/* * conv_f8tof1.cpp * L-systemToF1 * * Created by Maciej Wajcht on 08-03-21. * Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. * */ #include "conv_f8tof1.h" #include "conv_f8_utils.h" #include #include #include #include "lexglobal.h" #include "conv_f8tof1_scanner.h" namespace prs { #include "conv_f8tof1_grammar.c" } #if CONV_DEBUG > 0 #include #endif #define CONV_DEBUG 0 //0 - off, 1 - minimal, 2 - full using namespace std; Lsystem::Lsystem() { PrimitiveProduction *pp1 = new PrimitiveProduction(SString("X")); this->primitiveProductions.insert(make_pair("X", pp1)); PrimitiveProduction *pp2 = new PrimitiveProduction(SString("R")); this->primitiveProductions.insert(make_pair("R", pp2)); PrimitiveProduction *pp3 = new PrimitiveProduction(SString("r")); this->primitiveProductions.insert(make_pair("r", pp3)); PrimitiveProduction *pp4 = new PrimitiveProduction(SString("C")); this->primitiveProductions.insert(make_pair("C", pp4)); PrimitiveProduction *pp5 = new PrimitiveProduction(SString("c")); this->primitiveProductions.insert(make_pair("c", pp5)); PrimitiveProduction *pp6 = new PrimitiveProduction(SString("Q")); this->primitiveProductions.insert(make_pair("Q", pp6)); PrimitiveProduction *pp7 = new PrimitiveProduction(SString("q")); this->primitiveProductions.insert(make_pair("q", pp7)); PrimitiveProduction *pp8 = new PrimitiveProduction(SString("[")); this->primitiveProductions.insert(make_pair("[", pp8)); PrimitiveProduction *pp9 = new PrimitiveProduction(SString("]")); this->primitiveProductions.insert(make_pair("]", pp9)); PrimitiveProduction *pp10 = new PrimitiveProduction(SString("^")); this->primitiveProductions.insert(make_pair("^", pp10)); } Lsystem::~Lsystem() { for (map::iterator iter = this->productions.begin(); iter != this->productions.end(); iter++) { delete iter->second; } for (map::iterator iter = this->primitiveProductions.begin(); iter != this->primitiveProductions.end(); iter++) { delete iter->second; } for (map::iterator iter = this->paramProductions.begin(); iter != this->paramProductions.end(); iter++) { delete iter->second; } for (vector::iterator iter = this->neuronProductions.begin(); iter != this->neuronProductions.end(); iter++) { delete *iter; } } PrimitiveProduction* Lsystem::getPrimitiveProduction(SString name) { string sname = sstringToString(name); if (this->primitiveProductions.find(sname) == this->primitiveProductions.end()) { PrimitiveProduction *pp = new PrimitiveProduction(name); this->primitiveProductions.insert(make_pair(sname, pp)); } return this->primitiveProductions[sname]; } ParamProduction* Lsystem::getParamProduction(SString name) { string sname = sstringToString(name); if (this->paramProductions.find(sname) == this->paramProductions.end()) { ParamProduction *pp = new ParamProduction(name); this->paramProductions.insert(make_pair(sname, pp)); } return this->paramProductions[sname]; } SString Lsystem::toString() { this->removeEmptySubproductionsAndProductions(); SString result = ""; result += SString::valueOf(this->iterations) + "\n"; for (map::iterator it = this->startParams.begin(); it != this->startParams.end(); it++) { result += stringToSString(it->first) + "=" + SString::valueOf(it->second) + "\n"; } result += SString("---") + "\n"; result += stringToSString(this->firstProductionName) + "\n"; for (map::iterator prodIter = this->productions.begin(); prodIter != this->productions.end(); prodIter++) { Production *p = prodIter->second; result += p->name + "("; for (int i = 1; i <= p->parameters.size(); i++) { result += p->parameters.getParameterName(i); if (i < p->parameters.size()) { result += ","; } } result += "):"; for (int subprodIter = 0; subprodIter < p->subproductions.size(); subprodIter++) { SubProduction *sp = &(p->subproductions[subprodIter]); for (int condIter = 0; condIter < sp->conditions.size(); condIter++) { Condition *c = &(sp->conditions[condIter]); RelationType r = c->relation; SString op = (r == r_greater) ? ">" : (r == r_greaterEqual) ? ">=" : (r == r_less) ? "<" : (r == r_lessEqual) ? "<=" : (r == r_equal) ? "==" : (r == r_different) ? "!=" : ""; result += c->parameter + op + SString::valueOf(c->value); if (condIter != sp->conditions.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } if (sp->conditions.size() > 0) { result += SString("|"); } for (vector::iterator actionIter = sp->actions.begin(); actionIter != sp->actions.end(); actionIter++) { ActionStrP *a = &(*actionIter); if (a->action == NULL) { continue; } result += a->action->getF8Representation(); if (!a->action->ignoreParams) { result += SString("("); for (int paramIter = 0; paramIter < a->params.size(); paramIter++) { result += convertReversePolishNotationToNatural(a->params[paramIter]); if (paramIter != a->params.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } result += SString(")"); } } if (subprodIter != p->subproductions.size() - 1) { result += SString(":"); } } result += SString("\n"); } return result; } vector Lsystem::getAllActions(bool normal, bool primitives, bool params, bool neurons) { vector actions; if (normal) { for (map::iterator iter = this->productions.begin(); iter != this->productions.end(); iter++) { actions.push_back(iter->second); } } if (primitives) { for (map::iterator iter = this->primitiveProductions.begin(); iter != this->primitiveProductions.end(); iter++) { actions.push_back(iter->second); } } if (params) { for (map::iterator iter = this->paramProductions.begin(); iter != this->paramProductions.end(); iter++) { actions.push_back(iter->second); } } if (neurons) { for (vector::iterator iter = this->neuronProductions.begin(); iter != this->neuronProductions.end(); iter++) { actions.push_back(*iter); } } return actions; } void Lsystem::removeEmptySubproductionsAndProductions() { /* po wykonaniu moga pozostac puste subprodukcje (usuwanie wywolan do usunietych wczesniej produkcji * ale i tak znikna one przy kolejnym wywolaniu, tak wiec ilosc smieci nie powinna byc razaca */ //delete empty subproductions for (map::iterator prodIter = this->productions.begin(); prodIter != this->productions.end(); prodIter++) { vector *subproductions = &(prodIter->second->subproductions); for (vector::iterator i = subproductions->begin(); i != subproductions->end(); /*nothing*/) { if ((*i).actions.size() == 0) { i = subproductions->erase(i); } else { i++; } } } //find empty productions vector emptyProductionNames; for (map::iterator prodIter = this->productions.begin(); prodIter != this->productions.end(); prodIter++) { if (prodIter->second->subproductions.size() == 0 && sstringToString(prodIter->second->name) != this->firstProductionName) { emptyProductionNames.push_back(prodIter->second->name); } } //delete calls to empty productions for (map::iterator prodIter = this->productions.begin(); prodIter != this->productions.end(); prodIter++) { vector *subproductions = &(prodIter->second->subproductions); for (vector::iterator subProdIter = subproductions->begin(); subProdIter != subproductions->end(); subProdIter++) { SubProduction *sp = &(*subProdIter); for (vector::iterator actionIter = sp->actions.begin(); actionIter != sp->actions.end(); /*nothing*/) { bool deleted = false; if ((*actionIter).action != NULL) { vector::iterator result = find(emptyProductionNames.begin(), emptyProductionNames.end(), (*actionIter).action->name); if (result != emptyProductionNames.end()) { //emptyProductionNames contains the action name actionIter = sp->actions.erase(actionIter); deleted = true; } } if (!deleted) { actionIter++; } } } } //delete empty productions for(int i = 0; i < emptyProductionNames.size(); i++) { this->productions.erase(sstringToString(emptyProductionNames[i])); } } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Condition& c) { RelationType r = c.relation; SString op = (r == r_greater) ? ">" : (r == r_greaterEqual) ? ">=" : (r == r_less) ? "<" : (r == r_lessEqual) ? "<=" : (r == r_equal) ? "==" : (r == r_different) ? "!=" : ""; os << c.parameter << " " << op << " " << c.value; return os; } const double ParameterCollection::getValue(int position) { string name = this->parameters[position - 1]; return this->paramValues[name]; } const double ParameterCollection::getValue(SString name) { return this->paramValues[sstringToString(name)]; } const SString ParameterCollection::getParameterName(int position) { return stringToSString(this->parameters[position - 1]); } const int ParameterCollection::getParameterPosition(SString name) { for (int i = 0; i < this->parameters.size(); i++) { string &s = this->parameters[i]; if (s == sstringToString(name)) { return i + 1; } } return -1; } void ParameterCollection::setValue(int position, double value) { string name = this->parameters[position - 1]; this->paramValues[name] = value; } void ParameterCollection::setValue(SString name, double value) { this->paramValues[sstringToString(name)] = value; } void ParameterCollection::addParameter(SString name, int position, double value) { //TODO sprawdzenie czy position > 0 string sname = sstringToString(name); if (position == -1) { this->parameters.push_back(sname); this->paramValues[sname] = value; } else { this->parameters.reserve(position); this->parameters.insert(this->parameters.begin() + (position -1), sname); this->paramValues[sname] = value; } //this->paramValues[name] = value; } const int ParameterCollection::size() { return this->parameters.size(); } void ParameterCollection::removeParameter(int position) { string name = this->parameters[position - 1]; vector::iterator it = this->parameters.begin() + (position - 1); this->parameters.erase(it); this->paramValues.erase(name); } void ParameterCollection::removeParameter(SString name) { int idx = getParameterPosition(name); this->removeParameter(idx); } bool ParameterCollection::paramExist(SString name) { string sname = sstringToString(name); for (vector::iterator it = this->parameters.begin(); it != this->parameters.end(); it++) { if ((*it) == sname) { return true; } } return false; } PrimitiveProduction::PrimitiveProduction(const SString command) { this->f8command = command; this->ignoreParams = true; if (command == SString("[")) { this->f1command = SString("("); this->name = SString("_primitive production '[' => '('"); } else if (command == SString("]")) { this->f1command = SString(")"); this->name = SString("_primitive production ']' => ')'"); } else if (command == SString("^")) { this->f1command = SString(","); this->name = SString("_primitive production '^' => ','"); } else { this->f1command = command; this->name = SString("_primitive production '") + command + "'"; } } const SString PrimitiveProduction::getF1Genotype(const vector params) { #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 cout << "@@@@@ Prymityw: " << this->f1command << endl; #endif return SString(this->f1command); } const list PrimitiveProduction::getActionList(const vector param) { list l; ActionP ap; ap.action = this; ap.params = param; l.push_back(ap); return l; } const SString PrimitiveProduction::getF8Representation() { return this->f8command; } ParamProduction::ParamProduction(const SString paramName) { this->paramName = paramName; this->name = SString("_param production") + paramName; this->ignoreParams = true; } const SString ParamProduction::getF1Genotype(const vector params) { SString s = SString::valueOf(params[0]); #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 cout << "@@@@@ Param value: " << this->paramName << ": " << params[0] << endl; #endif return s; } const list ParamProduction::getActionList(const vector param) { list l; ActionP ap; ap.action = this; ap.params = param; l.push_back(ap); return l; } const SString ParamProduction::getF8Representation() { return this->paramName; } NeuronProduction::NeuronProduction(const SString body) { this->body = body; this->name = SString("_neuron production") + body; this->ignoreParams = true; } const SString NeuronProduction::getF1Genotype(const vector params) { return this->body; } const list NeuronProduction::getActionList(const vector param) { list l; ActionP ap; ap.action = this; ap.params = param; l.push_back(ap); return l; } const SString NeuronProduction::getF8Representation() { return this->body; } Production::Production() { this->ignoreParams = false; } const SString Production::getF1Genotype(const vector params) { return SString(); //return empty } const list Production::getActionList(const vector params) { list l; #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 cout << "params.size(): " << params.size() << ", this->parameters.size(): " << this->parameters.size() << endl; #endif for (int i = 0; i < params.size() && i < this->parameters.size(); i++) { this->parameters.setValue(i + 1, params[i]); } //iterate through subproductions for (vector::iterator subProdIter = this->subproductions.begin(); subProdIter != this->subproductions.end(); subProdIter++) { #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 cout << "this->subproductions.size(): " << this->subproductions.size() << endl; #endif SubProduction &sp = *subProdIter; bool conditionsOK = true; //check conditions of subproduction for (vector::iterator condIter = sp.conditions.begin(); condIter != sp.conditions.end(); condIter++) { if (conditionsOK == false) { break; //because it's no use checking further } Condition &c = *condIter; switch (c.relation) { case r_greater: if (this->parameters.getValue(c.parameter) <= c.value) { conditionsOK = false; } break; case r_greaterEqual: if (this->parameters.getValue(c.parameter) < c.value) { conditionsOK = false; } break; case r_less: if (this->parameters.getValue(c.parameter) >= c.value) { conditionsOK = false; } break; case r_lessEqual: if (this->parameters.getValue(c.parameter) > c.value) { conditionsOK = false; } break; case r_equal: if (this->parameters.getValue(c.parameter) != c.value) { conditionsOK = false; } break; case r_different: if (this->parameters.getValue(c.parameter) == c.value) { conditionsOK = false; } break; } } if (conditionsOK) { //iterate through each action in subproduction for (int i = 0; i < sp.actions.size(); i++) { #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 cout << "sp.actions.size(): " << sp.actions.size() << endl; #endif Action *action = sp.actions[i].action; vector strParams = sp.actions[i].params; vector params; //replace parameter names with values for (vector::iterator paramIter = strParams.begin(); paramIter != strParams.end(); paramIter++) { SString parameter; SString element; int pos = 0; while ((*paramIter).getNextToken(pos, element, ';')) { if (element[0] == 'n') { double val = this->parameters.getValue(element); parameter += SString::valueOf(val) + ";"; } else { parameter += element + ";"; } } params.push_back(parseExpression(parameter)); } ActionP ap; ap.action = action; ap.params = params; l.push_back(ap); } } } return l; } const SString Production::getF8Representation() { return this->name; } #define FIELDSTRUCT GenoConv_F8ToF1 static ParamEntry GENOCONVf8param_tab[]= { {"Genetics: f8: limits",1,1,}, {"f8conv_maxlen", 0, 0, "Maximal genotype length", "d 10 10000 500", FIELD(maxF1Length),"Maximal length of the resulting f1 genotype, in characters. If the f8 L-system produces longer f1 genotype, it will be considered incorrect.", }, {0,}, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT GenoConv_F8ToF1::GenoConv_F8ToF1() { name = "f8 converter"; in_format = '8'; out_format = '1'; mapsupport = 0; info = "Generative encoding"; maxF1Length = 500; par.setParamTab(GENOCONVf8param_tab); par.select(this); par.setDefault(); } vector GenoConv_F8ToF1::readProductionNames(const SString &in) { vector names; SString line; int pos = 0; bool afterFirstProd = false; //ParsingStatus status = firstLine; while (in.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 std::cout << "### Line: " << line << std::endl; #endif if (line.startsWith("P") && line.indexOf('(', 0) == -1) { afterFirstProd = true; continue; } if (!afterFirstProd) { continue; } int lParenIndex = line.indexOf('(', 0); if (line.startsWith("P") && lParenIndex != -1) { SString prodName = line.substr(0, lParenIndex); #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 std::cout << "###Production: " << prodName << std::endl; #endif names.push_back(prodName); } } return names; } bool GenoConv_F8ToF1::checkSyntax(const char *geno) { return this->parseInput(geno, NULL); } SString GenoConv_F8ToF1::convert(SString &in, MultiMap *mmap) { #if CONV_DEBUG > 0 cout << "convert() start" << endl; #endif SString dst = ""; const char* src = in; if (in.len() < 1 || !this->checkSyntax(src)) { return SString(); } Lsystem *lsystem = this->createLsystem(in); if (lsystem == NULL) { return SString(); } if (lsystem->firstProductionName.empty()) { delete lsystem; return SString(); } #if CONV_DEBUG > 0 for (map::iterator i1 = lsystem->productions.begin(); i1 != lsystem->productions.end(); i1++) { Production *p = i1->second; cout << "Production: " << p->name << endl; for (vector::iterator i2 = p->subproductions.begin(); i2 != p->subproductions.end(); i2++) { SubProduction sp = *i2; cout << "\tConditions" << endl; for (vector::iterator i3 = sp.conditions.begin(); i3 != sp.conditions.end(); i3++) { cout << "\t\t" << *i3 << endl; } cout << "\tAction : params" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < sp.actions.size(); i++) { Action *a = sp.actions[i].action; vector strParams = sp.actions[i].params; cout << "\t\t" << a->name << " : "; for (vector::iterator i4 = strParams.begin(); i4 != strParams.end(); i4++) { cout << *i4 << ", "; } cout << endl; } } } #endif #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 cout << "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" << endl; #endif //cout << "convert() 1" << endl; //set parameters for start production Production *firstProduction = lsystem->productions[lsystem->firstProductionName]; if (firstProduction==NULL) { delete lsystem; return SString(""); //should never happen because of syntax validation } vector params; params.assign(lsystem->startParams.size(), 0.0); //cout << "startParams->size: " << lsystem->startParams.size() << endl; for (map::iterator iter = lsystem->startParams.begin(); iter != lsystem->startParams.end(); iter++) { int position = firstProduction->parameters.getParameterPosition(stringToSString(iter->first)); //cout << "position of " << iter->first << ": " << position << endl; //params.insert(params.begin() + (position - 1), iter->second); //no need because the vector has required length (assign above) if (position>params.size()) { delete lsystem; return SString(""); } params[position - 1] = iter->second; } //cout << "convert() 2" << endl; ActionP ap; ap.action = firstProduction; ap.params = params; list actionList; actionList.push_back(ap); //cout << "iterations: " << lsystem->iterations << endl; for (int i = 0; i < lsystem->iterations; i++) { //cout << "convert() 2.1" << endl; list newList; for (list::iterator iter = actionList.begin(); iter != actionList.end(); iter++) { //cout << "convert() 2.1.1" << endl; Action *a = (*iter).action; vector p = (*iter).params; if (a != NULL) { list tmpList = a->getActionList(p); newList.insert(newList.end(), tmpList.begin(), tmpList.end()); } } actionList = newList; } #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 cout << "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ^ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" << endl; for (list::iterator it = actionList.begin(); it != actionList.end(); it++) { cout << (*it).action->name << "("; for (vector::iterator it2 = (*it).params.begin(); it2 != (*it).params.end(); it2++) { cout << *it2 << ", "; } cout << ")" << endl; } cout << "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ^ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" << endl; #endif for (list::iterator iter = actionList.begin(); iter != actionList.end(); iter++) { Action *a = (*iter).action; vector p = (*iter).params; if (a != NULL) { dst += a->getF1Genotype(p); if (dst.len() > maxF1Length) { delete lsystem; return SString(); //genotype becomes too long so we abort conversion } } } delete lsystem; #if CONV_DEBUG > 0 cout << "convert() end" << endl; #endif return dst; } //Lsystem* GenoConv_F8ToF1::createLsystem(const SString &in) { Lsystem* GenoConv_F8ToF1::createLsystem(SString in) { #if CONV_DEBUG > 0 cout << "createLsystem() start" << endl; #endif Lsystem *lsys = new Lsystem(); //read production names and create objects for them vector names = this->readProductionNames(in); for (vector::iterator nameIter = names.begin(); nameIter != names.end(); nameIter++) { Production *production = new Production(); production->name = *nameIter; //lsystem->productions.insert(make_pair(*nameIter, production)); lsys->productions[sstringToString(*nameIter)] = production; } #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 cout << "lsystemprodsize " << lsys->productions.size() << endl; for (map::iterator iii = lsys->productions.begin(); iii != lsys->productions.end(); iii++) { cout << "PPP '" << iii->first << "' adr " << (long) &(iii->second) << endl; } #endif const char* src = in; bool result = this->parseInput(src, lsys); if (!result) { delete lsys; return NULL; } #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 cout << "@@@@@ Parsed" << endl; cout << "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" << endl; #endif //final check for (map::iterator prodIter = lsys->productions.begin(); prodIter != lsys->productions.end(); prodIter++) { for (vector::iterator subProdIter = prodIter->second->subproductions.begin(); subProdIter != prodIter->second->subproductions.end(); subProdIter++) { SubProduction subProduction = *subProdIter; for (vector::iterator i = subProduction.actions.begin(); i != subProduction.actions.end(); /*nothing*/) { if ((*i).action == NULL) { i = subProduction.actions.erase(i); } else { i++; } } } } #if CONV_DEBUG > 0 cout << "createLsystem() end" << endl; #endif return lsys; } bool GenoConv_F8ToF1::parseInput(const char* src, Lsystem* lsys) { //initialize parser int yv; istringstream input; input.str(string(src)); ostringstream output; yyFlexLexer scanner(&input, &output); bool syntaxOk = false; void* pParser = prs::ParseAlloc(malloc, lsys, (lsys == NULL), &syntaxOk); struct prs::Token t0; //t0.strValue = ""; memset(t0.strArrValue, 0, 30); extern YYSTYPE yylval; //parse input // on EOF yylex will return 0 while((yv = scanner.yylex()) != 0) { #if CONV_DEBUG > 1 cout << " yylex() " << yv << " yylval.strVal " << yylval.strVal << endl; #endif memset(t0.strArrValue, 0, 30); sprintf(t0.strArrValue, yylval.strVal); prs::Parse (pParser, yv, t0); } prs::Parse(pParser, 0, t0); prs::ParseFree(pParser, free); return syntaxOk; } #undef CONV_DEBUG