Hi, I have designed a creature structure and muscles which I would like to make walk.I have played about with parameters but constantly run into issues, mainly very slow progression and the simulations seem to stop changing enough (or do I need to be ultra patient,400mil steps so far?). I have managed to set it so the body does not change but I think Iam doing something wrong with the other param's. If anyone could advise on the correct set up for my needs? Any help much appreciated!
I wanted to design an insect like creature, make it walk and then, when its mobile, teach it how to find food and finally add reproductive evolution when it can sustain itself in the world.
This is it at its current state :
((lllllX[N,in:0.921548,16:-0.195,8:0.233,8:1,6:0.148,9:1,si:2]lllllX[@,9:-6.222,p:1,p:1]LLFX[@, 24:-4.889,p:0.935][|,18:1.126], lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllX[N,s:-0.063,2:1,0:0.919,0:1,24:1.803]llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllX[|,29:1][S][@](llllllllIX[T], llllllllIX[T, r:0.999,r:0.802]), lllllX[N,16:4.454,-10:2.195,si:0.844331,24:1.676,-6:1,si:2]lllllX[|,-2:1][@,23:0.674]LLFX[@, -4:8.161, p:0.846][|,21:0.391,r:0.957,r:1], , ), X[N,6:3.564,13:-0.981,6:1,6:0.334](llllllllX[N,-7:-3.658,-1:-0.157,s:-0.086,si:3.60048,10:-3.828,-12:0.195,0:1,-8:1]lllllX[|,18:2.084][@,17:0.377]LLFX[@,-4:1][|,-12:23.737,p:0.617,r:0.986], llllllllX[N,-15:1,-12:1.729,7:0.287,0:1,-21:1]lllllX[|,-14:3.355][@,-14:10.633,p:1]LLFX[@, p:0.59,p:0.956,-3:0.479,p:1][|,-16:35.508,p:0.25], X[G]llX[N,0:4.698,7:-1.007,-11:2.88,si:-1.66946,-12:2.271,-6:-0.987,-12:1](llllllllllX[N,0:6.588,s:0.14,-22:-1.805,-13:0.124,6:1,-12:1.438,-12:1], , , , , , , , , , llllllllllX[N,fo:0.00681694,-29:0.598,-3:1.438,-23:1.022]), lllllXlllllX[|,-26:-3.13,p:0.622,r:1][@,-5:-3.02]LLFX[@][|,p:0.047,-17:25.789,p:0.25,p:0.215], llllllllX[N,-13:9.839,-8:6.289,s:-0.316,-8:2.153,-13:1,-34:-2.623,si:999,1:1]lllllX[*][|,-10:14.975][@,p:0.998,-21:-0.356]LLFX[@,p:0.963,-22:1,p:1][|,r:0.776,p:0.331]))
I initially coded the stick and rotational muscles then had it evolve neurons and connections (because I am still unfamiliar with how they work and need to be set out) could this be causing the problems?
Would it be better if the neurons were placed in any specific pattern?
Is it possible to have one neuron controlling all joints?
Here are some suggestions: I
Here are some suggestions:
Now your questions...
This should not cause any problems.
The neurons that are strongly linked should be located nearby in the genetic code, but this is not a must, it will only decrease chances of crossing over destroying neural "modules".
Yes, you just have to connect many muscles to a single output.