// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2023 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "Convert.h" #include #include #if defined __ANDROID__ || defined __BORLANDC__ #include //toupper, tolower #endif #ifdef SHP #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #ifndef IPHONE #include #endif int Convert::toInt(string s) { return atoi(s.c_str()); } int Convert::toInt_HexIf0x(string s) { return (s.size() > 2 && s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x') ? (int)hexToInt(s.substr(2)) : atoi(s.c_str()); } float Convert::toFloat(string s) { return (float)atof(s.c_str()); } string Convert::toLowerCase(string s) { std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower); return s; } string Convert::toUpperCase(string s) { std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::toupper); return s; } #if !defined IPHONE && !defined MACOS static string transformUTF8(string in, wint_t(*fun)(wint_t)) { static std::wstring_convert, wchar_t> converter; auto wstr = converter.from_bytes(in); for (auto it = wstr.begin(); it != wstr.end(); it++) *it = fun(*it); return converter.to_bytes(wstr); } //does not seem to work in iPhone e.g. for Polish-specific letters, or a different locale settings should be used (but pl-PL did not work properly either) - so instead implemented this using NSString function in objc-interface.mm string Convert::toLowerCaseUTF8(string s) { return transformUTF8(s, towlower); } string Convert::toUpperCaseUTF8(string s) { return transformUTF8(s, towupper); } #endif char Convert::toLowerCase(char c) { return (char)tolower(c); } char Convert::toUpperCase(char c) { return (char)toupper(c); } template const char* printf_format_for(const T& value) { return "unknown type"; } template<> const char* printf_format_for(const unsigned int& value) { return "%u"; } template<> const char* printf_format_for(const int& value) { return "%d"; } template<> const char* printf_format_for(const short& value) { return "%d"; } template<> const char* printf_format_for(const float& value) { return "%g"; } template<> const char* printf_format_for(const double& value) { return "%g"; } template string Convert::_toString(const T& value) { char buf[30]; sprintf(buf, printf_format_for(value), value); return string(buf); /* #ifndef MULTITHREADED static #endif std::ostringstream oss; //pod VS tworzenie go trwa dlugo nawet w wersji release (szczegolnie jak np konwertuje sie cos setki tysiecy razy) //dlatego robimy go raz (static) i potem tylko czyscimy //ciekawostka: kiedy nie byl static, czasy wykonania bogatego w konwersje kawałka kodu oscylowały w trybie debug //(5.5s lub 55s) a w release zawsze 57s. Po uzyciu static czas tego samego kodu jest zawsze debug: 0.72s release: 0.33s oss.clear(); //clear error flag oss.str(""); //set empty string oss << value; return oss.str(); */ } string Convert::toString(unsigned int v) { return _toString(v); } string Convert::toString(int v) { return _toString(v); } string Convert::toString(short v) { return _toString(v); } string Convert::toString(float v) { return _toString(v); } string Convert::toString(double v) { return _toString(v); } uint32_t Convert::hexToInt(const string& col) { uint32_t value; std::istringstream iss(col); iss >> std::hex >> value; return value; } #ifdef MULTITHREADED //jezeli jest tu a nie jako static w funkcji, to inicjalizacja //nastapi na samym poczatku (w nieprzewidywalnym momencie, ale nie szkodzi(?)) //gdyby byla w funkcji to teoretycznie dwa watki moglyby wejsc //do niej rownoczesnie i zaczac inicjalizacje po czym jeden korzystalby //z mutexa gdy drugi dalej by go inicjalizowal #if ! ((defined LINUX) || (defined _WIN32 && !defined __BORLANDC__ )) // only for the "borland?" cases in localtime() and asctime() below #include "threads.h" static pthread_mutex_t fix_unsafe_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #endif #endif struct tm Convert::localtime(const time_t &timep) { #ifndef MULTITHREADED return *::localtime(&timep); #else struct tm ret; #if defined LINUX // || android? return *::localtime_r(&timep, &ret); #elif defined _WIN32 && !defined __BORLANDC__ ::localtime_s(&ret, &timep); return ret; #else //borland? pthread_mutex_lock(&fix_unsafe_mutex); ret = *::localtime(&timep); pthread_mutex_unlock(&fix_unsafe_mutex); return ret; #endif #endif } string Convert::asctime(const struct tm &tm) { char *ret; #ifndef MULTITHREADED ret = ::asctime(&tm); #else //MULTITHREADED char buf[26]; #if defined LINUX // || android? ret = ::asctime_r(&tm, buf); #elif defined _WIN32 && !defined __BORLANDC__ asctime_s(buf, sizeof(buf), &tm); ret = buf; #else //borland? pthread_mutex_lock(&fix_unsafe_mutex); strcpy(buf, ::asctime(&tm)); ret = buf; pthread_mutex_unlock(&fix_unsafe_mutex); #endif #endif return string(ret, 24); //24 znaki z pominieciem ostatniego \n } string Convert::wstrToUtf8(const wchar_t *str) { if (str == NULL) return ""; string res; wchar_t *wcp = (wchar_t*)str; while (*wcp != 0) { int c = *wcp; if (c < 0x80) res += c; else if (c < 0x800) { res += 192 + c / 64; res += 128 + c % 64; } else if (c - 0xd800u < 0x800) res += ""; else if (c < 0x10000) { res += 224 + c / 4096; res += 128 + c / 64 % 64; res += 128 + c % 64; } else if (c < 0x110000) { res += 240 + c / 262144; res += 128 + c / 4096 % 64; res += 128 + c / 64 % 64; res += 128 + c % 64; } else res += ""; wcp++; } return res; } #ifdef _WIN32 wstring Convert::utf8ToUtf16(const char *str) { wstring wstr; int nOffset = 0; int nDataLen = (int)strlen(str); //ending \0 is not converted, but resize() below sets the proper length of wstr int nLenWide = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, (LPCSTR)(str + nOffset), (int)(nDataLen - nOffset), NULL, 0); wstr.resize(nLenWide); if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, (LPCSTR)(str + nOffset), (int)(nDataLen - nOffset), &wstr[0], nLenWide) != nLenWide) { //ASSERT(false); //some conversion error return wstr + L""; } return wstr; } #endif