Comparison of the tournament-based convection selection with the island model in evolutionary algorithms 
TitleComparison of the tournament-based convection selection with the island model in evolutionary algorithms
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKomosinski, M, Miazga, K
JournalJournal of Computational Science

Convection selection is an approach to multipopulational evolutionary algorithms where solutions are assigned to subpopulations based on their fitness values. Although it is known that convection selection can allow the algorithm to find better solutions than it would be possible with a standard single population, the convection approach was not yet compared to other, commonly used architectures of multipopulational evolutionary algorithms, such as the island model. In this paper we describe results of experiments which facilitate such a comparison, including extensive multi-parameter analyses. We show that approaches based on convection selection can obtain better results than the island model, especially for difficult optimization problems such as those existing in the area of evolutionary design. We also introduce and test a generalization of the convection selection which allows for adjustable overlapping of fitness ranges of subpopulations; the amount of overlapping influences the exploration vs. exploitation balance.
