// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #ifndef _HMESSAGE_H_ #define _HMESSAGE_H_ #include extern const char* HMSG_LEVEL[]; #define HMSG_FORMAT "%s%s.%s: %s" #define HMSG_MULTILINE_CONTINUATION "..." void Hprintf(const char *o,const char *m,int w,const char *bl, ...); void Hprintf_va(const char *o,const char *m,int w,const char *bl,va_list va); //a different name than Hprintf - otherwise the compiler could confuse the "string" parameter with va_list and could call the wrong function void printH(const char *bl,...); //a shorthand for printf (a different name again to avoid the risk of confusion with the two functions above. This would be unlikely but possible when the argument types would match) void Hmessage(const char *o,const char *m,const char *txt,int w); void _HmessageSingleLine(const char *o,const char *m,const char *txt,int w); //don't call this directly - it is used internally #define HMLV_DEBUG -1 #define HMLV_INFO 0 #define HMLV_WARN 1 #define HMLV_ERROR 2 #define HMLV_CRITICAL 3 /* w: weight (importance) of a message -1:debugging information, not needed for final users 0: information 1: warning or corrected error 2: uncorrected error. can cause malfunction 3: serious error, causes side effects. user should save what can be saved and restart the application */ #endif