Hi all!
New to Alife and Framsticks as of about a week ago, I find all this
completely amazing and great fun; not to mention an excellent 'use' of idle
computer time at work... ;)
It would be nice if the window positions and data columns didn't reset each
time you start it up (takes me several minutes each time I'm forced to start
over for whatever reason) and OpenGL crashes on my laptop if there are any
sticks in the world (probably the hardware/driver's fault, that) and OpenGL
simply goes banannas on my Win2000 box at work...
...but even after that, it is still one of the top 2 programs I've ever come
across on the web! (The other being Life32. And check out sodaplay.com too -
not really related, but it might give you some ideas.)
He's a thing that, from a distance, looks just a little bit like an Easter
Bunny bouncing along. If you squint. Or close your eyes....
LcMMSXrLLfsssW(lAcMiXAcFFmqqwX,rLLfXLLLaFsIX[| G :4.491,0
:-2.842]RLLAmiQ(LaCIXLCCFFmsiqWX[@ 0 :-2.509],fiQX),CCMiWXcWX)
Could use a bit more evolving to get those legs moving better, but I've got
other things to try first.
Like reading all the previous stuff on this group, for one.
See ya around,