[2] | 1 | #ifndef _GENO_f0Fuzzy_H_
| 2 | #define _GENO_f0Fuzzy_H_
| 3 |
| 4 | /// Table of probabilities - names used in project facilitate reading
| 5 |
| 6 | #define F0Fuzzy_ADDSET 0
| 7 | #define F0Fuzzy_REMSET 1
| 8 | #define F0Fuzzy_ADDRULE 2
| 9 | #define F0Fuzzy_REMRULE 3
| 10 | #define F0Fuzzy_MODRULE 4
| 11 | #define F0Fuzzy_MOD2RULE 5
| 12 | #define F0Fuzzy_COUNT 6
| 13 |
| 14 | #include "sstring.h"
| 15 | #include "geno_fx.h"
| 16 |
| 17 | class Geno_f0Fuzzy : public Geno_fx
| 18 | {
| 19 | private:
| 20 | /** Function finds number of nearest fuzzy (in list of sets) to given fuzzy set
| 21 | \param set fuzzy set to be matched
| 22 | \param sets fuzzy sets list
| 23 | \param setsNr number of fuzzy sets in list
| 24 | @return number of the nearest fuzzy set in sets list
| 25 | **/
| 26 | int nearestSet(double set[4], double sets[], int setsNr);
| 27 | /** Function changes numeration of fuzzy sets numbers in fuzzy rules string, according to transformation table.
| 28 | \param rules fuzzy rules string
| 29 | \param transTable table of fuzzy sets transformation - [old_number]=new_number
| 30 | \param nrItems number of old fuzzy sets
| 31 | @return success or failure
| 32 | **/
| 33 | int changeSetsNumeration(SString &rules, int transTable[], int nrItems);
| 34 | /** Function checks which fuzzy sets are used in rules and removed unused from fuzzy sets string, filling
| 35 | appropriate values into transformation table.
| 36 | \param sets fuzzy sets string
| 37 | \param rules fuzzy rules string
| 38 | \param setsNr number of fuzzy sets (input value: before removing, output value: after removing)
| 39 | \param transTable table of fuzzy sets transformation - [old_number]=new_number
| 40 | @return success or failure
| 41 | **/
| 42 | int removeUnusedSets(SString &sets, SString rules, int &setsNr, int transTable[]);
| 43 | /** Function checks every rule whether input or output number does not duplicace in one rule. If so, removes
| 44 | excessive input or output.
| 45 | \param rules fuzzy rules string
| 46 | \param inputsNr number of system inputs
| 47 | \param outputsNr number of system outputs
| 48 | @return success or failure
| 49 | **/
| 50 | int removeExcessiveInOut(SString &rules, int inputsNr, int outputsNr);
| 51 | /** Function checks rule-based system whether there there is no duplicate rule's premise part. If so, removes
| 52 | excessive one.
| 53 | \param rules fuzzy rules string
| 54 | \param inputsNr number of system inputs
| 55 | \param outputsNr number of system outputs
| 56 | @return success or failure
| 57 | **/
| 58 | int removeExcessiveRules(SString &rules, int setsNr, int &rulesNr);
| 59 | /** Function sorts given fuzzy sets in not decreasing rank.
| 60 | \param set fuzzy set
| 61 | @return success or failure
| 62 | **/
| 63 | int sortSet(double set[4]);
| 64 | /** Function calculates randomly new fuzzy set, using random gauss routines from rndutil.h.
| 65 | \param newSet values (4 numbers) of new fuzzy set
| 66 | @return success or failure
| 67 | **/
| 68 | int computeSet(double newSet[4]);
| 69 | /** Function conducts checkValidity od validate procedures, depending on repair parameter.
| 70 | \param geno given input genotype (if repair=true and needs to be repaired and it was possible to repair,
| 71 | also output genotype)
| 72 | \param repair flag whether repair genotype (if needed) or not
| 73 | @return success or failure
| 74 | **/
| 75 | int checkOrValidate(char *&geno, bool repair);
| 76 | /**
| 77 | Function compares fuzzy sets from two creatures and mark duplicated fuzzy sets.
| 78 | \param fuzzySets1 fuzzy sets from creature #1
| 79 | \param setsNr1 number of fuzzy sets from creature #1
| 80 | \param fuzzySets2 fuzzy sets from creature #2
| 81 | \param setsNr2 number of fuzzy sets from creature #2
| 82 | \param transTable table which remembers numbers of duplicated sets
| 83 | \param setsNr3 number of fuzzy sets from creatures #1 + #2
| 84 | @return success or failure
| 85 | **/
| 86 | int markDuplicatedSets(const double fuzzySets1[], const int setsNr1, const double fuzzySets2[], const int setsNr2, int transTable[], const int setsNr3);
| 87 | public:
| 88 |
| 89 | double probtab[F0Fuzzy_COUNT]; //table of probabilities - see #define above
| 90 | int maximumSetsNr; //total number of sets can not be greater than maximum
| 91 | int maximumRulesNr; //total number of rules can not be greater than maximum
| 92 |
| 93 | Geno_f0Fuzzy();
| 94 | char *getSimplest();
| 95 | int mutate(char *&g, float &chg,int &method);
| 96 | int crossOver(char *&g1, char *&g2, float &chg1, float &chg2);
| 97 | int checkValidity(const char *geno);
| 98 | int validate(char *&);
| 99 | };
| 100 |
| 101 | #endif
| 102 |