd = false; continue; } if (beforeFirstProd) { continue; } int lParenIndex = line.indexOf('(', 0); int rParenIndex = line.indexOf(')', 0); if (line[0] == 'P' && lParenIndex != -1 && rParenIndex != -1) { ProductionInfo info; SString prodName = line.substr(0, lParenIndex); info.name = prodName; info.paramCount = 0; //if (line[lParenIndex + 1] == 'n') { SString strParams = line.substr(lParenIndex + 1, rParenIndex - lParenIndex - 1); int pos2 = 0; SString tok; while (strParams.getNextToken(pos2, tok, ',')) { info.paramCount++; info.paramNames.push_back(tok); } //} info.isFirstProduction = (prodName == firstProdName) ? true : false; productions.push_back(info); } } return productions; } SString Geno_f8::mutateChangeBeginningArg(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated, line, before, mid, after, tmp; int counter = 0; int pos = 0; bool afterDelim = false; bool firstLine = true; while (in.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { if (firstLine) { firstLine = false; before += line + "\n"; continue; } if (afterDelim) { after += line + "\n"; continue; } if (line.startsWith("---")) { afterDelim = true; after += line + "\n"; } else { mid += line + "\n"; counter++; } } if (counter == 0) { chg = 0.0; mutated = in; } else { int randNbr = randomN(counter); pos = 0; counter = 0; while (mid.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { if (counter++ == randNbr) { int pos2 = 0; SString tok; line.getNextToken(pos2, tok, '='); tmp += tok + "="; line.getNextToken(pos2, tok, '='); double arg = parseDouble(tok); arg += (double) (randomN(11) - 5); //-5..5 tmp += SString::valueOf(arg) + "\n"; chg = (float) (SString::valueOf(arg).len()) / (float) in.len(); } else { tmp += line + "\n"; } } mid = tmp; mutated += before; mutated += mid; mutated += after; } return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateChangeArg(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated; Lsystem *newLsystem = this->converter->createLsystem(in); if (newLsystem == NULL) { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } vector interestingProductions; for (map::iterator prodIter = newLsystem->productions.begin(); prodIter != newLsystem->productions.end(); prodIter++) { if (prodIter->second->parameters.size() > 0) { interestingProductions.push_back(prodIter->second); } } if (interestingProductions.size() > 0) { int rnd = randomN(interestingProductions.size()); Production *randomProduction = interestingProductions[rnd]; SString prodName = randomProduction->name; int paramIndex = randomN(randomProduction->parameters.size()); for (map::iterator prodIter = newLsystem->productions.begin(); prodIter != newLsystem->productions.end(); prodIter++) { vector *subproductions = &(prodIter->second->subproductions); for (vector::iterator subProdIter = subproductions->begin(); subProdIter != subproductions->end(); subProdIter++) { SubProduction *sp = &(*subProdIter); for (vector::iterator actionIter = sp->actions.begin(); actionIter != sp->actions.end(); actionIter++) { if ((*actionIter).action != NULL && (*actionIter).action->name == prodName && (*actionIter).params.size() > paramIndex) { SString param = (*actionIter).params[paramIndex]; int counter = 0; int pos = 0; SString tok; while (in.getNextToken(pos, tok, ',')) { counter++; } int rnd = randomN(counter); pos = 0; counter = 0; SString newParam = ""; if (randomN(2) == 0 || prodIter->second->parameters.size() == 0) { int rnd2 = randomN(5) + 1; newParam += param + SString::valueOf(rnd2) + ";"; } else { SString paramName = prodIter->second->parameters.getParameterName(randomN(prodIter->second->parameters.size())+1); newParam += param + paramName + ";"; } newParam += (rnd == 0) ? SString("+;") : SString("-;"); (*actionIter).params[paramIndex] = newParam; goto label; } } } } label: chg = 2.0 / (float) in.len(); } mutated = newLsystem->toString(); delete newLsystem; return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateDeleteCommand(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated; Lsystem *lsystem = this->converter->createLsystem(in); if (lsystem == NULL) { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } map::iterator prodIter = lsystem->productions.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < randomN(lsystem->productions.size()); i++) { if (i != 0) { prodIter++; } } Production *randomProduction = prodIter->second; if (randomProduction->subproductions.size() > 0) { vector *actions = &(randomProduction->subproductions.at(randomN(randomProduction->subproductions.size())).actions); int rnd = randomN(actions->size()); if (actions->size() > 0) { Action *a = actions->at(rnd).action; if (a != NULL) { chg = (float) (a->getF8Representation().len()) / (float) in.len(); actions->erase(actions->begin() + rnd); } } } mutated = lsystem->toString(); delete lsystem; return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateInsertCommands(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated; //cout << "insertCommands 1" << endl; Lsystem *lsystem = this->converter->createLsystem(in); if (lsystem == NULL) { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } //cout << "insertCommands 2" << endl; vector actions = lsystem->getAllActions(true, true, false, false); //cout << "insertCommands 3" << endl; int random1 = randomN(lsystem->productions.size()); map::iterator prodIter = lsystem->productions.begin(); for (int counter = 0; counter < random1; counter++) { prodIter++; } //cout << "insertCommands 4" << endl; Production *p = prodIter->second; SubProduction *sp; if (p->subproductions.size() > 0) { sp = &(p->subproductions.at(randomN(p->subproductions.size()))); } else { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } int commandsToInsert = /*randomN(3) +*/ 1; int insertLen = 0; for (int i = 0; i < commandsToInsert; i++) { ActionStrP a; if (actions.size() > 0) { a.action = actions.at(randomN(actions.size())); } else { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } insertLen += a.action->getF8Representation().len(); if (a.action->ignoreParams == false && a.action->name[0] == 'P') { Production *p = (Production*) a.action; insertLen += 2; for (int j = 0; j < p->parameters.size(); j++) { int rnd = randomN(p->parameters.size() + 1); if (rnd == 0) { a.params.push_back(SString("0;")); insertLen += 1; } else { SString s = p->parameters.getParameterName(randomN(p->parameters.size()) + 1); a.params.push_back(s + ";"); insertLen += s.len(); } } } sp->actions.push_back(a); } //cout << "insertCommands 5" << endl; mutated = lsystem->toString(); //cout << "insertCommands 6" << endl; chg = (float) insertLen / (float) in.len(); delete lsystem; //cout << "insertCommands 7" << endl; return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateEncapsulate(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated; Lsystem *lsystem = this->converter->createLsystem(in); if (lsystem == NULL || lsystem->productions.size() == 0) { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } int counter = 0; int rnd = randomN(lsystem->productions.size()); int len = 0; Production *p = new Production(); p->subproductions.push_back(SubProduction()); SubProduction *newSubProd = &(p->subproductions.back()); for (map::iterator prodIter = lsystem->productions.begin(); prodIter != lsystem->productions.end(); prodIter++) { if (counter++ == rnd) { ParameterCollection *params = &(prodIter->second->parameters); //copy parameters to the encapsulated production for (int i = 1; i <= params->size(); i++) { p->parameters.addParameter(params->getParameterName(i)); } SubProduction *subproduction; if (prodIter->second->subproductions.size() > 0) { subproduction = &(prodIter->second->subproductions[randomN(prodIter->second->subproductions.size())]); } else { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } int firstActionIdx; if (subproduction->actions.size() > 0) { firstActionIdx = randomN(subproduction->actions.size()); } else { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } int i; vector newActions; for (i = 0; i < firstActionIdx; i++) { newActions.push_back(subproduction->actions[i]); } for (i = firstActionIdx; i <= firstActionIdx + randomN(4) + 1 && i < subproduction->actions.size(); i++) { //1..4 actions newSubProd->actions.push_back(subproduction->actions[i]); if (subproduction->actions[i].action != NULL) { len += subproduction->actions[i].action->getF8Representation().len(); } } ActionStrP a; a.action = p; a.params = vector(); for (int j = 0; j < params->size(); j++) { //a.params.push_back(SString("0;")); a.params.push_back(params->getParameterName(j + 1)); } newActions.push_back(a); while (i < subproduction->actions.size()) { if (subproduction->actions[i].action != NULL) { newActions.push_back(subproduction->actions[i]); } i++; } subproduction->actions = newActions; break; } } SString newName; for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { newName = "P"; newName += SString::valueOf(i); if (lsystem->productions[sstringToString(newName)] == NULL) { break; } } p->name = newName; lsystem->productions[sstringToString(newName)] = p; mutated = lsystem->toString(); delete lsystem; chg = (float) len / (float) in.len(); return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateChangeConditionSign(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated; Lsystem *newLsystem = this->converter->createLsystem(in); if (newLsystem == NULL) { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } map interestingSubproductions; int counter = 0; for (map::iterator prodIter = newLsystem->productions.begin(); prodIter != newLsystem->productions.end(); prodIter++) { for (vector::iterator subprodIter = prodIter->second->subproductions.begin(); subprodIter != prodIter->second->subproductions.end(); subprodIter++) { SubProduction *sp = &(*subprodIter); if (sp->conditions.size() > 0) { interestingSubproductions[counter++] = sp; } } } if (interestingSubproductions.size() > 0) { int random1 = randomN(interestingSubproductions.size()); SubProduction *randomSubproduction = interestingSubproductions[random1]; int random2 = randomN(randomSubproduction->conditions.size()); //all interesting conditions have conditions.size() > 0 Condition *c = &(randomSubproduction->conditions.at(random2)); c->relation = this->getDifferentCondition(c->relation); chg = 2.0 / (float) in.len(); } mutated = newLsystem->toString(); delete newLsystem; return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateAddParameter(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated; Lsystem *lsystem = this->converter->createLsystem(in); if (lsystem == NULL || lsystem->productions.size() == 0) { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } //cout << "addParameter 1" << endl; int rnd = randomN(lsystem->productions.size()); int chglen = 0; SString prodName = ""; int counter = 0; for (map::iterator prodIter = lsystem->productions.begin(); prodIter != lsystem->productions.end(); prodIter++) { if (counter++ == rnd) { prodName = prodIter->second->name; SString newParam; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { newParam = "n"; newParam += SString::valueOf(i); if (!prodIter->second->parameters.paramExist(newParam)) { prodIter->second->parameters.addParameter(newParam); chglen += newParam.len(); break; } } if (prodName == stringToSString(lsystem->firstProductionName)) { lsystem->startParams[sstringToString(newParam)] = 0.0; } break; } } //cout << "addParameter 2" << endl; for (map::iterator prodIter = lsystem->productions.begin(); prodIter != lsystem->productions.end(); prodIter++) { for (vector::iterator subprodIter = prodIter->second->subproductions.begin(); subprodIter != prodIter->second->subproductions.end(); subprodIter++) { for (vector::iterator actionIter = (*subprodIter).actions.begin(); actionIter != (*subprodIter).actions.end(); actionIter++) { if ((*actionIter).action != NULL && (*actionIter).action->name != NULL) { if ((*actionIter).action->name == prodName) { int randParamVal = randomN(prodIter->second->parameters.size() + 1); SString paramVal = NULL; if (randParamVal == 0) { paramVal = "0;"; } else { paramVal = prodIter->second->parameters.getParameterName(randParamVal) + ";"; } //(*actionIter).params.push_back(paramVal); chglen += 2; } } } } } //cout << "addParameter 3" << endl; mutated = lsystem->toString(); //cout << "addParameter 4" << endl; delete lsystem; chg = (float) chglen / (float) in.len(); return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateAddCondition(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated, before, mid, after, line; vector prodInfo = this->getProductionsInfo(in); vector interestingProductions; for (int i = 0; i < prodInfo.size(); i++) { if (prodInfo[i].paramNames.size() > 0) { interestingProductions.push_back(i); } } if (interestingProductions.size() == 0) { chg = -1.0; mutated = in; return mutated; } int rndProd = interestingProductions[randomN(interestingProductions.size())]; int pos = 0; mutated = ""; while (in.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { if (line.startsWith(prodInfo[rndProd].name) && line.len() > prodInfo[rndProd].name.len()) { int subproductionsCount = -1; SString tok; int pos2 = 0; while (line.getNextToken(pos2, tok, ':')) { subproductionsCount++; } if (subproductionsCount == 0) { chg = -1.0; mutated = in; return mutated; } int rnd = randomN(subproductionsCount); int counter = 0; int colonIdx = line.indexOf(':', 0); pos2 = colonIdx; while (counter != rnd) { colonIdx = line.indexOf(':', pos2 + 1); counter++; } int nextColonIdx = line.indexOf(':', colonIdx + 1); if (nextColonIdx == -1) { nextColonIdx = 2147483646; } int pipeIdx = line.indexOf('|', colonIdx + 1); mid = ""; if (pipeIdx < nextColonIdx && pipeIdx != -1) { //before += line.substr(colonIdx + 1, pipeIdx - colonIdx - 1); before = line.substr(0, pipeIdx); mid += ","; after = line.substr(pipeIdx); } else { before = line.substr(0, colonIdx + 1); after = SString("|") + line.substr(colonIdx + 1); } int paramIdx = (int) randomN(prodInfo[rndProd].paramNames.size()); mid += prodInfo[rndProd].paramNames[paramIdx]; mid += (randomN(2) == 0) ? ">" : "<"; mid += SString::valueOf((int) randomN(21) - 10); mutated += before + mid + after + "\n"; chg = (float) mid.len() / (float)in.len(); } else { mutated += line + "\n"; } } return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateDeleteParameter(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated; Lsystem *newLsystem = this->converter->createLsystem(in); if (newLsystem == NULL) { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } map interestingProductions; int counter = 0; for (map::iterator prodIter = newLsystem->productions.begin(); prodIter != newLsystem->productions.end(); prodIter++) { if (prodIter->second->parameters.size() > 0) { interestingProductions[counter++] = prodIter->second; } } if (interestingProductions.size() > 0) { int rnd = randomN(interestingProductions.size()); Production *randomProduction = interestingProductions[rnd]; SString prodName = randomProduction->name; int paramIndex = randomN(randomProduction->parameters.size()) + 1; SString paramName = randomProduction->parameters.getParameterName(paramIndex); string sparamName = sstringToString(paramName); int change = paramName.len(); randomProduction->parameters.removeParameter(paramName); if (prodName == stringToSString(newLsystem->firstProductionName)) { newLsystem->startParams.erase(sstringToString(paramName)); } for (vector::iterator subProdIter = randomProduction->subproductions.begin(); subProdIter != randomProduction->subproductions.end(); subProdIter++) { for (int condIter = 0; condIter < (*subProdIter).conditions.size(); condIter++) { Condition c = (*subProdIter).conditions[condIter]; if (c.parameter == paramName) { (*subProdIter).conditions.erase((*subProdIter).conditions.begin() + condIter); } } for (vector::iterator actionIter = (*subProdIter).actions.begin(); actionIter != (*subProdIter).actions.end(); actionIter++) { for (vector::iterator paramIter = (*actionIter).params.begin(); paramIter != (*actionIter).params.end(); paramIter++) { string s = sstringToString(*paramIter); if (s.find(sparamName, 0) != string::npos) { *paramIter = SString("0;"); } } } } for (map::iterator prodIter = newLsystem->productions.begin(); prodIter != newLsystem->productions.end(); prodIter++) { vector *subproductions = &(prodIter->second->subproductions); for (vector::iterator subProdIter = subproductions->begin(); subProdIter != subproductions->end(); subProdIter++) { SubProduction *sp = &(*subProdIter); for (int actionIter = 0; actionIter < sp->actions.size(); actionIter++) { ActionStrP *actionstrp = &(sp->actions.at(actionIter)); if (actionstrp->action != NULL) { if (actionstrp->action->name == prodName && actionstrp->params.size() > paramIndex - 1) { change += paramName.len(); //more less actionstrp->params.erase(actionstrp->params.begin() + (paramIndex - 1)); } } } } } chg = (float) change / (float) in.len(); } mutated = newLsystem->toString(); delete newLsystem; return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateDeleteCondition(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated; Lsystem *newLsystem = this->converter->createLsystem(in); if (newLsystem == NULL) { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } map interestingSubproductions; int counter = 0; for (map::iterator prodIter = newLsystem->productions.begin(); prodIter != newLsystem->productions.end(); prodIter++) { for (vector::iterator subprodIter = prodIter->second->subproductions.begin(); subprodIter != prodIter->second->subproductions.end(); subprodIter++) { SubProduction *sp = &(*subprodIter); if (sp->conditions.size() > 0) { interestingSubproductions[counter++] = sp; } } } if (interestingSubproductions.size() > 0) { int rnd = randomN(interestingSubproductions.size()); SubProduction *randomSubproduction = interestingSubproductions[rnd]; vector::iterator condIter = randomSubproduction->conditions.begin(); condIter += randomN(randomSubproduction->conditions.size() - 1); Condition c = *condIter; chg = (float) (c.parameter.len() + 1 + SString::valueOf(c.value).len()) / (float) in.len(); randomSubproduction->conditions.erase(condIter); } mutated = newLsystem->toString(); delete newLsystem; return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateAddLoop(SString &in, float& chg) { /* * Podczas wczytania genotypu do obiektu typu Lsystem nastepuje rozwiniecie petli, wiec kolejne mutacje * zniweczyly by zysk ktory mozna uzyskac dzieki petlom. Dlatego nic nie zmieniamy. */ SString mutated, line; int pos = 0; while (in.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { mutated += line + "\n"; } chg = 0.0; return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateDeleteLoop(SString &in, float& chg) { /* * Podczas wczytania genotypu do obiektu typu Lsystem nastepuje rozwiniecie petli, wiec kolejne mutacje * zniweczyly by zysk ktory mozna uzyskac dzieki petlom. Dlatego nic nie zmieniamy. */ SString mutated, line; int pos = 0; while (in.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { mutated += line + "\n"; } chg = 0.0; return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateAddSubproduction(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated, line; vector prodInfo = this->getProductionsInfo(in); int rndProd = randomN(prodInfo.size()); int pos = 0; mutated = ""; while (in.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { if (line.startsWith(prodInfo[rndProd].name) && line.indexOf(':', 0) != -1) { SString tmp = ":"; int paramCount = prodInfo[rndProd].paramNames.size(); if (paramCount > 0) { tmp += prodInfo[rndProd].paramNames[(int) randomN(paramCount)]; tmp += (randomN(2) == 0) ? ">" : "<"; tmp += SString::valueOf((int) randomN(21) - 10); tmp += "|"; } tmp += "X\n"; chg = (float) tmp.len() / (float) in.len(); mutated += line + tmp; } else { mutated += line + "\n"; } } return mutated; } SString Geno_f8::mutateChangeIterationsNumber(SString &in, float& chg) { SString mutated; Lsystem *newLsystem = this->converter->createLsystem(in); if (newLsystem == NULL) { mutated += in; chg = -1.0; return mutated; } newLsystem->iterations += randomN(7) - 3; //-3..3 if (newLsystem->iterations < 1) { newLsystem->iterations = 1; } mutated = newLsystem->toString(); delete newLsystem; chg = 1.0 / (float) in.len(); return mutated; } int Geno_f8::mutate(char *&g,float& chg, int &method) { SString in = g; /*struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srandom(tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec); */ method = roulette(this->operation, F8_OPERATION_COUNT); if (method < 0) { return GENOPER_OPFAIL; } #if GENO_F8_DEBUG > 0 string mutationName = (method == 0) ? "F8_CHANGE_BEGINNING_ARG" : (method == 1) ? "F8_CHANGE_ARG" : (method == 2) ? "F8_DELETE_COMMAND" : (method == 3) ? "F8_INSERT_COMMANDS" : (method == 4) ? "F8_ENCAPSULATE" : (method == 5) ? "F8_CHANGE_CONDITION_SIGN" : (method == 6) ? "F8_REPLACE_COMMAND" : (method == 7) ? "F8_ADD_PARAMETER" : (method == 8) ? "F8_ADD_CONDITION" : (method == 9) ? "F8_ADD_SUBPRODUCTION" : (method == 10) ? "F8_CHANGE_ITERATIONS_NUMBER" : (method == 11) ? "F8_DELETE_PARAMETER" : (method == 12) ? "F8_DELETE_CONDITION" : (method == 13) ? "F8_ADD_LOOP" : (method == 14) ? "F8_DELETE_LOOP" : (method == 15) ? "F8_OPERATION_COUNT" : "babol"; //cout << "-------------------- " << mutationName << " --------------------" << endl; #endif const char* mutatedTmp; SString ssMutatedTmp; //cout << "mutate 1" << endl; switch (method) { case F8_CHANGE_BEGINNING_ARG: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateChangeBeginningArg(in, chg); break; case F8_CHANGE_ARG: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateChangeArg(in, chg); break; case F8_DELETE_COMMAND: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateDeleteCommand(in, chg); break; case F8_INSERT_COMMANDS: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateInsertCommands(in, chg); break; case F8_ENCAPSULATE: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateEncapsulate(in, chg); break; case F8_CHANGE_CONDITION_SIGN: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateChangeConditionSign(in, chg); break; /*case F8_REPLACE_COMMAND: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateReplaceCommand(in, chg); break;*/ case F8_ADD_PARAMETER: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateAddParameter(in, chg); break; case F8_ADD_CONDITION: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateAddCondition(in, chg); break; case F8_ADD_SUBPRODUCTION: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateAddSubproduction(in, chg); break; case F8_CHANGE_ITERATIONS_NUMBER: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateChangeIterationsNumber(in, chg); break; case F8_DELETE_PARAMETER: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateDeleteParameter(in, chg); break; case F8_DELETE_CONDITION: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateDeleteCondition(in, chg); break; case F8_ADD_LOOP: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateAddLoop(in, chg); break; case F8_DELETE_LOOP: ssMutatedTmp = this->mutateDeleteLoop(in, chg); break; default: return GENOPER_OPFAIL; } //cout << "mutate 2" << endl; if (ssMutatedTmp.len() < 16) { return GENOPER_OPFAIL; } if (chg == -1.0) { chg = 0.0; return GENOPER_OPFAIL; } mutatedTmp = ssMutatedTmp; if (this->checkValidity(mutatedTmp) == GENOPER_OK) { free(g); //must take care of the original allocation g = (char*)malloc(strlen(mutatedTmp) + 1); //allocate for mutated genotype strcpy(g, mutatedTmp); //the rest is originalg = mutated; //cout << "mutate 3" << endl; return GENOPER_OK; } else { return GENOPER_OPFAIL; } } int Geno_f8::crossOver(char *&g1,char *&g2,float& chg1,float& chg2) { /* wymiana niewielkiej (max. 25%) ilości odpowiadającej sobie informacji * ma to przypominać "celowaną" mutację, w której osobnik dostaje * niewiele wiedzy, która sprawdziła się u innego osobnika */ SString in1 = g1; SString in2 = g2; SString mutated; //SString dst; //const char* src = in; //const char* t; Lsystem *newLsystem = this->converter->createLsystem(in1); Lsystem *lsystem2 = this->converter->createLsystem(in2); if (newLsystem == NULL || lsystem2 == NULL) { chg1 = 0.0; chg2 = 0.0; return GENOPER_OPFAIL; } //shuffle second parent's productions vector indices; for (int i = 0; i < lsystem2->productions.size(); i++) { indices.push_back(i); } map shuffledProductions; while (!indices.empty()) { int rnd = randomN(indices.size()); int counter = 0; //Production *p; for (map::iterator it = lsystem2->productions.begin(); it != lsystem2->productions.end(); it++) { if (counter == rnd) { //p = it->second; shuffledProductions[it->first] = it->second; break; } } //delete index number indices.erase(indices.begin() + rnd); } int productionCount = randomN(min(newLsystem->productions.size() / 4, lsystem2->productions.size())) + 1; int counter = 0; for (map::iterator it = shuffledProductions.begin(); it != shuffledProductions.end() || counter < productionCount; it++) { //if selected production's name exist in the first parent if (newLsystem->productions.find(it->first) != newLsystem->productions.end()) { newLsystem->productions[it->first]->subproductions = it->second->subproductions; counter++; } else { /* This fragment is commented out because we are interested only in matching productions /////// //search for first production, which name does not exist in one of the productions //selected from second parent //this is to avoid information loss when new subproductions will be overwritten //just after adding to the child production for (map::iterator it2 = newLsystem->productions.begin(); it2 != newLsystem->productions.end(); it2++) { if (shuffledProductions.find(it2->first) == shuffledProductions.end()) { //not found it2->second->subproductions = it->second->subproductions; break; } //there are no "else" because there is at least twice as many productions //in the first parent as selected productions from the second parent //so always we will find "free" production name }*/ } } //check validity of productions indicated in actions for (map::iterator prodIter = newLsystem->productions.begin(); prodIter != newLsystem->productions.end(); prodIter++) { vector paramNames; for (int i = 1; i <= prodIter->second->parameters.size(); i++) { paramNames.push_back(prodIter->second->parameters.getParameterName(i)); } for (vector::iterator subprodIter = prodIter->second->subproductions.begin(); subprodIter != prodIter->second->subproductions.end(); subprodIter++) { //conditions if (paramNames.size() > 0) { for (vector::iterator condIter = (*subprodIter).conditions.begin(); condIter != (*subprodIter).conditions.end(); condIter++) { vector::iterator searchIter = find(paramNames.begin(), paramNames.end(), (*condIter).parameter); if (searchIter == paramNames.end()) { //unknown parameter name! //choose random existing parameter (*condIter).parameter = paramNames[randomN(paramNames.size())]; } } } else { //no params, so delete all conditions (*subprodIter).conditions.clear(); } //actions for (vector::iterator actionIter = (*subprodIter).actions.begin(); actionIter != (*subprodIter).actions.end(); actionIter++) { if ((*actionIter).action == NULL) { continue; } SString &actionName = (*actionIter).action->name; if (actionName[0] == 'n') { if (paramNames.size() > 0) { vector::iterator searchIter = find(paramNames.begin(), paramNames.end(), actionName); if (searchIter != paramNames.end()) { //valid name //ensure it is linked to the correct production (*actionIter).action = newLsystem->getParamProduction(actionName); } else { //link to random parameter prodution SString name = paramNames[randomN(paramNames.size())]; (*actionIter).action = newLsystem->getParamProduction(name); } } else { //no params, so delete this param production (*subprodIter).actions.erase(actionIter); //TODO sprawdzić zachowanie iteratora!!! } } else if (actionName[0] == 'P') { if (newLsystem->productions.find(sstringToString(actionName)) != newLsystem->productions.end()) { //ensure it is linked to the correct production (*actionIter).action = newLsystem->productions[sstringToString(actionName)]; } else { //delete this action (*subprodIter).actions.erase(actionIter); } } } if ((*subprodIter).actions.size() == 0) { //we erased all the actions ActionStrP a; a.action = newLsystem->getPrimitiveProduction(SString("X")); (*subprodIter).actions.push_back(a); } } } mutated = newLsystem->toString(); shuffledProductions.clear(); delete newLsystem; delete lsystem2; free(g1); //must take care of the original allocation //free(g2); const char* mutatedTmp = mutated; char* mutatedTmp2 = (char*)malloc(strlen(mutatedTmp) + 1); //allocate for mutated genotype strcpy(mutatedTmp2, mutatedTmp); //the rest is originalg = mutated; g1 = mutatedTmp2; chg1 = 0.5; return GENOPER_OK; } unsigned long Geno_f8::style(const char *g, int pos) { return GENSTYLE_RGBS(0, 0, 0, GENSTYLE_NONE); } char* Geno_f8::getSimplest() { const char* geno = "1\n---\nP0\nP0():X\n"; char* retGeno = (char*)malloc(strlen(geno) + 1); strcpy(retGeno, geno); return retGeno; } bool Geno_f8::checkProdNameExist(vector info, SString name) const { for (vector::iterator it = info.begin(); it != info.end(); it++) { if ((*it).name == name) { return true; } } return false; } bool Geno_f8::checkParamNameExist(vector names, SString name) const { for (vector::iterator it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); it++ ) { if ((*it) == name) { return true; } } return false; } SString Geno_f8::getOppositeCondition(const SString &c) const { if (c.equals("==")) return "!="; if (c.equals("!=")) return "=="; if (c.equals(">")) return "<="; if (c.equals("<")) return ">="; if (c.equals(">=")) return "<"; if (c.equals("<=")) return ">"; return "<"; //default } RelationType Geno_f8::getDifferentCondition(RelationType type) { RelationType types[6]; types[0] = r_greater; types[1] = r_greaterEqual; types[2] = r_equal; types[3] = r_different; types[4] = r_lessEqual; types[5] = r_less; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (types[i] == type) { types[i] = types[5]; //types[5] = type; break; } } int randomType = randomN(5); return types[randomType]; } SString Geno_f8::removeProductionCalls(const SString production) const { SString line = trimSString(production); SString result = ""; bool skip = false; for (int i = 0; i < line.len(); i++) { if (skip) { if (line[i] == ')') { skip = false; } else { //do nothing } } else { if (line[i] == 'P') { skip = true; } else { result += line[i]; } } } return result; } SString Geno_f8::addParameterToCalls(const SString line, SString &prodName) { SString newStr = ""; int colonIdx = line.indexOf(':', 0); if (colonIdx != -1 && line.indexOf(prodName, colonIdx) != -1) { int pos2 = colonIdx; int beginIdx = 0; int prodIdx; while ((prodIdx = line.indexOf(prodName, pos2)) != -1) { int indexRBrace = line.indexOf(')', prodIdx); newStr += line.substr(beginIdx, indexRBrace); if (newStr[newStr.len() - 1] != '(') { newStr += SString(","); } newStr += "0.0"; beginIdx = indexRBrace; pos2 = indexRBrace; } newStr += line.substr(pos2); } else { newStr = line; } return newStr; } SString Geno_f8::deleteParameterFromCalls(const SString line, SString &prodName, int paramIdx) { SString newStr = ""; SString tmp, before, mid, midTmp; mid = ""; int colonIdx = line.indexOf(':', 0); if (colonIdx != -1 && line.indexOf(prodName, colonIdx) != -1) { int pos2 = colonIdx; int beginIdx = 0; int prodIdx; while ((prodIdx = line.indexOf(prodName, pos2)) != -1) { int indexRBrace = line.indexOf(')', prodIdx); before = line.substr(beginIdx, prodIdx + prodName.len() + 1); midTmp = line.substr(prodIdx + prodName.len() + 1, indexRBrace - (prodIdx + prodName.len() + 1)); pos2 = 0; SString tok; int i = 0; while (midTmp.getNextToken(pos2, tok, ',')) { if (i++ == paramIdx) { //do nothing } else { mid += tok + ","; } } if (mid[mid.len() - 1] == ',') { mid = mid.substr(0, mid.len() - 1); } newStr += before + mid + ")"; beginIdx = indexRBrace; pos2 = indexRBrace; } newStr += line.substr(pos2 + 1); } else { newStr = line; } return newStr; } SString Geno_f8::testMutate(SString &in, int method) { /*struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srandom(tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec); */ SString mutatedTmp; float chg = 0.0; switch (method) { case F8_CHANGE_BEGINNING_ARG: mutatedTmp = this->mutateChangeBeginningArg(in, chg); break; case F8_CHANGE_ARG: mutatedTmp = this->mutateChangeArg(in, chg); break; case F8_DELETE_COMMAND: mutatedTmp = this->mutateDeleteCommand(in, chg); break; case F8_INSERT_COMMANDS: mutatedTmp = this->mutateInsertCommands(in, chg); break; case F8_ENCAPSULATE: mutatedTmp = this->mutateEncapsulate(in, chg); break; case F8_CHANGE_CONDITION_SIGN: mutatedTmp = this->mutateChangeConditionSign(in, chg); break; /*case F8_REPLACE_COMMAND: mutatedTmp = this->mutateReplaceCommand(in, chg); break;*/ case F8_ADD_PARAMETER: mutatedTmp = this->mutateAddParameter(in, chg); break; case F8_ADD_CONDITION: mutatedTmp = this->mutateAddCondition(in, chg); break; case F8_ADD_SUBPRODUCTION: mutatedTmp = this->mutateAddSubproduction(in, chg); break; case F8_CHANGE_ITERATIONS_NUMBER: mutatedTmp = this->mutateChangeIterationsNumber(in, chg); break; case F8_DELETE_PARAMETER: mutatedTmp = this->mutateDeleteParameter(in, chg); break; case F8_DELETE_CONDITION: mutatedTmp = this->mutateDeleteCondition(in, chg); break; case F8_ADD_LOOP: mutatedTmp = this->mutateAddLoop(in, chg); break; case F8_DELETE_LOOP: mutatedTmp = this->mutateDeleteLoop(in, chg); break; default: mutatedTmp = ""; } return mutatedTmp; }