FRED - Framsticks Visual Editor 

This section is devoted to Fred and Favi functionalities. It covers functional and non functional requirements, it contains so called "customer stories and visions" also.

In simple words we can define requirements as set of features that system should have. They can describe functions that system should provide to the user. They can also include hardware and software restrictions, and the constraints imposed on the system architecture as well.

Customer stories and visions are the informal descriptions of existing problems and lacks, and their possible solutions. They are 'first step' sources for functionalities.

Customer problems and visions
Version Status DOC Size ZIP Size
1.0 Accepted Customer problems and visions-2.XI.2001 84 KB 26 KB
Functional requirements
Version Status DOC Size ZIP Size
1.3 Accepted Functional requirements-27.I.2002 194 KB 43 KB
Non-functional requirements
Version Status DOC Size ZIP Size
1.2 Accepted Non-functional requirements-29.I.2002 91 KB 27 KB